
WWE Main Event Report For 1/3/20: No Way Jose vs. Mojo Rawley & Chelsea Green In Action

Chelsea Green vs. Sarah Logan

The match begins with Green working over the arm of Logan before briefly applying a headlock, Logan scores a takedown on Green before wrenching away on her arm. Green fights back and she nails Logan with a few strikes, Logan catches a leaping Green and she dumps her on the arena floor. Green keeps trying to get back in the ring and Logan keeps knocking her to the arena floor, Green gets back in the ring and Logan nails her with a headbutt. Logan then uses a drop kick to knock Green back out of the ring, Logan follows Green out of the ring to throw her into the barricade. Green fights back and she sends Logan into the ring apron, Logan gets back in the ring and Green nails her with a missile drop kick for a near fall. Green keeps Logan down while applying a camel clutch, Green releases the hold to nail Logan with a drop kick. Logan fights back and Green sends her into the middle turnbuckle, Green then nails Logan with a curb stomp into the bottom turnbuckle for a near fall.

Logan fights back again and she drops Green with a few strikes, Logan then nails a downed Green with a knee strike. Logan then hits Green with a German suplex for a near fall, Logan follows that up by nailing Green with a running double knee strike for a near fall. Green recovers and she sends Logan into the corner before landing the I’m Prettier for a three count.

Winner: Chelsea Green

– Highlights are shown of Daniel Bryan becoming the #1 Contender to the WWE Universal Championship.

– Highlights are shown of Kevin Owens and Samoa Joe uniting to battle Seth Rollins and AOP.

No Way Jose vs. Mojo Rawley

The match begins with Jose cracking a trash talking Rawley with a plethora of strikes, Rawley fights back and he nails Jose with strikes of his own. Jose recovers and he sends Rawley into the corner a few times, Rawley fights back again and he drops Jose with a shoulder tackle. Jose recovers to knock Rawley out of the ring after landing a drop kick as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Jose nailing Rawley with more strikes. Jose traps Rawley in the corner while landing more blows, Rawley recovers and he drops Jose on the top rope before landing a flapjack. Rawley mounts Jose before attacking him with a ton of strikes, Rawley then hits Jose with a gut wrench suplex for a near fall. Rawley holds Jose down while applying a reverse bear hug, Rawley drops Jose again before getting a near fall on a pin attempt. Rawley reapplies the reverse bear hug to a downed Jose, Jose gets free and he drops Rawley with a roaring elbow strike.

Jose follows that up by nailing Rawley with an avalanche before knocking him out of the ring with a hip toss, Jose then nails Rawley with a dive before getting him back in the ring. Jose goes to the top rope to land a high cross body for a near fall, Rawley recovers and he nails Jose with the pounce. Rawley misses a charge in the corner and Jose rolls him up for a near fall, Jose then hits Rawley with a back stabber for a near fall. Jose goes back to the top rope and Rawley knocks him off, Rawley then hits Jose with Lights Out for a three count.

Winner: Mojo Rawley

– Highlights are shown from the Bobby Lashley/Lana wedding from this past weeks Raw.

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