
WWE Hell In A Cell ‘20 Results: 3 Cell Matches, 5 Title Matches, A MITB Contract Match & More!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Hell In A Cell ‘20. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

WWE Universal Championship
Hell In A Cell I Quit Match

Roman Reigns (c) def. Jey Uso to retain the title

WWE Championship
Hell In A Cell Match

Randy Orton def. Drew McIntyre (c) to win the title

SmackDown Women’s Championship
Hell In A Cell Match

Sasha Banks def. Bayley (c) to win the title

Elias def. Jeff Hardy by DQ

Money In The Bank Contract On The Line
The Miz def. Otis (Contract Holder) to win the contract

WWE United States Championship
Bobby Lashley (c) def. Slapjack to retain the title

WWE 24/7 Championship
R-Truth (c) vs. Drew Gulak

– The panel for the kickoff show consists of Charly Caruso, Jerry Lawler, Booker T, Jeff Jarrett and Peter Rosenberg.

– The panel talks about what they expect to see tonight at this event before going over the card.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Bayley and Sasha Banks, followed by analysis from the panel.

– Kayla Braxton interviews Paul Heyman, who tells Kayla to take the hype out of her voice and a loss for Roman Reigns could cause Reigns to quit being the head of his family, quit on headlining Wrestlemania and to quit his destiny. Heyman says Jey Uso will become Reigns’s slave if he loses tonight’s Hell In A Cell match.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton.

– Peter Rosenberg and Jerry Lawler are inside the Hell In A Cell structure, they talk about how dangerous the structure is.

– The panel analyzes the upcoming Hell In A Cell match between Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton.

– Highlights are shown of the rivalry between Elias and Jeff Hardy.

– Sarah Schreiber interviews Jeff Hardy, who says he was not responsible for hitting Elias with a car several months back.

– R-Truth invades the panel and he thinks Jeff Jarrett is The Road Dog, R-Truth thinks the kickoff show is actually Raw Talk. The panle tells him he has a match tonight and R-Truth leaves.

– Elias invades the panel and he talks about facing Jeff Hardy later tonight, Elias accuses Hardy of running him over with a car and ruining his concert. Elias starts performing a song and it mocks Jeff Jarrett and Jeff Hardy.

– Highlights are shown of the trial on Smackdown between Otis and The Miz.

– The panel interview The Miz and John Morrison, both said it was a key piece of evidence that swayed judge JBL to rule in favor of Miz during the trial. Miz and Morrsion say they are going to get the Money In the Bank contract from Otis, Miz says he’ll cash it in and win the WWE Championship.

WWE 24/7 Championship
R-Truth (c) vs. Drew Gulak

The match begins with Gulak kicking Little Jimmy before getting attacked by R-Truth, R-Truth drops Gulak with a hip toss for a near fall. R-Truth sends Gulak into the corner before landing some strikes, R-Truth mounts Gulak in the corner while landing more strikes. Gulak gets free and he nails R-Truth with a clothesline, Gulak focuses his attack on the legs of R-Truth. Gulak holds R-Truth down while wrenching away on his leg, Gulak then gets R-Truth in a headlock and R-Truth gets free before getting rolled up for a near fall. Gulak trips up R-Truth and he wrenches away on the leg again, Gulak releases the hold before getting R-Truth in a lifting chin lock. R-Truth gets free and he nails Gulak with some flying shoulder tackles and a back suplex, R-Truth nails Gulak with a Five Knuckle Shuffle next. Gulak escapes the Attitude Adjustment before eating a spinning elbow strike for a near fall, R-Truth misses a scissor kick and Gulak nails him with a corner clothesline followed by strikes. R-Truth climbs to the top rope and Gulak meets him up there, R-Truth gets free and he gets Gulak on his shoulders. Gulak rolls through and R-Truth catches him in a roll up for a three count.

Winner: R-Truth, still the WWE 24/7 Champion

After the match, Akira Tozawa and The Lucha House Party chases R-Truth backstage, Drew Gulak goes to the panel and he mocks John Cena.

– Highlights are shown of what went down last week on Raw between The Fiend, Alexa Bliss, The Hurt Business and Retribution.

