
WWE Clash Of Champions 2019 Results: 10 Title Matches, A No DQ Match & Luke Harper Returns

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Clash Of Champions 2019. We’ll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

WWE Universal Championship
Seth Rollins def. Braun Strowman to retain the title

WWE Championship
Kofi Kingston def. Randy Orton to retain the title

Raw Women’s Championship
Sasha Banks def. Becky Lynch (c) by DQ

WWE United States Championship
AJ Styles def. Cedric Alexander to retain the title

SmackDown Women’s Championship
Bayley def. Charlotte Flair to retain the title

Raw Tag Team Championships
Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode def. Braun Strowman & Seth Rollins to win the titles

SmackDown Tag Team Championships
The Revival (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder) def. The New Day (Xavier Woods & Big E) to win the titles

WWE Intercontinental Championship
Shinsuke Nakamura def. The Miz to retain the title

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships
Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross def. Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville to retain the titles

WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Drew Gulak def. Humberto Carrillo & Lince Dorado to retain the title

No DQ Match
Erick Rowan def. Roman Reigns

– The kickoff show panel for tonight consist of The Coach, Booker T, David Otunga and Charly Caruso.

– The panel goes over the card for tonight’s event.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks, followed by analysis from the panel.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Kofi Kingston and Randy Orton, followed by analysis from the panel.

– Charly Caruso interviews Kofi Kingston and Big E, E says that they have no respect for The Revival. Xavier Woods arrives to say he is here to fight The Revival tonight, Kingston says he feels ready to face Randy Orton tonight.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Erick Rowan and Roman Reigns, followed by analysis from the panel.

WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Drew Gulak (c) vs. Humberto Carrillo vs. Lince Dorado

The match begins with Gulak nailing Carrillo with a shotgun drop kick, Dorado and Carrillo decide to double team Gulak until he is knocked out of the ring. Gulak returns and Carrillo knocks him back out of the ring with a springboard arm drag, Gulak drags Carrillo out of the ring. Dorado takes out both opponents with a dive to the arena floor, Dorado also nails Gulak with a rana on the arena floor. Dorado goes to the top rope and Gulak shoves him down to the arena floor, Carrillo nails Gulak with a middle rope cross body block for a near fall. Carrillo slows things down before going to the top rope, Gulak throws Carrillo off the ropes for a near fall. Gulak holds Carrillo down while wrenching away on his arm, Carrillo gets free and he kicks Gulak in the face. Dorado returns and he nails Carrillo with a top rope high cross body for a near fall, Gulak then hits Dorado with a gut buster for a near fall. Gulak gets Dorado down while applying a modified full nelson, Dorado gets free and Gulak nails him with a knee strike. Dorado recovers and he nails Gulak with an overhead kick, Carrillo returns and he nails Gulak with a rolling drop kick. Carrillo follows that up by nailing Gulak with a basement drop kick and standing moonsault for a near fall, Carrillo follows up by knocking Gulak out of the ring with a drop kick.

Dorado returns and Carrillo kicks him in the head, Gulak gets Dorado on his shoulders as Carrillo takes out both with a dive. Carrillo gets Dorado in the ring before going to the top rope, Carrillo then hits Dorado with a missile drop kick for a near fall. Gulak gets back in the ring and he places Carrillo on the top rope before following him up there, Carrillo knocks Gulak off the ropes before getting him in a cloverleaf a short time later. Dorado breaks that up and Gulak eventually throws Dorado into Carrillo for a near fall, all three competitors exchange roll ups for a few near falls. All three competitors have a striking exchange until they all go down, Dorado nails Carrillo with a jaw breaker as they get back up. Dorado gets Carrillo to the top rope and he follows him up there, Gulak gets Dorado off the ropes before going to the top rope. Carrillo knocks Gulak off the ropes before eating a drop kick from Dorado, Dorado then hits Carrillo with a super rana after nailing Gulak with a super kick. Dorado misses a shooting star press and Carrillo nails him with a springboard enzaguri, Carrillo nails Dorado with an Aztech Press. Gulak returns to knock Carrillo out of the ring before rolling up Dorado for a three count.

