
WWE Main Event Report For January 26: Kalisto & Gran Metalik vs. TJP & Jack Gallagher, Plus Goldust In Action

– Nigel McGuinness & Vic Joseph welcome us to the show.

Goldust vs. Curt Hawkins

The match begins with Goldust dropping Hawkins with a shoulder tackle, Goldust angers Hawkins before nailing him with an inverted atomic drop. Hawkins pretends to let Goldust pin him before rolling him up for a near fall, Hawkins pops Goldust with a right before dropping him with a clothesline. Hawkins drops Goldust a second time for another near fall, Hawkins keeps Goldust down while applying a chin lock. Hawkins releases the hold to nail Goldust with a side Russian leg sweep for another near fall, Hawkins reapplies the chin lock to Goldust. Goldust gets free to catch Hawkins with a roll up from out of nowhere for a three count.

Winner: Goldust

– The Raw 25 opening video package is shown next.

– The first Raw Flashback shows Steve Austin nailing Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon with stunners after Vince bashes the crowd for the plaque that was given to him for 25 years of Raw.

– Another Raw Flashback airs and we see The Miz defeating Roman Reigns to win the WWE Intercontinental Title.

Kalisto & Gran Metalik vs. TJP & Jack Gallagher

The match begins with Metalik attacking TJP with chops and a few springboard arm drags, Gallagher tags in and he nails Metalik with a few strikes. Metalik gets to the top rope and TJP distracts him so Gallagher can crotch him as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see TJP and Kalisto get tagged in by their respective partners. Kalisto quickly cleans house on the opposing team, Kalisto gets TJP to his knees before kicking him in the head. Kalisto hits TJP with a basement hurricarana for a near fall, Gallagher interferes as Kalisto tags Metalik. Kalisto hits Gallagher with a suicide dive, Metalik hits TJP with a Metalik Driver for the three count.

Winners: Kalisto & Gran Metalik

– Smackdown highlights are shown next and we see WWE Heavyweight Champion AJ Styles battling Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn in separate matches, losing to Zayn.

– The final Raw Flashback of the night is the brawl between WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar, Braun Strwoman and Kane at the end of Raw 25.

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