– Retribution is backstage and Ali says the greatest thrill in life is watching people make decisions, Ali says he single handily shut down The Hurt Business. Ali challenges The Hurt Business tonight, with one member of each group facing each other tonight.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Roman Reigns and Jey Uso, followed by analysis from the panel.

WWE Universal Championship
Hell In A Cell I Quit Match
Roman Reigns (c) w/ Paul Heyman vs. Jey Uso

The match begins with Uso getting Reigns in a headlock, Reigns gets free and he drops Uso with a shoulder block. Reigns gets Uso to his feet while nailing him with strikes, Reigns follows up by landing a suplex on Uso. Reigns gets Uso in the corner before landing a few corner clotheslines on him, Uso fights back and he nails Reigns with an enziguri. Uso follows up by knocking Reigns out of the ring and then landing a suicide dive, Uso gets Reigns back in the ring before knocking him out of the ring and landing another suicide dive. Uso follows up by sending Reigns into the cell wall a few times, Uso gets Reigns back in the ring and Reigns nails him with a spear from out of nowhere. Reigns gets up and he stomps away on a downed Uso, Reigns leaves the ring and he puts a steel chair into it. Uso gets up and he knocks Reigns into the cell wall, Uso sets up for a suicide dive and Reigns nails him with a right. Reigns gets back in the ring and he nails Uso with another spear, Uso gets up and he nails a charging Reigns with a kick to the face followed by a super kick. Uso goes to the top rope and he nails Reigns with a splash, Uso goes back to the top rope and he nails Reigns with a second splash. Uso leaves the ring and he finds a leather strap to bring back in the ring, Uso whips Reigns with the leather strap.

Reigns gets back up and he crushes Uso with another spear from out of nowhere, Reigns grabs the leather strap and he attacks Uso with it. Reigns has one end of the leather strap tied to Uso’s wrist and Uso fights back by getting into a striking exchange with him, Uso avoids a superman punch and he wraps the leather strap around Reigns’ throat while applying a modified camel clutch to him. Uso eventually releases the hold after Reigns almost goes out cold, Uso grabs the steel chair and Reigns nails him with a superman punch. Reigns catches Uso in a jumping guillotine choke and Uso goes out cold, Reigns gets up and he leaves the ring before dragging Uso towards the ring post. Reigns nails Uso with a Drive By right to the head, Reigns gets angry and he attacks Uso with more strikes. Reigns grabs the ring steps and he places them next to Uso’s head, Reigns nails a Drive By onto the steps and that rams them into the head of Uso. The referee wants to end the match and Reigns prevents it by tossing the referee out of the ring, a second referee gets in the ring and Reigns scares him away. A bunch of WWE officials hit the ring to prevent any further damage, Reigns gets angry and he throws the ring steps in it.

Reigns clears everybody but Uso from the ring, Reigns grabs the ring steps and he places them onto a downed Uso. Reigns picks up the ring steps and Jimmy hits the ring to help his brother, Jimmy tries pleading with Reigns and things get emotional inside the cell. Reigns attacks Jimmy and he locks him in a guillotine choke, Jey yells “I Quit” to end the match.

Winner: Roman Reigns w/ Paul Heyman, still the WWE Universal Champion

After the match, The Wild Samoans come on stage and they crown Roman Reigns as the tribal chief.

– Elias makes his walk to the ring while accusing Jeff Hardy of hitting him with a car, Elias goes to sing a song and Hardy eventually interrupts.

Jeff Hardy vs. Elias

The match begins with Elias backing Hardy into the corner before letting him go free, Hardy gets Elias into the ropes before backing away. Elias gains control while nailing Hardy with a few strikes, Hardy fights back to hit Elias with an atomic drop and rolling neck breaker for a near fall. Hardy gets Elias up while landing strikes on his arm, Elias gets free to drop Hardy and he gets him in a chin lock. Hardy gets free and he wrenches away on the arm of Elias, Elias gets free by sending Hardy out of the ring. Elias and Hardy take turns sending each other into the barricade, Elias recovers and he sends a leaping Hardy into the barricade. Elias waits for Hardy to get back in the ring and he nails him with more strikes, Elias follows up by nailing Hardy with a clothesline for a near fall. Elias keeps Hardy down while applying a chin lock to him, Hardy gets free and he nails Elias with a mule kick. Hardy gets up and he cracks Elias with a few strikes followed by a clothesline, Hardy then hits Elias with an atomic drop and a leg drop for a near fall. Hardy goes for a Twist Of Fate and Elias avoids it before landing a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Hardy fights back and he nails Elias with a Whisper In The Wind for a near fall.

