
WWE Hall of Famer Angered By Bayley Bear Segment On Raw

Cody Rhodes isn't the only one upset over that Bayley Bear decapitation.

Last Monday night on Raw, there was a segment where Bayley gave Goldust a small Teddy Bear dressed like Dusty Rhodes, then Karl Anderson came along and tore the head off the bear. You can watch the segment in the video above.

WWE Hall of Famer "Superstar" Billy Graham watched the segment, and No, Sir. He didn't like it. Not one bit.

He took to his Facebook page to share his thoughts. We've printed his post here, and embedded it at the bottom of the page.


Last Monday night, December 26th, I took a break from painting and watched a little TV. RAW came up so I stopped to see what was happening. The backstage segment with Goldust, R-Truth, Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson and Bayley had just started. Bayley, with all of the working emotion she could pull up was giving Goldust a Dusty Rhodes-themed stuffed animal. Telling Goldust how much she LOVED Dusty. The American Dream's son Goldust, tried to get a few sniffles going while clutching the stuffed doll. Gallows and Anderson burst into the scene and one of them grabs the doll. I honestly don't know who is Anderson and who is Gallows, that is how impressed I am with them, nothing personal, I am just not impressed enough with them to know who is who. One of them then proceeds to rip the head off the Dusty Rhodes stuffed doll and they both start laughing and walk off the set. Very funny to be making a joke off a dead WWE icon, The American Dream, who had more charisma than the entire WWE roster put together.

Cody Rhodes tweeted that "He was not gonna say something mean or blow a whistle" about this segment. He wont, but I will. It made me totally nauseated and was the ultimate in disrespect to the man, not only to one of the greatest performers ever in the business of pro wrestling. I also think that the writer who came up with this disrespectful segment is a total piece of s–t and should be fired for getting away with having the WWE air this disgusting segment. How low will the WWE continue to go is the question? I personally don't want to see.

RIP Dusty who passed away on June 11, 2015.

Superstar Billy Graham

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