
WWE Hell In A Cell 2019 Results: 2 Cell Matches, 4 Titles Matches & A Horrible Ending

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Hell In A Cell 2019. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

WWE Universal Championship
Hell In A Cell

Seth Rollins (c) fought ‘The Fiend’ Bray Wyatt to a no contest

WWE Raw Women’s Championship
Hell In A Cell

Becky Lynch def. Sasha Banks to retain the title

WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship
Charlotte Flair def. Bayley to retain the title

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships
The Kabuki Warriors (Asuka & Kairi Sane) def. Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross to win the titles

Tornado Tag Match
Roman Reigns & Daniel Bryan def. Luke Harper & Erick Rowan

Braun Strowman & The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) def. The OC (AJ Styles, Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) by DQ

Chad Gable def. King Corbin

Randy Orton def. Ali

Natalya def. Lacey Evans

– The panel for the kickoff show consists of The Coach, Booker T, Charly Caruso and Sam Roberts.

– The panel talks about the dangers of competing in a Hell In A Cell Match before going over tonight’s card.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch, followed by analysis from the panel.

– The panel interviews Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross, Bliss questions what the Kabuki Warriors have done to earn a title shot. Cross says that the Kabuki Warriors defeated Fire & Desire to earn a shot, which Bliss disagrees with. Cross talks about all of Bliss’ individual accomplishments, Bliss still says that the Kabuki Warriors haven’t proven anything.

– Kayla Braxton interviews Charlotte Flair, who calls her loss at WWE Clash Of Champions old news before saying Bayley being tough is just an act, Flair then says she will win the Smackdown Women’s Championship tonight. The panel then discusses the Smackdown Women’s Championship match taking place tonight.

Natalya vs. Lacey Evans

The match begins with Natalya taking Evans down with a headlock, Evans gets free and she gets Natalya in a head scissors for a short time. Evans kicks Natalya in the midsection before working over her arm, Natalya gets free and takes Evans down with an arm drag. Natalya takes Evans down and Evans reverses her before working over her arm again, Natalya gets up and Evans takes her back down with a headlock. Natalya gets free and Evans drops her with a shoulder tackle, Natalya avoids a charging Evans and Evans gets her in a headlock takedown. Natalya rolls for an arm bar and Evans gets to the ropes, Natalya looks for the sharp shooter and Evans gets to the ropes. Evans rolls out of the ring and she attacks Natalya when she follows her out there, Evans then throws Natalya into the ring steps. Evans places Natalya’s leg on the ring steps before stomping away on it, Evans gets Natalya in the ring before choking her with the ring skirt. Evans goes back to attacking the injured leg of Natalya, Evans also chokes Natalya on the bottom rope before landing a slingshot elbow drop.

Evans goes back to working over the injured leg of Natalya, Evans corners Natalya before stomping away on her. Evans follows that up by nailing Natalya with a bronco buster for a near fall, Evans keeps Natalya down while applying a modified STF. Evans releases the hold to smash the knee of Natalya on the mat below, Evans then hits Natalya with a basement drop kick for a near fall. Evans keeps Natalya down while applying a modified chin lock, Natalya gets free and Evans shoves her to the mat below. Evans looks for a sharp shooter and Natalya fights her way free, Evans drops Natalya again before attacking the injured knee. Evans looks for another sharp shooter and Natalya knocks her out of the ring, Evans gets back in the ring and she stomps away on Natalya. Evans goes for another bronco buster and Natalya blocks it, Evans recovers and drops Natalya with a sharp shooter. Evans goes to the top rope and she misses a moonsault attempt, Natalya locks in a sharp shooter and Evans tap out.

Winner: Natalya

After the match, Natalya drops Lacey Evans with a right.

– Highlights are shown from the Smackdown debut on Fox, followed by some thoughts from the panel.

– Sarah Schreiber interviews Ali, who says that he has taken a few steps back recently and it has been frustrating. Ali says he will not stay down and find some momentum, Randy Orton interrupts and he reminds Ali who stopped his momentum. Ali challenges Orton to a match tonight and Orton accepts.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Roman Reigns/Daniel Bryan and Erick Rowan/Luke Harper. Kayla Braxton interviews Rowan afterwards, Rowan downplays losing to Reigns on Smackdown, but Rowan says he will win the war with Harper.

– A video package airs showing what went down on Smackdown between Tyson Fury and Braun Strowman.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Seth Rollins and The Fiend, followed by some analysis from the panel.