Hardy follows up by nailing Elias with a Twist Of Fate, Hardy goes to the top rope and Elias gets himself under the bottom rope before falling to the arena floor. Hardy goes after Elias and Elias grabs his guitar, Hardy steals the guitar from Elias and he hits him with it to cause DQ.

Winner: Elias, by DQ

– Kayla Braxton interviews Otis & Tucker, with Otis saying that he real angry with The Miz for everything he has done to him.

Money In The Bank Contract On The Line
Otis (Contract Holder) w/ Tucker vs. The Miz w/ John Morrison

The match begins with Otis backing Miz into the corner before landing a few strikes, Otis tosses Miz across the ring before landing a corner spear. Otis then hits Miz with a slam for a near fall, Miz fights back and he nails Otis with a jaw breaker. Miz looks for a roll up and Otis stands on top of him, Miz recovers and he sends Otis out of the ring. Miz also leaves the ring and Otis sends him into the announce table a few times, Otis gets Miz back in the ring and Morrison distracts him so Miz can land a DDT for a near fall. Miz follows up by choking Otis on the middle rope, Miz traps Otis in the corner while landing some kicks and a flying corner clothesline. Miz then hits Otis with a top rope axe handle smash for a near fall, Otis fights back and Miz gets him in a sleeper hold. Otis gets free and Miz drops him with a boot to the face, Otis goes to a knee as Miz attacks him with strikes. Otis fights back and he drops Miz multiple times, Otis follows up by nailing Miz with a shoulder tackle. Otis gets Miz into the corner before dropping him with an avalanche, Otis goes for the Caterpillar and Morrison drags Miz out of the ring.

Otis goes after Morrison before getting Miz back in the ring, Morrison goes to hit Otis again and the referee catches him before sending him backstage. Otis rolls up a distracted Miz for a near fall, Otis follows up by nailing Miz with a discus clothesline for a near fall. Tucker interferes and he nails Otis with the briefcase behind the ref’s back. Miz gets a three count on the downed Otis.

Winner: The Miz, the new Money In The Bank Contract holder

– Kayla Braxton interviews The Miz & John Morrison, who says he did what was necessary for the wrestling business to thrive. Miz says he will not squander the Money In The Bank contract, Miz puts Drew McIntyre and Roman Reigns on notice. Tucker appears and he says he was the workhorse when he teamed with Otis, Tucker says he did everything for Otis and he became an afterthought. Tucker says that Otis cannot function without him, Otis appears and he attacks everybody.

SmackDown Women’s Championship
Hell In A Cell Match
Bayley (c) vs. Sasha Banks

The match begins with Banks kicking Bayley’s chair out of the cell, Bayley leaves the ring and Banks follows her out there. Banks gets Bayley in the ring and she hits her with a plethora of strikes, Banks corners Bayley while kicking away at her. Bayley gets Banks on the middle rope and Bnaks gets free before getting Bayley in the Bank Statement, Bayley bites the hands of Banks to get free. Bayley leaves the ring and she avoids a sliding Banks before sending her into the cell wall a few times, Bayley grabs a kendo stick and Banks avoids her swings. Banks grabs the kendo stick and she gets it out of the cell, Banks blocks a kendo stick shot before dropping Bayley with a knee strike. Banks throws the kendo stick in the ring before finding a table and setting it up on the arena floor, Bayley gets up and she nails Banks with a few strikes. Banks and Bayley grab each end of the table before Bayley gets sent into the cell wall, Banks launches herself off the table to hit Bayley with a meteora into the cell wall. Banks gets Bayley back in the ring before landing a top rope meteora for a near fall, Banks grabs a steel chair and Bayley rolls her up for a near fall. Bayley then sends a charging banks out of the ring, Bayley grabs a steel chair as she leaves the ring to go after Banks.

