
WWE Main Event Report For February 14: The OC vs. Curt Hawkins/Zack Ryder, Plus No Way Jose Competes

No Way Jose vs. Eric Young

The match begins with Young getting Jose in a headlock, Jose gets free and he gets Young in a headlock of his own. Young gets free and Jose drops him with a shoulder tackle, Jose then hits Young with an arm drag followed by an airplane spin into a flapjack. Jose goes to the top rope and Young attacks him before meeting him up there, Young knocks Jose off the ropes and the conga line catches him. Young then leaps off the top rope to take out Jose and the conga line, Young gets Jose back in the ring before landing a top rope elbow drop for a near fall. Young then grabs Jose before choking him on the middle rope, Young holds Jose down while twisting away on his head. Young goes for a chin lock and Jose eventually gets free before nailing Young with some clotheslines, Jose then hits Young with a hip toss. Jose follows up by hitting Young with an avalanche, Young misses a top rope dive and Jose nails him with a pop up punch for a three count.

Winner: No Way Jose

– Highlights are shown of Goldberg challenging Bray Wyatt for the WWE Universal Title at WWE Super ShowDown.

– Highlights are shown of Becky Lynch defending the Raw Women’s Championship against Asuka, followed by Lynch getting attacked by Shayna Baszler.

The OC (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) vs. Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins

The match begins with Gallows shoving Ryder to the mat below, Ryder gets Gallows in a headlock and Gallows gets free before landing a shoulder block. Ryder recovers and he nails Gallows with a face buster, Hawkins tags in and he double teams Gallows with Ryder for a near fall. Gallows recovers and he nails Hawkins with a few strikes, Gallows corners Hawkins before tagging Anderson into the match. Anderson decides to stomp away on the downed Hawkins, Hawkins recovers and he nails Anderson with a slam followed by an elbow drop. Gallows distracts Hawkins and Anderson knocks him to the arena floor as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Gallows nailing Hawkins with multiple elbow drops for a near fall. Gallows keeps Hawkins down while applying a chin lock, Gallows releases the hold before landing a bunch of strikes.

Anderson tags in and he stomps away on a downed Hawkins, Anderson holds Hawkins down while applying multiple chin locks. Anderson corners Hawkins before landing a jumping head kick for a near fall, Gallows tags back in and he nails Hawkins with a suplex for a near fall. Gallows keeps Hawkins down while applying a chin lock, Hawkins gets free and he nails Gallows with an overhead kick. Anderson and Ryder are tagged in by their respective partners, Ryder quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Ryder hits Anderson with the Broski Boot for a near fall, Anderson recovers to throw Ryder into Hawkins before landing a spine buster. Gallows tags in and The OC hit Ryder with the Magic Killer for a three count.

Winners: The OC (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)

– Highlights are shown of Seth Rollins, Murphy & AOP defeating Kevin Owens, Samoa Joe & The Viking Raiders.

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