WWE Raw Women’s Championship
Hell In A Cell
Becky Lynch (c) vs. Sasha Banks

The match begins with Banks attacking Lynch before the cell was lowered, Banks throws Lynch into the cell wall before dragging her out of the cell. Banks then suplexes Lynch on the entrance ramp, Banks follows that up by throwing Lynch into the barricade and cell wall. Banks gets in the ring and she celebrates while waiting for Lynch, Lynch recovers and she kicks the cage door into Banks’ face. Lynch gets in the cell and she gets Banks in the ring after landing some strikes, Lynch grabs a chain and she attacks Banks with it. Lynch uses a drop kick to knock Banks out of the ring, Banks tries leaving the cell and Lynch throws her into the cell wall. Lynch drops Banks before chaining the cell door shut, Banks fights back and she throws Lynch into the cell wall before landing a bunch of strikes. Lynch recovers and she throws Banks into the ring steps, Lynch finds a table and she gets it in the ring. Lynch also finds a ladder just as Banks attacks her with a chair, Banks grabs the ladder and she leans it on the cell wall. Lynch grabs the chair and she attacks Banks with it, Lynch gets Banks and the chair in the ring.

Banks catches Lynch in a few roll ups for a few near falls, Lynch recovers and she smashes Banks face first into the chair. Banks fights back and she kicks Lynch in the face before landing a basement drop kick, Banks grabs the chair and Lynch avoids the shots. Lynch then nails Banks with a Backsploder onto the chair, Banks leaves the ring and Lynch nails her with multiple basement drop kicks. Banks fights back and she nails Lynch with a few head kicks, Banks then uses a running Meteora to smash Lynch into the ladder. Banks follows that up by hitting Lynch with the ladder, Banks gets Lynch in the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt. Banks gets Lynch back out of the ring before crushing her arm with the cell door, Banks gets Lynch back in the ring for another near fall on a pin attempt. Banks also crushes the injured arm of Lynch with a chair, Banks then smashes the shoulder of Lynch into the mat. Banks places Lynch on a chair before nailing her with a bunch of strikes, Banks then hits Lynch with a middle rope Meteora for a near fall.

Banks leaves the ring and she places a chair in the cell wall before bringing another into the ring, Lynch catches Banks with a roll up before kicking a chair into her midsection. Lynch then knocks Banks off the ring apron and into the cell wall, Banks tries getting in the ring and Lynch throws her into the ring post. Lynch follows that up by hitting Banks with a Becksploder into the cell wall, Lynch gets Banks in the ring before setting up a chair in there as well. Lynch and Banks exchange strikes until Lynch sends banks face first into the chair multiple times for a near fall, Lynch then nails Banks with a head kick before going to the top rope. Banks crotches Lynch and Lynch fights back to drop kick a chair into Banks face for a near fall, Banks exits the ring and she finds a kendo stick. Lynch leaves the ring and Banks attacks her with the kendo stick, Banks then sets up some kendo sticks into the cell wall. Lynch fights back and she throws Banks face first into the kendo sticks, Lynch grabs another chair and she places it on top of the set up kendo sticks. Banks fights back and she attacks Lynch with strikes, Lynch places Banks on the set up chair before going to the ring apron.

Lynch leaps off the ring apron and she nails Banks with a drop kick, Lynch grabs Banks and she gets her in the ring. Lynch goes to the top rope and she lands a guillotine leg drop for a near fall, Lynch then sets up the table in the ring. Banks gets up and she drops Lynch with a back stabber, Banks grabs Lynch and she places her on the top rope before following her up there. Banks looks for a superplex and Lynch fights back to get free, Banks fights back as well before putting Lynch through the table with a Meteora for a near fall. Banks leaves the ring and she brings another kendo stick back into it, Banks gets Lynch in a kendo stick assisted Bank Statement and Lynch gets out of the ring to escape. Lynch grabs the kendo stick and she attacks Banks with it, Lynch drags Banks out of the ring and Banks throws her into the previously set up chair. Banks gets Lynch back in the ring and she also throws more chairs into it as well, Banks gets in the ring and she attacks Lynch with chair shots. Banks goes to the top rope and Lynch recovers to hit her with a chair, Lynch goes to the top rope and she hits Banks with a super Becksploder onto the chairs. Lynch applies the Disarmer and a tap out follows.

