
WWE Main Event Report For March 9: Apollo vs. Curt Hawkins & Cruiserweight Tag Action

– Vic Joseph & Nigel McGuinness welcome everybody to the show.

Apollo w/Titus O’Neil & Dana Brooke vs. Curt Hawkins

The match begins with Hawkins jumping Apollo as the bell sounds, Apollo recovers and he nails Hawkins with a back elbow strike. Hawkins rolls out of the ring and Brooke messes with him until Apollo lands a moonsault on the arena floor, Apollo throws Hawkins in the ring and Hawkins rolls to the ring apron. Hawkins then nails Apollo face first on the top rope before landing a clothesline for a near fall, Hawkins would then stomp away on a downed Apollo before applying the chin lock. Apollo fights back and Hawkins quickly trips him up, Hawkins then hits Apollo with an elbow drop for a near fall.

Hawkins applies a modified chin lock to a downed Apollo, Hawkins misses a trip and winds up on the arena floor before Apollo nails him with a basement drop kick. Apollo gets Hawkins in the ring to land some kicks and a clothesline, Apollo catches Hawkins with an enzaguri followed by a standing moonsault for a near fall. Hawkins recovers to catch Apollo with a roll up and enzaguri for a few near falls, Apollo catches a leaping Hawkins with his finisher for the three count.

Winner: Apollo w/Titus O’Neil & Dana Brooke

– Our first Raw flashback shows Raw GM Kurt Angle making a match between himself and Ronda Rousey against Stephanie McMahon and Triple H at ‘Mania 34.

– The first Smackdown flashback shows Ruby Riott confronting Charlotte days before their encounter at WWE Fastlane.

Kalisto & Gran Metalik vs. Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese

The match begins with Daivari and Kalisto working over each others arms, Kalisto catches Daivari with a few roll ups for a few near falls. Nese tags in and Kalisto catches him with a drop kick, Kalisto then nails Nese with a knee strike and a few kicks followed by a head scissors. Kalisto would then knock Nese out of the ring with a hurricarana, Kalisto then takes out both opponents with a dive as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Metalik tagging in and cleaning house on the opposing team, Metalik nails Nese with a missile drop kick for a near fall. Kalisto then takes out Daivari with an assisted drop kick, Nese then nails Kalitso with a forearm strike.

Metalik uses a super kick to knock Nese out of the ring, Metalik then takes out both opponents with a suicide dive. Metalik catches Nese with an enzaguri followed by a top rope elbow drop for the three count.

Winners: Kalisto & Gran Metalik

– Another Raw Flashback shows Roman Reigns confront Paul Heyman about his match with WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar at WWE Wrestlemania 34.

– Our next Smackdown flashback shows how John Cena qualified for the WWE Championship Match at WWE Fastlane. That is followed by Cena talking about his road to ‘Mania 34 this past week on Raw.

– The final Smackdown flashback shows Sami Zayn winning the Fatal 5 Way Match this past week.

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