
WWE Elimination Chamber Results for 2/19/22: Roman Reigns vs Goldberg, Elimination Chamber Matches

The Universal, WWE & Raw Women’s Championships are on the line live in Saudi Arabia.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for Elimination Chamber 2022. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show.

Kick-Off Match

Rey Mysterio (with Dominik Mysterio) vs The Miz

The match begins with The Miz attacking Mysterio before hitting an Irish Whip followed by a clothesline. Rey would attempt to hit the 619 before The Miz got out of the ring. Rey would follow up by hitting a running Frog Splash on the outside. The Miz would escape the ring again before Dominik Mysterio sent him back to the ring.

Rey and Miz would continue to run the ropes before The Miz hit Mysterio with a knee to the ribs followed by a running kick for a near fall. Miz would attempt to hit Dominik Mysterio before Mysterio’s son punched him back, which was followed by Mysterio getting a roll-up for a near-fall.

Rey Mysterio would send Miz to the turnbuckle with Scissors and would follow up with a Senton. Miz would attempt to hit a Skull-Crushing Finale on Rey, but Mysterio would counter that to a 619. Mysterio would try to follow up with a Top-rope move, but Miz would roll out of the ring and grab a chair. Before he got back in the ring, Rey would complete a crossbody on Miz on the outside.

Dominik Mysterio would try to intervene and take the chair off Miz, but Miz pretended that he got hit by a Chair would get Dominik ejected from Ringside. The Miz would run Rey Mysterio into the turnbuckle to connect the Skull-Crushing Finale, but he would be reversed into a pin for the pinfall victory. The Miz would attack Rey Mysterio afterward, but Dominik would come back to the ring for the save. Both he and Rey would connect The Miz with a Double-619 followed by a Frog Splash by Dominik and a Frog Splash by Rey, which included an Eddie Guerrero Tribute.

Winner: Rey Mysterio (with Dominik Mysterio)

WWE Universal Championship Match

Roman Reigns (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) vs Goldberg

The match starts with Reigns and Goldberg locking up before Reigns hit the challenger with a punch and a knee before throwing him to the outside. He would try to connect an Irish Whip on Goldberg, but the challenger reversed it by sending him to the barricade and sending him back to the ring. He would be attacked by Reigns after he attempted to get back in the ring.

When running the ropes, Goldberg connected a Spear on Reigns. He would attempt the Jackhammer, but Reigns would reverse the move with a Uranage for a near fall. He would later connect a Superman Punch on Goldberg. The champion would attempt another Spear, but he would be intercepted by a second spear from Goldberg and attempt a second attempt for the Jackhammer, but Reigns would stop that by connecting a Guillotine on the challenger.

Goldberg would attempt to do everything to get out of the Guillotine, but it wouldn’t be enough as Goldberg would fade, leading to a submission victory for Roman Reigns.

Winner and still WWE Universal Champion: Roman Reigns (w/ Paul Heyman)

No. 1 Contender’s Women’s Elimination Chamber Match

Bianca Belair vs Doudrop vs Rhea Ripley vs Nikki ASH vs Liv Morgan vs Alexa Bliss

Nikki ASH and Liv Morgan start the match by locking up before Liv connected with a hurracarrana. Nikki and Liv would brawl on the outside of the ring, but ASH would slam Morgan into the structure. Nikki would hit an Irish Whip on Morgan to the pod Alexa Bliss was located.

Doudrop would join the match and Nikki ASH would try to join forces with her, but she would get a headbutt before slamming Nikki ASH on the chained wall. Liv Morgan would try to hit a top rope move on Doudrop, but the former NXT United Kindom wrestler would intercept Morgan and also slam her to the chain wall and Connect with a running senton on Morgan.

Rhea Ripley would be the fourth wrestler to join the match as she targeted Nikki ASH and would hit Doudrop with a Superkick. Ripley would get a hold of Nikki ASH before slamming her into the floor before connecting the Riptide on Nikki ASH for the elimination.

The penultimate entrant would be Alexa Bliss, and she would proceed to attack Ripley and Morgan before she got hit with a kick by Morgan. She would then be sent into the pod by Doudrop. Doudrop would climb to the middle rope before Liv Morgan connected a Powerbomb from the top rope to eliminate Doudrop.