Winner: Becky Lynch, still the Raw Women’s Champion

Tornado Tag Match
Roman Reigns & Daniel Bryan vs. Luke Harper & Erick Rowan

The match begins with an all out brawl between both teams, Rowan and Harper double team Reigns earlier by landing a bunch of strikes. Reigns fights back and he sends Harper out of the ring, Rowan then knocks Reigns out of the ring before eating a missile drop kick from Bryan. Bryan follows that up with a suicide dive onto Harper, Rowan battles Rowan on the arena floor while Bryan battles Harper. Reigns and Rowan take their battle into the ring, Rowan drops Reigns with a drop kick before missing a splash. Reigns nails Rowan with a Samoan drop afterwards for a near fall, Harper returns and he nails Reigns with a super kick for a near fall. Rowan and Harper double team Reigns inside of the ring, Harper and Rowan corner Reigns while double teaming him. Bryan returns and he gets taken out by the opposition, Reigns fights back and he gets double teamed again. The battle spills back to the arena floor as Harper throws Bryan into the barricade, Rowan then hits Reigns with a running cross body block. Rowan grabs the ring steps and he nails Reigns with them, Bryan is thrown back into the ring to be worked over by Rowan and Harper.

Rowan drops Bryan with a spinning leg lariat for a near fall, Harper and Rowan set up for a Destruction Device before Reigns knocks Harper to the arena floor. Bryan catches Rowan in a roll up for a near fall, Bryan gets Rowan down and he applies a Lebell Lock that gets broken up by Harper. Rowan then hits Bryan with a jackhammer for a near fall, Bryan fights back against both opponents before sending Rowan into the ring post. Harper recovers and he nails Bryan with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall, Reigns returns and he fights back against the opposing team. Reigns traps Harper in the corner while landing a bunch of clothesline strikes, Rowan returns and he knocks Reigns out of the ring. Bryan trips up Harper before kicking him in the arm, Bryan follows that up by landing Yes Kicks against Harper. Bryan then hits Harper with a drop kick to the knee, Bryan then attacks Harper with more Yes Kicks. Rowan trips up Bryan and he drags him out of the ring before eating a Drive By from Reigns, Harper then takes out Reigns with a suicide dive.

Rowan and Harper get up first before clearing off a bunch of the announce tables, Rowan and Harper drive Bryan face first onto the ringside edge. Rowan follows that up by slamming Harper onto the downed Reigns, Rowan and Harper also tear apart a section of the barricade. Rowan then knocks Reigns into the crowd after hitting him with a piece of the barricade, Harper and Rowan bring Bryan to the announce table. Bryan uses a rana to knock Harper from the announce table to the arena floor, Reigns then uses a spear to put Harper through the announce table. Bryan and Harper take their battle into the ring as Bryan lands multiple drop kicks, Bryan then places Harper on the top rope before following him up there. Bryan goes for a super rana ad Harper counters with a super power bomb for a near fall, Harper follows that up by nailing Bryan with multiple head and arm suplexes. Bryan avoids a third suplex as Reigns nails Harper with a superman punch, Bryan then hits Harper with a knee strike and Reigns follows up with a spear for a three count.

Winners: Roman Reigns & Daniel Bryan

– Charly Caruso interviews Seth Rollins, who talks about his upcoming match tonight with The Fiend.

Randy Orton vs. Ali

The match begins with Orton wrenching away on the arm of Ali, Ali gets free and he does some work on the arm of Orton. Orton backs Ali into the corner before landing a chop, Orton corners Ali a second time while landing more strikes. Ali fights back and Orton pokes him right in the eyes, Ali fights back and he goes to the top rope. Orton recovers and he sends Ali crashing to the arena floor, Orton follows Ali out of the ring before slamming him onto the announce table a few times. Orton gets Ali back in the ring before stomping away on him, Orton throws Ali back out of the ring and he follows him out there. Ali fights back and he nails Orton with a drop kick, Orton recovers and he throws Ali into the ring post. Orton gets Ali into the ring before getting a near fall on a pin attempt, Orton holds Ali down while applying a chin lock. Orton transitions into a different chin lock against Ali, Ali gets free and he attacks Orton with a few strikes. Orton slows Ali down with a knee strike to the midsection, Ali fights back and he knocks Orton out of the ring with a drop kick.

