
WWE Hell In A Cell 2022 – WWE United States Title – Theory vs. Mustafa Ali Result

No hometown glory for Mustafa Ali. 

Ali represented Chicago at WWE Hell in a Cell, and with his friends and family in attendance, he failed to capture the WWE United States Championship from Theory. 

Ali missed a 450 Splash from the top rope, which was the beginning of the end for the challenger. Theory attacked the leg of Ali and then lifted him up for the ATL to pick up the victory. 

From Fightful’s Coverage: 

Theory (C) vs. Mustafa Ali — United States Championship

Ali applies a waistlock to start. Ali slams Theory to the mat and goes up top, Theory rolls to the outside but Ali wallops him with a cross body anyway. Theory sends Ali into the ring post then back into the ring and unloads a bunch of strikes. Ali goes up top and Theory dumps him to the outside belly first in a scary looking spot. Theory sends Ali back in the ring and plants him with a back-body drop and looks for the cover but Ali kicks out. Ali nails Theory with a spinning back kick and a cross body, Theory sends Ali to the corner but Ali kicks him back and drills him with a superkick.

Ali goes up top but Theory jumps to the top rope and slams him to the mat and goes for the cover but Ali kicks out, Theory goes for another cover but Ali, again, kicks out. Theory goes for the ATL, Ali rolls out and applies a headlock but Theory rolls to the bottom rope and grabs it to force the break. Ali plants Theory with a tornado DDT then goes up and goes for the 450 splash but Theory rolls out and cracks Ali in the back of the left knee with a sliding elbow. Theory lifts and plants Ali with the ATL for the 1-2-3!

Winner – Theory (STILL United States Champion)

Fans can check out Fightful’s coverage of WWE Hell in a Cell by clicking here. Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of all the action by clicking here

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