Bianca entered as the final entrant and she connected a one-handed slam on Morgan before hitting Alexa Bliss with a Spinebuster, followed by a standing moonsault on Bliss. Belair and Ripley would face-off before both got Bliss and Morgan to connect a double-Suplex.

Rhea Ripley and Bianca Belair would exchange strikes before they both got connected by a double-code breaker by Liv Morgan, but she would be attacked by Alexa Bliss. This would be followed by a Twisted Bliss from Alexa Bliss, leading to Liv Morgan being eliminated. Bliss try to connect a DDT on Ripley and it would be connected after she got hit simultaneously with a clothesline by Bianca Belair. Belair would

SLAP EXCHANGE from Ripley & Bianca. Double Code Breaker from Morgan. Twisted Bliss on Morgan, she eliminated. Assisted DDT in Clothesline followed by KOD to eliminate Ripley.

The final two comprised Alexa Bliss and Bianca, and Bliss would connect the code red for near fall. She would also attempt another Twisted Bliss, but Bianca Belair would turn it into a slam into the chained wall. Failed 450 turned into attempted DDT, which was prevented by a handspring. Bliss attempted multiple roll-ups for near falls before attempting Sister Abigail on Belair, which would be turned into a punch into KOD for the win for Bianca Belair.

Winner: Bianca Belair

– There’s a promo package showcasing WWE Superstars hanging out with children for the Special Olympics in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Charlotte Flair and Sonya Deville vs Naomi and Ronda Rousey

The match would start with Rousey getting her arm tied behind her back, as stated in the stipulation. Sonya would reveal that she is healed up from her arm before she sent Rousey into the corner, but she would be kicked in the head by Rousey.

Naomi would be tagged in the ring and would hit a Thesz Press on Sonya and they continue to exchange moves before Naomi would send Sonya to her corner to tag in Rousey. Rousey would attempt to lock an arm-bar on Sonya, but they would be sent to the corner by Charlotte Flair to the untied arm.

Charlotte and Sonya would continue to work on Ronda Rousey’s injured arm to build to Naomi’s hot tag

Naomi would get the hot tag before hitting a Corkscrew on the outside on Flair and connect a Crossbody for the near fall. Naomi would try another hurracarrana, but it would be reversed into a Powerbomb for a near fall.

Charlotte Flair would attempt the Figure Four on Naomi, it would be intercepted by Rousey. She would be thrown out of the ring by Sonya. Running knee by Sonya. Naomi would tag Rousey and she would connect Piper’s Pit on Deville, followed by an Arm Bar for the win.

Winners: Ronda Rousey & Naomi

Fall Count Anywhere Match: Madcap Moss (w/ Happy Corbin) vs Drew McIntyre

Match would start with Madcap Moss and Happy Corbin attacking McIntyre Moss connected him with a shoulder block, clotheslining him to the outside. McIntyre would proceed to hit a headbutt on Madcap Moss before running down Happy Corbin out of the arena and slam Moss to the Arena set.

Happy Corbin would come back and intercept a Powerbomb attempt from McIntyre, before he and Moss connected an assisted Suplex for a near fall. Moss would hit a Fall Away Slam on McIntyre for another near fall. Moss would run onto McIntyre and would be hit with 2 Overhead throws. This would be followed by a Alabama Slam to Madcap Moss, where Moss would fall on his neck. Moss would be taken out of the ring by Corbin before McIntyre threw him again across the English commentary table. McIntyre would prepare for a Claymore, but he would be hit by Corbin with a Steal chair and be thrown into the barricade by both Corbin and Moss, which would lead to a near fall.

Madcap Moss would go to the top rope, but McIntyre would stop him and would connect with an Avalanche Super-plex for a near fall. Moss would try to come back, but he would be hit with the Future Shock DDT by McIntyre. Corbin would try to interfere one more time, but McIntyre would swing his huge sword on Corbin, followed by a Claymore on Madcap Moss for the pinfall win.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

– There was a recap of the Kick-off match between The Miz and Rey Mysterio, which was followed by a interview with The Miz. He says that he would get a tag-team partner to balance out his odds against the Mysterios.