Ali follows that up by taking Orton out with a suicide dive, Ali leaps onto the dazed Orton to nail him with a bunch of strikes. Orton fights back and he gets Ali back into the ring, Ali gets up and he kicks Orton right in the face. Ali nails Orton with another head kick before landing a rolling x-factor for a near fall, Orton recovers and he nails a charging Ali with a power slam for a near fall. Ali blocks an Orton kick to land a spinning heel kick to the head, Ali goes to the top rope and he misses a 450 splash. Ali avoids an RKO to nail Orton with a tornado DDT, Ali goes back to the top rope and he misses another 450 splash. Orton gets up and he nails Ali with a rope assisted DDT, Orton sets up for an RKO and Ali avoids it to catch Orton in a roll up for a near fall. Ali goes for another rolling move and Orton counters with an RKO for a three count.

Winner: Randy Orton

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships
Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross (c) vs. The Kabuki Warriors (Asuka & Kairi Sane)

The match begins with Sane knocking Bliss off the ring apron before attacking Cross with strikes, Asuka tags in and she kicks away at a downed Cross. Asuka then nails Cross with a sliding knee strike for a near fall, Asuka follows Cross around the ring while stomping away on her. Cross fights back and she tags Bliss into the match, Bliss drops Asuka before landing a few double knee strikes. Asuka gets up and Bliss drops her with a pair of rights for a near fall, Cross tags in and she double teams Asuka with Bliss. Cross drops Asuka with a snap mare for a near fall, Asuka fights back and Cross nails her with a jaw breaker. Bliss tags in and Cross is sent out of the ring, Cross drags Asuka into the ring skirt before Bliss lands a basement drop kick. Sane distracts Bliss and Asuka kicks her in the head before throwing her into the barricade, Asuka gets Bliss in the ring before tagging Sane into the match. Sane traps Bliss in the ropes while pulling on her hair, Bliss fights back and Sane drops her with a kick. Asuka tags back in and she double teams Bliss with Sane, Asuka then nails a cornered Bliss with a flying hip attack.

Asuka traps Bliss in the ropes while briefly applying an abdominal stretch, Bliss fights back again and Asuka gets her in an ankle lock. Asuka transitions into a single leg crab against Bliss before reapplying the ankle lock, Bliss gets free and Asuka sends her to the mat below. Sane tags in and she kicks away at a cornered Bliss, Sane pokes Cross in the eyes before nailing Bliss with a sliding forearm strike. Asuka tags in and she attacks Bliss with more kicks, Asuka reapplies the ankle lock to Bliss and Bliss gets free by sending Asuka into the ropes. Cross and Sane get tagged in by their respective partners, Cross quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Cross then hits Sane with a bulldog before attacking Asuka, Cross goes to the top rope and she nails Sane with a cross body block for a near fall. Sane fights back and she nails Cross with an Alabama slam, Sane goes to the top rope and Cross blocks the elbow drop attempt. Cross then hits Sane with a rope assisted neck breaker for a near fall, Asuka tags in and she attacks Cross with a ton of kicks. Cross blocks a big kick and Asuka slaps her in the face, Cross then hits a charging Asuka with a clothesline.

Sane interferes and Bliss takes her out with a dive from the ring apron, Asuka blinds Cross with mist before kicking her in the head for a three count.

Winners: The Kabuki Warriors (Asuka & Kairi Sane), the new WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions

The OC (AJ Styles, Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) vs. Braun Strowman & The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar)

The match begins with Anderson getting Ivar in a headlock, Ivar gets free and Anderson gets him in another headlock. Ivar gets free again and he levels Anderson with a shoulder tackle, Ivar gets Anderson down and he wrenches away on his arm. Ivar drops Anderson again with a short arm shoulder tackle, Anderson nails Ivar in the throat before tagging Gallows in. Ivar nails Anderson with a seated senton before exchanging blows with Gallows, Erik tags in and he nails Gallows with some strikes of his own. Erik then hits Gallows with a knee strike followed by an exploder suplex, Erik goes for a dive and Styles attacks him with a knee strike. Erik gets up and Gallows drops him with a head kick followed by a fall away slam, Gallows corners Erik before landing a few strikes. Styles tags in as Erik throws Gallows out of the ring, Styles goes after Strowman and the distraction allows Gallows to attack him. Styles hits Erik with an overhead kick for a near fall, Anderson tags back in and he nails Erik with more strikes. Erik fights back and Anderson nails him with a spine buster for a near fall, Anderson slows things down further by holding Erik in a chin lock.