Winner: Drew Gulak, still the WWE Cruiserweight Champion

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Bayley and Charlotte Flair, followed by analysis from the panel.

– Sarah Schreiber interviews Bayley and Sasha Banks, Banks and Bayley say they aren’t scared of Becky Lynch or Charlotte Flair. Bayley and Banks also promise that they will both leave the event as champions.

WWE United States Championship
AJ Styles (c) vs. Cedric Alexander

The match begins with Alexander immediately nailing Styles with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall, Styles rolls out of the ring and Alexander takes him out with a suicide dive. Alexander gets Styles back in the ring before landing a handspring enzaguri for a near fall, Alexander gets Styles up before landing a few chops. Alexander then drops Styles with another enzaguri, Alexander goes for a springboard move and Styles trips him up. Styles then hits Alexander with a brain buster on the ring apron, Styles follows up by nailing Alexander with a Styles Clash on the arena floor. Styles gets Alexander back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Styles then nails Alexander with a ushigoroshi. Alexander tries fighting back and Styles quickly gets him in a calf crusher, Alexander grabs the ropes to break the submission attempt. Styles follows Alexander around the ring while landing some leg kicks, Alexander gets to the ring apron and he nails Styles with a spinning elbow strike. Alexander then hits Styles with a springboard flat liner for a near fall, Styles recovers and he nails Alexander with a reverse DDT.

Styles then hits Alexander with a Phenomenal Forearm and a Styles Clash for a three count.

Winner: AJ Styles, still the WWE United States Champion

After the match, AJ Styles and the rest of The OC continue attacking Cedric Alexander.

– The panel analyzes the Raw Tag Team Championship and WWE Universal Championship matches.

Raw Tag Team Championships
Braun Strowman & Seth Rollins (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode

The match begins with Strowman shoving Roode to the mat below, Roode gets Strowman in a headlock and Strowman tosses him across the ring. Ziggler tags in and he jumps on the back of Strowman after a Roode distraction, Strowman tosses Ziggler off of his back before landing a boot to the face. Strowman then hits Ziggler with an avalanche, Rollins tags in and he double teams Ziggler with Strowman for a near fall. Roode tags in and Rollins takes care of both opponents, Ziggler distracts Rollins and Roode knocks him out of the ring. Ziggler then nails Rollins with a leaping DDT on the arena floor, Roode goes out of the ring and he throws Rollins into the barricade. Roode gets Rollins back in the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt, Roode then attacks Rollins with a plethora of strikes. Ziggler tags in and he gets Rollins in a chin lock, Rollins gets free and he nails Ziggler with a jaw breaker. Ziggler recovers and he nails Rollins with a fame asser for a near fall, Roode tags in and he attacks Rollins with a suplex for a near fall. Roode follows that up by choking Rollins on the bottom rope, Roode misses a leap off the middle rope and Rollins nails him with a blockbuster a short time later.

Ziggler tags in and he rolls up Rollins for a near fall, Ziggler then jumps on the back of Rollins while applying a sleeper hold. Ziggler goes for another leaping DDT and Rollins counters with a falcon arrow, Strowman tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Strowman nails Ziggler with an avalanche before knocking him out of the ring, Strowman then hits both opponents with shoulder tackles on the arena floor. Strowman gets Ziggler in the ring before landing another avalanche, Ziggler rakes Strowman in the eyes before sending him into the ring post. Ziggler then hits Strowman with a super kick, Roode tags in and Strowman tosses him across the ring to avoid a Glorious DDT. Rollins tags in and he nails Roode with multiple thrust kicks, Ziggler tries distracting Rollins and Rollins eventually nails him with a suicide dive. Rollins misses a springboard move and Roode lands a spine buster for a near fall, Roode sets up for a DDT and Strowman accidentally knocks him into Rollins. Roode then hits Rollins with a Glorious DDT for a near fall.

