
WWE Main Event Report For 12/13/2019: Ricochet vs. Cedric Alexander & Eric Young In Action

No Way Jose vs. Eric Young

The match begins with Jose sending a charging Young into the corner before wrenching away on his arm, Jose then gets Young in a headlock. Young gets free and Jose drops him with a shoulder tackle, Jose follows that up by catching Young in an airplane spin. Jose then hits Young with a press slam for a near fall, Jose corners Young again while landing a few strikes. Young fights back and he knocks Jose to the ring apron before dropping him neck first on the top rope, Jose gets caught by the conga line and Young takes everybody out with a dive. Young gets Jose into the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt, Young corners Jose before attacking him with a few strikes. Young climbs the ropes before getting Jose in a hanging dragon sleeper, Young drops Jose and then nails him with a missle rope forearm strike. Young gets angry and he stomps away on a downed Jose, Young slows things down further by holding Jose in a chin lock. Jose fights his way free and he drops Young with some clotheslines, Jose then nails Young with a back body drop.

Jose follows up by nailing Young with an avalanche and back stabber for a near fall, Jose goes to the middle rope and Young trips him up. Young then hits Jose with a wheelbarrow neck breaker for a three count.

Winner: Eric Young

– Highlights are shown of the feud between The Fiend and Bray Wyatt.

– Highlights are shown of Miz TV from this past weeks WWE Smackdown, where The Miz addresses The Fiend’s recent attack on Daniel Bryan. Bray Wyatt eventually messes with The Miz’s family before attacking The Miz backstage.

– Highlights are shown of Kevin Owens hunting AOP last week on Raw, only to be attacked by AOP and Seth Rollins, followed by Rollins addressing the WWE Universe to explain his actions.

– Highlights are shown from The Kabuki Warriors versus Becky Lynch from Raw and what lead to Lynch and Charlotte Flair agreeing to face The Kabuki Warriors at WWE TLC.

Ricochet vs. Cedric Alexander

The match begins with Alexander doing some work on the arm of Ricochet, Ricochet gets free and he rolls up Alexander for a quick pin attempt. Ricochet and Alexander also take turns working over each others arm, Ricochet and Alexander go through a series of counters and neither gain an advantage. Ricochet goes back to work on the arm of Alexander until Alexander attacks him with chops, Ricochet fights back and he exchanges head kicks with Alexander. Alexander ends the exchange by leveling Ricochet with a drop kick as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Ricochet nailing Alexander with a springboard clothesline followed by a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Alexander goes to the ring apron and he battles Ricochet until Alexander drops him, Alexander gets Ricochet in the ring and he nails him with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Alexander goes for the Lumbar Check and Ricochet escapes, Alexander then goes for a Neuralizer and Ricochet counters with a super kick. Ricochet then hits Alexander with a Recoil for a three count.

Winner: Ricochet

– Highlights are shown from the Lana/Rusev divorce from this past week on WWE Raw.

– Highlights are shown of Roman Reigns taking out Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode from two weeks ago on WWE Smackdown, followed by King Corbin, Ziggler and other cronies attacking Reigns a week later and feeding him dog food as he was cuffed to the ring post.

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