
WWE Main Event Report For January 24: Cedric Alexander vs. Shelton Benjamin & Sarah Logan In Action

Sarah Logan vs. Deonna Purrazzo

The match begins with Purrazzo and Logan doing some chain wrestling, Purrazzo gets Logan in a headlock and Logan gets free to get Purrazzo in one of her own. Purrazzo gets free and Logan gets her in another headlock a short time later, Purrazzo gets free and she works over the arm of Logan until Logan gets to the ropes. Purrazzo then nails Logan with a running knee lift followed by a side Russian leg sweep, Logan escapes an arm bar attempt and Purrazzo keeps hunting for it. Logan eventually drops Purrazzo after landing a headbutt, Logan gets Purrazzo in the corner while landing some shoulder thrusts. Logan keeps Purrazzo down while applying a modified chin lock, Purrazzo gets free and Logan nails her with a drop kick for a near fall. Logan then uses a basement drop kick to knock Purrazzo out of the ring, Logan gets Purrazzo back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Logan stands over a downed Purrazzo while landing more strikes, Purrazzo starts fighting back and she nails Logan with strikes of her own.

Purrazzo then hits Logan with a hip toss followed by a basement drop kick, Purrazzo then hits Logan with a bicycle kick for a near fall. Logan recovers and she nails Purrazzo with a chop block before sending her into the middle rope, Logan then hits Purrazzo with a knee strike for a three count.

Winner: Sarah Logan

– Highlights are shown of the Roman Reigns vs. Robert Roode Tables Match from two weeks ago on Smackdown.

– Highlights are shown of Seth Rollins & Buddy Murphy defeating The Viking Raiders on this past weeks Raw to win the Raw Tag Team Championships.

Shelton Benjamin vs. Cedric Alexander

The match begins with Benjamin dropping Alexander before applying a front headlock, Benjamin then focuses on the arm of Alexander. Alexander gets free and he briefly gets Benjamin in a headlock, Benjamin gets free and he nails Alexander with a forearm strike. Alexander fights back and he nails Benjamin with a drop kick followed by a head scissors takedown, Alexander then hits Benjamin with an enziguri. Alexander goes to the top rope and Benjamin gets him down with a belly to belly suplex for a near fall, Benjamin holds Alexander down while applying a chin lock. Benjamin releases the hold and he drops Alexander with a hard Irish whip into the corner, Alexander fights back and Benjamin nails him with a spin kick for a near fall. Benjamin follows that up by nailing Alexander with a suplex as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Benjamin drop Alexander with a back elbow strike. Benjamin follows up by nailing Alexander with a slam followed by a knee drop, Benjamin slows things down more by getting Alexander in a chin lock.

Alexander gets free after nailing Benjamin with a jaw breaker, Alexander starts attacking Benjamin with strikes to drop him a few times. Alexander corners Benjamin before landing multiple clotheslines, Alexander then drops Benjamin before landing a basement drop kick. Benjamin goes to the ring apron and Alexander knocks him to the arena floor before landing multiple suicide dives, Benjamin recovers and he nails a leaping Alexander with a knee strike to prevent a third suicide dive. Benjamin goes for Pay Dirt and Alexander rolls him up for a near fall, Benjamin avoids a Neuralizer to hit Alexander with a power bomb followed by an ankle lock. Alexander rolls through before nailing Benjamin with a side kick followed by a tornado DDT, Alexander then hits Benjamin with a Neuralizer for a three count.

Winner: Cedric Alexander

– Highlights are shown of the Team Hell No reunion from two weeks ago on Smackdown.

– Highlights are shown of Bobby Lashley & Lana defeating Rusev & Liv Morgan from last weeks Raw.

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