Winners: Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode, the new Raw Tag Team Champions

– Charly Caruso interviews Braun Strowman backstage, Strowman says that Seth Rollins cost them the tag titles tonight and he’ll win the WWE Universal Title tonight.

– Kayla Braxton interviews Becky Lynch, who says that she and Seth Rollins will keep their titles tonight. Lynch says that Sasha Banks is the one with everything to prove, Lynch says she has already answered all of her critics in the last year.

SmackDown Women’s Championship
Bayley (c) vs. Charlotte Flair

The match begins with Flair booting Bayley in the face for a near fall, Bayley immediately rolls out of the ring to avoid Flair. Flair goes out of the ring and she chases Bayley back in it, Flair then attacks Bayley with some chops. Bayley recovers and she uses a hair pull to drop Flair, Flair fights back and she nails Bayley with an exploder suplex. Flair nails Bayley with more strikes before getting a near fall on a pin attempt, Bayley gets to the ropes to avoid Flair and then she leaves the ring. Flair follows Bayley out of the ring before throwing her into the barricade multiple times, Flair gets Bayley back in the ring before getting a near fall on a pin attempt. Flair backs Bayley into the corner before landing multiple shoulder thrusts, Flair traps the leg of Bayley in the ropes before landing a knee drop on it. Flair looks for a figure four and Bayley rolls her up for a near fall, Flair gets up and she boots Bayley in the face. Flair corners Bayley before stomping away on her, Bayley removes the turnbuckle pad while Flair argues with the referee. Bayley shoves Flair into the exposed corner before getting the three count.

Winner: Bayley, still the Smackdown Women’s Champion

– Highlights are shown of Shane McMahon firing Kevin Owens on Smackdown Live.

SmackDown Tag Team Championships
The New Day (Xavier Woods & Big E) (c) vs. The Revival (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder)

The match begins with Woods nailing a charging Wilder with a knee strike, Dawson distracts Woods and Wilder attacks his injured knee. Woods fights back and he nails Wilder with a chop, E then nails Dawson with a clothesline on the arena floor. Woods keeps Wilder trapped near the ropes while landing more chops, E tags in and he nails Wilder with a uranage for a near fall. E drags Wilder to the ring apron while landing forearm smashes, Dawson knocks Woods into the ring steps. Wilder then uses a clothesline to knock a distracted E to the arena floor, Wilder gets E in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Dawson tags in and he double teams E alongside Wilder for another near fall, Dawson then hits E with a leg drop followed by a knee drop. Wilder tags in and he nails E with an assisted leg drop for a near fall, Wilder keeps E down while applying a chin lock. E tries fighting back and Wilder backs him into the corner to maul him with strikes, Dawson tags in and he drops E with a back elbow smash. Dawson keeps E down while ripping away at his face, Dawson holds E down while locking him in a body scissors.

E gets up with Dawson on his back and Dawson rips away at his face again, Dawson keeps E cornered while landing a few more strikes. E recovers and he drops Dawson with a hard Irish whip into the corner, Wilder tags in and E nails him with a belly to belly suplex. Dawson and Woods get tagged in by their respective partners, Woods starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Woods cracks an interfering Wilder with an Honor Roll, Woods then hits Dawson with a springboard DDT for a near fall. Wilder attacks the knee of Woods before sending a charging E out of the ring, The Revival nail E with a Shatter machine on the arena floor. Wilder tags in and Woods fights against both opponents until eating a chop block. Dawson tags back in and The Revival hit Woods with a Shatter Machine, Dawson removes the knee pad and ring gear from the injured knee of Woods. Dawson gets Woods in an inverted DDT and Woods taps out.

