
WWE Main Event Report For December 15: Tons Of Holiday Highlights

Welcome to this weeks edition of WWE Main Event, this weeks edition of the show will be taking place in the WWE Studios and your host is Cathy Kelley.

Our first Raw Flashback of the show features Brian Kendrick defeating TJ Perkins.

The first Holiday Flashback shows Kane giving Daniel Bryan a Christmas gift, which turns out to be a Slammy Award, Bryan then gives Kane a dog for Christmas and Bryan takes him back after Kane threatens to eat it.

The next Holiday Flashback takes us back to the time Roddy Piper played Scrooge in the WWE’s version of A Christmas Carol.

Another Raw Flashback airs and it is a video highlighting the rivalry between Sasha Banks and Charlotte.

More Holiday Flashback memories are next, this time we see The Rock perform his version of the 12 Days Of Christmas on WWE Smackdown.

Up next is another Holiday Flashback, in which we see Alberto Del Rio accidentally hit Santa Clause with his car on WWE Raw.

Holiday Flashbacks continue as Bobby “The Brain” Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon exchange gifts on WWE Prime Time.

We travel back to WWE Raw for the next Holiday Flashback as “Stone Cold” Steve Austin gives Santa Clause a Stone Cold Stunner.

The show ends with the final Raw Flashback of the show features The New Day winning a pair of triple threat matches to become the longest reigning WWE Tag Team Champions of all time.

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