Erik gets free and Styles tags into the match, Styles knocks the opposition off the ring apron before eating a back body drop from Erik. Strowman tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Strowman quickly crushes Styles with an avalanche. Strowman clears the ring before hitting everybody with shoulder tackles on the arena floor, Strowman gets Styles in the ring before crashing into the ring post on an avalanche attempt. Styles nails Strowman with a chop block before applying a calf crusher, Erik breaks up the submission attempt as everybody hits the ring to take each other out. Strowman fights back and he eats another chop block from Anderson, Anderson and Gallows double team Strowman as the referee calls for the bell.

Winners: Braun Strowman & The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar), by DQ

After the match, The OC continue attacking Braun Strowman until The Viking Raiders make the save. Strowman then knocks out a leaping Styles with a right to the face.

– The Street Profits are shown backstage and they talk about the event. Tamina shows up from out of nowhere and she rolls up Carmella for a three count to win the WWE 24/7 Title.

– King Corbin grabs the microphone before the next match begins to say he is disappointed to face Chad Gable again, Corbin says he put The Rock in his place at WWE Smackdown. Corbin also makes some height jokes about Gable.

King Corbin vs. Chad Gable

The match begins with Gable nailing Corbin with a rolling kick before scoring a takedown on him, Gable then attacks Corbin with cross face strikes. Corbin tosses Gable off of his back before eating a few strikes, Gable looks for the ankle lock and Corbin gets free before eating more strikes. Gable then gets Corbin in a sleeper hold for a short time, Corbin recovers and he sends Gable into the ring post. Gable falls out of the ring and Corbin gets him back in their after throwing him into the ring post, Corbin traps Gable in the corner while landing some strikes. Corbin drops gable with a hard Irish whip for a near fall, Gable tries fighting back and Corbin knocks him out of the ring after landing a right. Gable gets in the ring and Corbin holds him in a modified chin lock, Gable gets free and Corbin levels him with a clothesline for a near fall. Corbin picks up Gable before dropping him with a strike to the back of the neck, Corbin places Gable on the top rope while nailing him with a few strikes. Corbin follows Gable to the top rope and he attempts a superplex, Gable knocks Corbin off the ropes before landing a missile drop kick.

Corbin goes for another clothesline and Gable counters before eating a spine buster for a near fall, Gable recovers to hit Corbin with a rana followed by a basement drop kick. Gable keeps Corbin down while attacking him with strikes, Gable then nails Corbin with a chaos theory for a near fall. Gable then hits Corbin with a series of rolling kicks, Corbin blocks a rolling kick to hit Gable with a power bomb for a near fall. Corbin places Gable on the top rope and Gable quickly gets him in a rope assisted arm bar, Gable releases the hold to trip up Corbin and smash his leg into the ring post. Gable gets back in the ring and Corbin nails him with a Deep Six for a near fall, Corbin picks up Gable to attack him with some more strikes. Gable fights back and Corbin sends him to the ring apron, Gable gets in the ring and he escapes an End Of Days attempt. Gable nails Corbin with a rolling neck breaker and moonsault for a near fall, Gable gets Corbin in another ankle lock and Corbin escapes by going to the arena floor. Gable goes out of the ring and Corbin choke slams him on the ring apron, Corbin grabs the scepter and he brings it in the ring. The referee prevents the scepter usage and Gable rolls him up for a three count.

Winner: Chad Gable

– Carmella nails Tamina with a super kick and R-Truth pins her to win the WWE 24/7 Championship.

WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship
Bayley (c) vs. Charlotte Flair

The match begins with Flair going for a big boot and Bayley avoids it, Flair eats a kick before nailing Bayley with a neck breaker. Flair then starts attacking Bayley with some chops and other strikes, Bayley looks for a cross body block and Flair gets out of the way. Flair quickly locks Bayley in a Boston crab and Bayley gets to the ropes, Bayley rolls out of the ring and she pokes Flair in the eyes. Bayley then drops Flair with a shot to the back of the head, Bayley mounts Flair while landing a few strikes. Bayley corners Flair before landing shoulder thrusts to the midsection, Flair fights back and she drops Bayley with a clothesline. Flair follows that up by attacking Bayley with multiple chops, Flair then nails Bayley with an exploder suplex. Flair goes after Bayley’s knee and Bayley gets out of the way, Bayley exits the ring and she drags Flair out before dropping her on the arena floor. Bayley then smashes the leg of Flair into the led screen at ringside, Bayley gets Flair back in the ring and she kicks Flair in the injured knee.

