
WWE Main Event Report For 5/22/20: Ricochet vs. Shane Thorne & Jinder Mahal In Action

Jinder Mahal vs. Akira Tozawa

The match begins with Mahal nailing Tozawa with a slam, Tozawa fights back and he cracks Mahal with a bunch of strikes. Tozawa then nails Mahal with a spinning head kick, Mahal fights back and he kicks a charging Tozawa in the face. Mahal stands over Tozawa while landing some strikes and a knee drop for a near fall, Mahal keeps Tozawa down while applying a modified camel clutch. Mahal then chokes Tozawa along the middle rope before landing more knee drops, Mahal corners Tozawa before choking him. Mahal keeps Tozawa down while holding him in a bulldog choke, Tozawa gets free and Mahal nails him with a suplex. Mahal keeps Tozawa down while landing multiple knee drops to the back, Mahal then holds Tozawa in a modified chin lock. Tozawa gets free and Mahal shoves him to the mat below, Mahal follows up on that by nailing Tozawa with a slam. Mahal reapplies the modified chin lock to a downed Tozawa, Tozawa gets free and he nails Mahal with a hurricarana. Tozawa then nails Mahal with a running knee strike, Tozawa goes to the top rope and he nails Mahal with a missile drop kick for a near fall. Mahal recovers and he drops Tozawa with a hard Irish whip into the corner, Mahal then hits Tozawa with his finisher for a three count.

Winner: Jinder Mahal​​​​​​​

– Highlights are shown of Braun Strowman & Otis defeating The Miz & John Morrison on Smackdown.

– Highlights are shown of Edge and Randy Orton’s confrontation on WWE Raw.

Ricochet w/Cedric Alexander vs. Shane Thorne w/Brendan Vink​​​​​​​

The match begins with Thorne backing Ricochet into the ropes before letting him go free, Ricochet quickly gets Thorne in a headlock before working over his arm. Thorne gets free and he works over the arm of Ricochet, Ricochet gets free and Thorne gets him in a headlock. Ricochet gets free and he goes back to work on the arm of Thorne, Ricochet catches Thorne in a roll up for a near fall. Thorne backs Ricochet into the ropes and Ricochet nails him with some strikes, Ricochet leaves the ring while tripping up Thorne. Ricochet then hits Thorne with a rope assisted splash for a near fall, Ricochet goes to the middle rope and Thorne trips him up. Thorne then hits Ricochet with a cannonball as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Thorne holding Ricochet in a head twist. Ricochet gets free and Thorne drops him before kicking him in the back, Thorne keeps Ricochet down while stomping away on him. Ricochet fights back and Thorne nails him with a leg lariat for a near fall, Thorne holds Ricochet down while pulling back on his head and leg.

Ricochet eventually gets to the ropes and Thorne attacks him with more strikes, Thorne keeps Ricochet down while applying a chin lock. Ricochet gets free and he nails Thorne with a rolling drop kick, Ricochet then cracks Thorne with a series of strikes. Ricochet also nails Thorne with a springboard cross body block, Ricochet then hits Thorne with a tiger fin kick and a springboard clothesline. Ricochet follows up by nailing Thorne with a standing shooting star press for a near fall, Ricochet looks for the Benadriller and Thorne escapes to land a knee strike. Thorne then hits Ricochet with a pop up Saito Suplex for a near fall, Thorne goes to the middle rope and Ricochet gets him down with a hurricarana. Ricochet then hits Thorne with a jumping axe kick and the Kickback for a three count.

Winner: Ricochet w/Cedric Alexander

– Highlights are shown of Drew McIntyre vs. King Corbin on WWE Raw.

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