Banks avoids a chair shot from Bayley before kicking the table into her, Banks uses a meteora to knock Bayley into the cell wall. Banks gets Bayley in the ring and Bayley gets to the ring apron, Bayley recovers and she drops banks on the middle rope. Bayley throws Banks off the ring apron and Banks scales the cell wall, Banks uses a head scissors to send Bayley into the cell wall. Banks uses a running double knee strike to knock Bayley into the ring steps, Banks sets up a few kendo sticks between the ring steps and cell wall. Bayley eventually sends a charging Banks through a kendo stick and into the ring steps, Bayley grabs more kendo sticks to set up between the cell wall and ring steps. Bayley then catapults Banks into the kendo sticks, Bayley gets Banks back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Bayley goes after the injured neck of a downed Banks, Bayley then nails Banks with a neck breaker for a near fall. Bayley and Banks take their battle to the ring apron, Bayley looks for a back drop driver and Banks gets free to power bomb her into the cell wall. Banks gets Bayley back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Banks traps Bayley’s head inside a steel chair and Bayley gets free to send her into the chair.

Bayley grabs a steel chair and she sets it up in the corner of the ring, Banks avoids getting sent into the chair and she sends Bayley into the chair. Bayley avoids a meteora and Bayley sunset bombs her into the chair for a near fall, Bayley goes to the top rope and she nails Banks with a top rope elbow drop for a near fall. Bayley goes for a DDT and Banks avoids it to get her in the Bank Statement, Bayley escapes by getting out of the ring and trapping Banks in the ring apron. Bayley then smashes Banks head first into the steel ring frame, Bayley grabs a kendo stick and she attacks Banks with it. Bayley grabs some tape and she tapes two kendo sticks together to make a super sized on, Bayley then places the kendo stick between the ring and cell wall. Bayley gets Banks back in the ring and Banks shoots her with a fire extinguisher, Bayley manages to grab her chair through the cell door and Banks gets it in the ring before attacking Bayley with strikes. Banks follows up by sending Bayley into the cell wall a few times, Banks then crushes Bayley with a meteora into the cage wall. Banks gets Bayley in the ring and she gets back in with a kendo stick, Banks attacks Bayley with the kendo stick.

Bayley goes for her steel chair and Banks attacks her again, Banks goes to the top rope and she lands a frog splash on Bayley while Bayley got a steel chair between them. Bayley tries leaving the ring and she eventually does, Banks goes after her and Bayley nails her with a DDT on the arena floor. Bayley gets Banks back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Bayley grabs Banks and sends her out of the ring. Bayley finds a ladder and she gets it in the ring after Banks rolls out, Bayley sets the ladder up on some chairs before attacking Banks. Bayley then drops a swinging Banks on top of the ladder, Bayley gets Banks up and she puts her on the ladder. Bayley leaves the ring and she grabs some spray paint to paint Banks with, Bayley grabs a steel chair before climbing the ropes. Bayley leaps off the middle rope and Banks avoids her leap, Banks then hits Bayley with a meteora and Bayley To Belly on the ladder for a near fall. Banks clears some of the weapons out of the ring before Bayley nails her with a knee strike, Bayley then hits Banks with a Bayley To Belly for a near fall. Bayley grabs a steel chair and she attacks Banks with it, Banks avoids another Bayley To Belly and she gets her in a chair assisted Bank Statement to force a tap out.

Winner: Sasha Banks, your new Smackdown Women’s Champion

– Charly Crauso interviews The Hurt Business, with MVP saying that Bobby Lashley is the CEO of The Hurt Business and Lashley will lead them into battle tonight. MVP, after getting advice from the rest of The Hurt Business, chooses Slapjack as the opponent for Lashley. MVP says neither they or Retribution should be at ringside tonight before saying that Lashley will defend the WWE United States Title.

