
WWE Main Event Recap For 2/7/2020: Cedric Alexander vs. Shelton Benjamin & The OC In Action

The OC (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) vs. Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins

The match begins with Hawkins briefly getting Gallows in a headlock, Gallows then drops Hawkins with a shoulder tackle. Hawkins recovers and he nails Gallows with a few strikes, Ryder tags in and he double teams Gallows with Hawkins. Anderson gets Gallows out of the ring and Ryder nails them both with a drop kick, Ryder tries getting back in the ring and Gallows knocks him to the arena floor with a kick after a distraction from Anderson. Gallows corners Ryder before landing a series of strikes, Anderson tags in and he rips away at the face of Ryder. Anderson holds Ryder down while applying a chin lock to him, Ryder gets free and Anderson nails him with a back elbow strike for a near fall. Gallows tags in and he nails Ryder with a suplex followed by an elbow drop for a near fall, Gallows holds Ryder down while landing elbow strikes and applying a chin lock. Ryder fights back and he nails Gallows with a missile drop kick from the middle rope, Hawkins and Anderson are tagged in by their respective partners.

Hawkins quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Hawkins nails Anderson with a running forearm strike and Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Gallows interferes and Ryder knocks him out of the ring, Ryder misses a dive and Gallows throws him into the barricade. Anderson then hits a distracted Hawkins with a spine buster, Gallows tags in and The OC hit Hawkins with a Magic Killer for a three count.

Winners: The OC (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)

– Highlights are shown from the Loser Eats Dog Food Match on Smackdown between Roman Reigns/The Usos and King Corbin/Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode.

– Highlights are shown of Rhea Ripley challenging Charlotte Flair for ‘Mania 36.

Cedric Alexander vs. Shelton Benjamin

The match begins with Benjamin attacking Alexander with a knee strike followed by a back suplex, Benjamin corners Alexander while landing a few strikes. Alexander fights back and he attacks Benjamin with strikes of his own, Benjamin recovers and he nails a charging Alexander with multiple back body drops. Alexander fights back again and Benjamin kicks him in the midsection while he was upside down for a near fall, Benjamin drops Alexander before applying a chin lock. Alexander gets free and he cracks Benjamin with a few strikes before getting dropped with a forearm strike, Alexander gets up and he nails a charging Benjamin with a drop kick. Alexander goes for a springboard move and Benjamin knocks him to the arena floor with a head kick as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Benjamin nailing Alexander with a series of slams for a near fall. Benjamin keeps Alexander grounded while applying another chin lock, Alexander gets free and he nails Benjamin with a combination.

Alexander follows up by nailing Benjamin with a running drop kick and a few corner clotheslines, Alexander then drops Benjamin before landing a basement drop kick. Benjamin avoids a Neuralizer to kick Alexander in the face for a near fall, Alexander recovers and he gets Benjamin to the ring apron. Benjamin winds up climbing to the top rope and Alexander gets him down with a one man Spanish fly for a near fall, Benjamin fights back and he catches Alexander in a roll up for a near fall. Alexander then nails Benjamin with a Neuralizer for a three count.

Winner: Cedric Alexander

– Highlights are shown of Randy Orton refusing to provide an explanation for his attack on Edge.

– Highlights are shown of Ricochet earning a WWE Championship shot against Brock Lesnar for WWE Super ShowDown.

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