
WWE Main Event Report For February 3: The New Day vs. Titus O’Neil/The Shining Stars & Sin Cara In Action

Welcome to the WWE Main Event for February 3, your commentary team for the evening will be Tom Phillips, Austin Aries and Byron Saxton.

Sin Cara vs. Bo Dallas

The match begins with Cara taking down Dallas with a few arm drags, Dallas places Cara on the middle rope and Cara dives off to catch him with another arm drag. Cara gets caught up in the ropes and Dallas catches him with a knee strike to the face, Dallas then catches Cara with a rope assisted neck breaker for a near fall. Dallas gets angry and he nails Cara with a series of knee drops before applying the chin lock, Dallas releases the hold to hit Cara with another knee drop for a near fall. Dallas reapplies the chin lock to a downed Cara, Cara breaks free and he knocks Dallas out of the ring with a back elbow strike.

Cara then hits Dallas with a suicide dive that sends both crashing to the arena floor, Cara brings Dallas back into the ring to catch him with a springboard cross body followed by a springboard elbow strike. Cara then hits Dallas with a springboard elbow strike for a near fall, Cara hits Dallas with a fireman’s slam before going to the top rope. Cara catches Dallas with a swanton bomb for the three count.

Winner: Sin Cara

The first Raw Flashback of the night airs, we see Roman Reigns interfere in the WWE Universal Title Match between champion Kevin Owens and Braun Strowman.

Another Raw Flashback airs next, we see Paul Heyman, on behalf of Brock Lesnar, challenge Goldberg to one more match at WWE Wrestlemania 33.

The New Day (Big E, Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) vs. Titus O’Neil & The Shining Stars (Primo & Epico)

The match begins with Woods locking Epico in a headlock, Woods then takes down Epico with a head scissors and a palm strike for the near fall. Kingston tags in and he kicks a seated Epico in the face, The New Day nail Epico with a series of triple team moves as Big E gets the tag. Big E locks Epico in the abdominal stretch the rest of their opponents interfere in the match, The New Day lock all of their opponents in abdominal stretches at the same time. The New Day then knock all of their opponents to the arena floor as we go to commercial.

We return from the commercial break as Woods is working over the arm of Epico, Epico fights back as Titus makes a blind tag. Titus grabs Woods and he catches him with a back suplex, Titus traps Woods in the ropes while nailing him with a series of forearm strikes. Titus catches Woods with a slam to get the near fall, Primo tags in and he catches Woods with a slingshot splash for a near fall. Primo slows things down by wrenching on the arm of Woods, Epico tags in and he teams with Primo to kick away at Woods. Epico then locks Woods in the chin lock to slow things down again, Woods fights back and Epico traps him in the corner before tagging Titus in.

Titus knocks Woods out of the ring after assaulting him with chops, Titus brings Woods back in the ring to get a two count on a pin attempt. Woods recovers to drop Titus with an enzaguri before tagging Kingston into the match, Kingston quickly starts cleaning house on all the members of the opposing team. Kingston then drops Primo with a flying clothesline that’s followed by a Boom Drop, Kingston catches Epico with a SOS for the near fall. Primo interferes and Woods catches him with a shining wizard, Epico then hits Woods with a back stabber.Big E tags in and he catches Epico with the Midnight Hour for the three count.

Winners: The New Day (Big E, Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods)

The final Raw Flashback shows Seth Rollins confronting Triple H, only to be violently attacked by the debuting Samoa Joe.

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