Bayley grabs the injured leg of Flair before kicking away at it, Bayley traps the leg of Flair in the ropes while twisting away on it. Bayley goes out of the ring and she smashes the leg of Flair into the ring post, Bayley slows things down further by holding Flair in a single leg crab. Flair gets free and she rolls up Bayley for a near fall, Bayley traps Flair in the ropes before landing a stunner for a near fall. Bayley goes for a figure four and Flair rolls her up again for another near fall, Flair fights back more and she smashes the leg of Bayley into the ring post. Flair gets back in the ring and she nails Bayley with a chop block followed by leg kicks, Flair then hits Bayley with a Natural Selection for a near fall. Bayley fights back and she attacks the injured knee of Flair, Flair recovers and she attacks the injured knee of Bayley. Flair climbs to the top rope and Bayley gets her knees up on the moonsault attempt, Flair rolls out of the ring and Bayley kicks her in the face. Bayley leaves the ring and Flair nails her with a fall away slam, Flair then smashes the knee of Bayley into the LED screen at ringside.

Flair gets Bayley in the ring and she follows her in there before getting rolled up for a near fall, Bayley tries cheating on a second roll up and the referee catches her. Flair kicks Bayley in the face before applying a Figure Eight and a tap out follows.

Winner: Charlotte Flair, the new Smackdown Women’s Champion

– Kayla Braxton interviews Chad Gable, who says that he feels good after defeating King Corbin tonight, Gable says he has finally shut Corbin up. Corbin attacks Gable and brutally beats him up in the backstage area. 

WWE Universal Championship
Hell In A Cell
Seth Rollins (c) vs. ‘The Fiend’ Bray Wyatt

The match begins with Wyatt throwing Rollins to the mat below, Rollins gets up and he attacks Wyatt with some strikes. Wyatt recovers and he drops a charging Rollins with a headbutt, Rollins exits the ring and he grabs a kendo stick. Rollins gets in the ring and he attacks Wyatt with kendo stick shots and Wyatt isn’t affected by it, Wyatt catches a leaping Rollins to nail him with an enzaguri. Rollins exits the ring and Wyatt follows him out there to land some more strikes, Wyatt then throws Rollins into the cell wall a few times. Wyatt then crushes Rollins with an avalanche into the cell wall, Wyatt follows that up by throwing Rollins into the ring steps a few times. Rollins fights back and he attacks Wyatt with the ring steps, Rollins finds a table and he gets it in the ring. Rollins gets in the ring and he takes out Wyatt with a few suicide dives, Wyatt catches a diving Rollins to land a Sister Abigail into the cell wall. Wyatt gets Rollins in the ring before setting up the table, Rollins fights back and he nails Wyatt with an enzaguri followed by a super kick. Wyatt falls on the table and Rollins puts him through it with a top rope frog splash, Wyatt gets up first and Rollins nails him with a curb stomp. 

Wyatt gets right up and he nails Rollins with Sister Abigail for a near fall, Wyatt gets angry and he attacks Rollins with more strikes. Wyatt then snaps the neck of a downed Rollins, Wyatt picks up Rollins and he tosses him out of the ring. Wyatt grabs the Firefly Funhouse hammer and he attacks Rollins with it, Rollins fights back and he attacks Wyatt with multiple super kicks. Rollins then hits Wyatt with a curb stomp onto the hammer, Rollins gets Wyatt in the ring and he nails him with multiple springboard knee strikes. Rollins follows up by nailing Wyatt with multiple super kicks, Rollins hits Wyatt with multiple curb stomps and a pedigree. Rollins then hits another curb stomp for a one count, Rollins nails Wyatt with a thrust kick and a bunch more curb stomps. Rollins leaves the ring and he finds a steel chair to bring back in it, Rollins nails Wyatt with a chair shot for another one count, Rollins leaves the ring and he brings a ladder into it. Rollins places a chair on Wyatt’s head before nailing it with a ladder for another near fall, Rollins leaves the ring again and he throws a bunch of weapons into it. 

Rollins places the ladder and chair on top of Wyatt’s head, Rollins grabs a tool box and he attacks Wyatt with it. Rollins leaves the ring again and he grabs a sledge hammer to bring back in the ring, Rollins hits Wyatt with the sledgehammer and the referee calls for the bell.

Match Result: No Contest

After the match, the medical team checks on Bray Wyatt, who gets back up and he applies the mandible claw to Seth Rollins. Wyatt gets Rollins out of the ring before nailing him with Sister Abigail on the arena floor, Wyatt removes the padding from the arena floor and he nails Rollins with a second Sister Abigail on the exposed arena floor. Wyatt reapplies the mandible claw to the downed Rollins.

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