
WWE Main Event Report For 10/4/2019: The Lucha House Party vs. Eric Young & EC3 Headlines

Mojo Rawley vs. No Way Jose

The match begins with Rawley backing Jose into the corner before letting him go free, Rawley shoves Jose to the ground before hiding in the ropes. Jose gets angry and he nails Rawley with a drop kick followed by a hip toss, Jose then uses a clothesline to knock Rawley out of the ring. Jose follows Rawley out of the ring and he gets him back in the ring, Rawley then hits Jose with a jaw breaker followed by a pounce for a near fall. Rawley kneels over Jose while attacking him with strikes, Rawley then chokes Jose on the middle rope. Rawley keeps Jose trapped in the corner while landing a few strikes, Rawley follows that up by nailing Jose with a clothesline for a near fall. Rawley slows things down further by holding Jose in a modified chin lock, Rawley taunts the crowd before causing Jose to miss a drop kick. Jose fights back and he drops Rawley with a forearm strike, Jose then nails Rawley with an avalanche. Rawley fights back and Jose drops him with a clothesline, Jose goes to the top rope and he nails Rawley with a high cross body for a near fall.

Rawley looks for an Alabama slam and Rawley rolls him up for a near fall, Rawley then drops Jose on the top turnbuckle before landing a Lights Out for a three count.

Winner: Mojo Rawley

– The first Raw Flashback shows Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair appearing on Miz TV, which ends with both being named coaches for a match at WWE Crown Jewel 2019. We then see Seth Rollins and Randy Orton being named captains of each team, followed by the addition of Rusev to Team Hogan and King Corbin to Team Flair.

– The next Raw Flashback shows Sasha Banks defeating Alexa Bliss and then having a post-match brawl with Becky Lynch.

– The next Raw Flashback shows Brock Lesnar destroy Rey and Dominick Mysterio.

The Lucha House Party (Lince Dorado & Gran Metalik) w/Kalisto vs. EC3 & Eric Young

The match begins with Young attacking Dorado with a few strikes, Young starts focusing his attack on the arm of Dorado. Dorado fights back and he nails Young with a rana followed by a standing moonsault for a near fall, Metalik tags in and he drops Young with a kick to the face. Metalik and Dorado nail Young with some splashes for a near fall, Dorado tags in and he nails the arm of Young with a top rope axe handle smash. Dorado then knocks both opponents to the arena floor, Metalik and Dorado nail Young and EC3 with drop kicks as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Young knock Dorado to the arena floor after an EC3 distraction, EC3 tags in and stomps away on Dorado. EC3 then nails Dorado with a suplex before tagging Young back in, Young slams Dorado before applying a chin lock. Dorado fights back and Young nails him with another slam, Young goes to the top rope and he misses a moonsault attempt.

EC3 tags in and he eats an enzaguri from Dorado, Metalik tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Metalik nails EC3 with a bulldog followed by a missile drop kick for a near fall, Young then accidentally hits EC3 with a top rope elbow drop. Metalik and Dorado clear the ring before taking their opponents out with a dive, Dorado tags in and he nails EC3 with a shooting star press for a three count.

Winners: The Lucha House Party (Lince Dorado & Gran Metalik) w/Kalisto

– The final Raw Flashback shows Seth Rollins defending the WWE Universal Title against Rusev, which is marred by interference from Bobby Lashley, Lana and The Fiend.

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