
WWE Main Event Report For January 26: Alicia Fox vs. Dana Brooke & Brian Kendrick In Action

Welcome to the WWE Main Event report for January 26, your commentary team for the show consists of Tom Phillips, Austin Aries and Byron Saxton.

Brian Kendrick vs. Lince Dorado

The match begins with Kendrick nailing Dorado with a forearm strike to the back of the head, Dorado fights back by dropping Kendrick with a hurricarana and an atomic drop. Dorado goes to the top rope and he catches Kendrick with a high cross body for a near fall, Dorado knocks Kendrick out of the ring after landing another hurricarana. Dorado catches Kendrick with a slingshot hurricarana on the arena floor, Kendrick recovers by dropping Dorado on the ringside edge. Kendrick traps Dorado’s leg underneath the ring before nailing him with a drop kick, Dorado gets back in the ring and Kendrick just stomps on him.

Kendrick follows that up by planting Dorado on the top rope for a near fall, Kendrick slows things down by holding Dorado in the full Nelson. Dorado breaks free and he nails Kendrick with a springboard high cross body, Kendrick fights back and Dorado drops him with a spin kick. Dorado misses a hold before catching Kendrick with a hurricarana for another near fall, Dorado then catches Kendrick with a springboard ace crusher for a near fall. Dorado tries going to the top rope and Kendrick holds onto his leg, Dorado eventually makes it to the top before missing a shooting star press. Kendrick locks in the Captains Hook and a tap out follows.

Winner: Brian Kendrick

Our first Raw Flashback shows Roman Reigns defeating WWE United States Champion Chris Jericho by disqualification after interference from Kevin Owens. Reigns then traps Owens in the shark cage before taking his frustrations out on Jericho.

Triple H then talks about returning at and winning the 2002 WWE Royal Rumble Match.

The next Raw Flashback sees Sami Zayn defeating Seth Rollins to take his spot in the 2017 Royal Rumble Match.

Shawn Michaels then talks about winning the 1995 Royal Rumble Match.

Alicia Fox vs. Dana Brooke

The match begins with Brooke shoving Fox into the corner before taunting her, Brooke then drops Fox with a shoulder tackle before doing some push ups. Fox recovers and she drops Brooke with arm drags, Fox starts wrenching on the injured arm of Brooke. Brooke backs Fox into the corner before attacking her with a series of strikes, Fox fights back by rolling up Brooke a few times for a few near falls. Fox grabs the arm of Brooke before smashing her face on the ring mat, we return from the commercial break to see Fox attacking Brooke with a bunch of punches in the corner.

Brooke recovers and plants Fox face first on the mat below, Brooke drops Fox again before nailing her with a few knee strikes. Brooke drags Fox to the ropes before illegally choking her on the middle rope, Brooke traps Fox in the corner before stomping on her multiple times. Brooke then plants Fox with a back breaker before applying the body scissors, Brooke releases the hold and Fox nails her with some knees on a splash attempt. Fox then hits a charging Brooke with a few drop kicks and a series of kicks as well, Fox hits Brooke with a northern lights suplex for a near fall. Fox nails Brooke with the scissors kick for the three count.

Winner: Alicia Fox

The final Raw Flashback of the night shows the confrontation between Goldberg, Brock lesnar and The Undertaker.

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