Raw Women’s Championship Match

Lita vs Becky Lynch (c)

Becky Lynch and Lita start the match locking up before Becky attempted the Disarm-her, but it will be reversed and Lita would connect a headlock on Becky. Becky would proceed to slap Lita before eLita would connect an Arm-drag, followed by a slap of her own to Lynch. Lita would try a Twist of Fate, but she would be sent into the corner by Lynch.

Lynch would proceed and work on Lita’s neck before connecting with a Middle-Rope Leg drop for a near fall. Lita would turn Lynch for multiple punches before she was sent by Lynch into the middle rope. Lynch would go ahead and connect a Leg-drop on Lita for a near fall. Lynch would connect two consecutive Becks-ploders on Lita and would attempt a third one, before getting it reversed into a DDT from Lita. Lita would connect multiple clotheslines on Lynch which would be culminated by a Crossbody on Lynch for a near fall.

Lynch would attempt another Disarmher, but Lita would reverse it into a pinfall series. Lynch would attempt a rope-assisted Schoolboy roll-up before it got reversed into a sleeper hold by Lita, which would end in a rope break. Lita would connect a powerbomb for another near fall. Lita would go ahead and do a Modified version of the Twist of Fate for a near fall, which would be followed by Manhandle Slam by Lynch, which would end in the count of two.

Lynch would proceed and attempt a Moonsault, but she would miss and get connected with a Twist of Fate and Litasault by the challenger for another near fall. Lita would lift up Becky Lynch, but it would be turned into a Manhandle Slam from Lynch for the pinfall victory. After the match, Lita got a standing ovation from the Saudi Arabia crowd.

Winner and still Raw Women’s Champion: Becky Lynch

– We got a promo package promoting The Undertaker being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame as the first member of the Class of 2022.

– Viking Raiders vs Usos was scheduled prior to the show, but the match would not take place after The Usos attacked The Viking Raiders before the match even happened.

Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE Championship

Bobby Lashley (c) vs AJ Styles vs Riddle vs Austin Theory vs Seth Rollins vs Brock Lesnar

Austin Theory and Seth Rollins started the match by Theory attempting to lock up, but Rollins would evade before eventually locking up. Both wrestlers would run the ropes before Rollins connected with a Sling blade on Theory and proceeded to taunt before getting thrown with a Fall-away slam. Theory would connect a series of offense that would culminate in a Fisherman Suplex for a near fall. Theory and Rollins would continue to brawl on the Chamber before Rollins Powerbombed Theory onto Bobby Lashley’s pod.

As Medical personnel checked on Lashley, Riddle joined the match and started to wrestle against Rollins. While wrestling, Lashley is taken out of the match, all this while Rollins connected Riddle with a Guillotine Suplex from the Pod. AJ Styles would join and would connect Seth Rollins with a Torture Rack Powerbomb and would continue to focus his offense on Riddle, which would lead to a Power of Doom by Theory. Riddle will proceed to connect with a move from the Top rope on Theory for the near fall. Riddle would proceed to hit Styles and Rollins with a double elevated DDT and as he waits to hit the RKO on someone, the countdown begins and he waits for Lesnar.

As the tension builds from, Lesnar would tear apart his pod and would get into the match. He proceeded to connect Seth Rollins with an F5 and would pin him for the elimination. Then, he proceeded to connect Riddle with another F5 to eliminate him out of the match. Lesnar would proceed to hit multiple German Suplexes on AJ Styles before connecting an F5 on Styles for another elimination.

The final two would consist of Austin Theory and Brock Lesnar and Lesnar would try to hunt Theoy to end the match quickly. Theory would find an opening after hitting Lesnar with a Low-blow. He would connect Lesnar with a rolling Dropkick before hitting a DDT for a near fall on Lesnar. Theory would go ahead and try to climb the Elimination Chamber to escape from a gap that was opened, but Lesnar would catch him and would slam Theory’s face onto the plexiglass of the Pod before connecting an F5 from the top of the Pod into the floor. Lesnar would proceed to climb down the cage, walk into the ring, and pin Theory for the victory, becoming the new WWE Champion.

Winner and New WWE Champion: Brock Lesnar

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