WWE United States Championship
Bobby Lashley (c) vs. Slapjack

The match begins with Slapjack throwing his shirt at Lashley before landing a few strikes, Lashley sends Slapjack into the corner before landing strikes of his own. Lashley then hits Slapjack with a corner spear, Lashley corners Slapjack again while landing some strikes. Lashley then drops Slapjack with a hard Irish whip into the corner, Lashley also nails Slapjack with a suplex. Lashley corners Slapjack again while landing a bunch of strikes, Slapjack fights back and he rakes the eyes of Lashley before landing a drop kick. Slapjack traps Lashley in the corner before landing some strikes and a cannonball for a near fall, Lashley fights back and Slapjack nails him with a running tornado DDT for a near fall, Slapjack goes to the top rope and Lashley throws him off to the mat below. Lashley follows up with some clotheslines and a suplex on Slapjack, Lashley then hits a charging Slapjack with a spine buster. Lashley gets Slapjack in The Hurt Lock to force a tap out.

Winner: Bobby Lashley, still the WWE United States Champion

After the match, Retribution comes out and they attack Bobby Lashley until The Hurt Business help make the save.

WWE Championship
Hell In A Cell Match
Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Randy Orton

The match begins with Orton attacking McIntyre from behind during his entrance, McIntyre and Orton brawl on the outside of the cell. Orton sends McIntyre into the announce table and the cell wall, Orton looks to drop McIntyre on the announce table and McIntyre defends against it. McIntyre and Orton continue brawling until they get into the cell, the bell sounds to start the match and a striking exchange breaks out. McIntyre traps Orton in the corner while landing more strikes, Orton goes for an RKO and McIntyre knocks him out of the ring. McIntyre follows Orton out of the ring before sending him into the cell wall a few times, McIntyre gets Orton back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Orton leaves the ring again and McIntyre follows him out there to send him into the cell wall a few times, McIntyre picks up Orton and he slams him into the cell wall and ring post. McIntyre finds a steel chair and he attacks Orton with it, McIntyre then hits Orton with a side Russian leg sweep into the cell wall. McIntyre grabs the ring steps and he hits Orton with them, McIntyre throws the ring steps at Orton and Orton gets out of the ring. McIntyre chases Orton back into the ring and Orton avoids a Claymore Kick by attacking McIntyre with a steel chair, Orton attacks McIntyre’s injured chin with the steel chair.

Orton knocks McIntyre out of the ring after nailing a sling shot into the bottom rope, Orton gets McIntyre’s hand on the ring step before stomping on it. Orton follows up by raking McIntyre’s face into the cell wall, McIntyre fights back and Orton nails him with a headbutt before sending him into the ring steps. McIntyre fights back again and he sends Orton face first into the ring steps, Orton recovers and he pokes McIntyre in the eye. Orton sets up the steel steps and he sends McIntyre into them, Orton gets McIntyre back in the ring and McIntyre takes some swings at him. Orton fights back and he nails McIntyre with a modified back breaker for a one count, McIntyre and Orton have a striking exchange in the ring. McIntyre eventually drops Orton with a few clotheslines, McIntyre also hits Orton with a few overhead belly to belly suplexes. McIntyre goes for the Future Shock DDT and he winds up landing a neck breaker on Orton, McIntyre gets Orton up and Orton gets free before escaping the ring. McIntyre follows him out there and Orton sends him into the cell wall, McIntyre recovers and he suplexes Orton through a table on the arena floor. McIntyre gets Orton back in the ring and Orton immediately nails him with a low blow, Orton then hits McIntyre with an elevated DDT for a near fall.

Orton grabs some bolt cutters and he cuts the chain holding the cell door shut, Orton starts heading back and McIntyre follows him out there to attack him. McIntyre sends Orton into the barricade a few times, Orton recovers and he sends McIntyre into the cell wall. Orton starts climbing the cell wall and he makes it to the roof, McIntyre eventually follows Orton to the top of the cell. Orton grabs a pipe and he swings it at McIntyre, McIntyre avoids it and he drops Orton before landing some strikes. Orton nails McIntyre with a low blow while using the steel pipe, Orton starts climbing down the cell and McIntyre follows him. McIntyre and Orton exchange strikes while on the cell wall, McIntyre is eventually knocked off the cell wall and he falls through the announce table. Orton gets off the cell wall and he eventually gets McIntyre back into the cell and the ring, Orton goes for the RKO and McIntyre counters with a roll up before knocking him out of the ring with a Claymore Kick. McIntyre goes after Orton and he gets him back in the ring, McIntyre goes for a Claymore Kick and Orton counters with an RKO for a three count.

Winner: Randy Orton, your new WWE Champion

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