Winners: The Revival (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder), the new Smackdown Tag Team Champions

After the match, The Revival get the microphone and they declare themselves to be the best tag team on the planet. The Revival also guarantee that Randy Orton will defeat Kofi Kingston to win the WWE Championship tonight.

– Charly Caruso interviews Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross, Cross says that tonight is all about retaining the women’s tag team titles. R-Truth and Carmella are working the overhead microphone, Bliss tells everybody where R-Truth is hiding and a bunch of superstars chase him away.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships
Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross (c) vs. Fire & Desire (Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville)

The match begins with Rose nailing Cross with a knee strike followed by a slam, Cross recovers and she drops Rose with a clothesline. Cross taunts Rose before landing a basement drop kick, Deville tags in and she quickly nails Cross with a side kick. Cross catches Deville in a roll up before landing a shoulder thrust, Bliss tags in and she double teams Deville with Cross. Bliss nails Deville with a suplex for a near fall, Rose tags in and Bliss quickly drops her with a drop toe hold. Bliss traps Rose in the corner while landing a few strikes, Bliss drops Rose again before landing multiple double knee strikes for a near fall. A bunch of WWE Superstars chase R-Truth into the ring and Bliss rolls him up for a near fall, R-Truth is chased into the crowd by the other competitors. Deville tags in and she nails Bliss with a kick for a near fall, Deville holds Bliss down while applying a chin lock. Rose tags in and she double teams a cornered Bliss with Deville, Deville tags back in and she nails waits for Rose to suplex Bliss before landing a double knee strike for a near fall.

Deville slows things down further by holding Bliss in the body scissors, Bliss gets free and Deville drops her with a kick to the midsection. Rose tags in and she nails a cornered Bliss with a ton of strikes, Rose and Bliss drop each other with simultaneous rights. Deville and Cross get tagged in by their respective partners, Cross quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Cross nails Deville with a bulldog before sending an interfering Rose to the arena floor, Cross then hits Deville with a back suplex. Cross then hits Deville with a top rope high cross body for a near fall, Bliss tags in and she goes to the top rope. Deville crotches Bliss as Rose drags Cross out of the ring, Deville then tosses Bliss off the top rope before tagging Rose in. Rose and Deville nail Bliss with their finisher for a near fall, Cross tags in and she leaps off the top rope to attacks Deville. Rose misses a knee strike and Cross hits her with a rope assisted spinning neck breaker for a three count.

Winners: Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross, still the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions

– Sami Zayn comes out before the next match to do the intro for Shinsuke Nakamura.

WWE Intercontinental Championship
Shinsuke Nakamura (c) w/Sami Zayn vs. The Miz

The match begins with Miz working over the arm of Nakamura, Nakamura gets free and he works over the arm of Miz. Miz gets free and he avoids the kicks from Nakamura, Nakamura backs Miz into the corner before taunting him. Miz gets free and he attacks Nakamura with some chops, Miz drops Nakamura with a knee lift before landing a boot to the face for a near fall. Miz propels Nakamura to the ring apron before knocking him to the arena floor, Miz gets Nakamura back into the ring before getting distracted by Zayn. Nakamura then knocks the distracted Miz to the arena floor, Nakamura gets Miz on the ring apron before landing a series of knee strikes. Nakamura gets Miz back in the ring before attacking him with some kicks, Miz blocks a kick and Nakamura nails him with an enzaguri. Miz fights back and he attacks the knee of Nakamura, Miz then nails Nakamura with more strikes before landing It Kicks. Miz then hits Nakamura with multiple knee strikes and a clothesline, Miz goes to the top rope to land an axe handle smash for a near fall. Nakamura recovers and he trips up Miz before locking him in an arm bar, Miz gets free and he nails Nakamura with a DDT for a near fall.

Miz keeps Nakamura down before landing some more It Kicks, Nakamura catches a kicking Miz in a roll up for a near fall. Nakamura recovers to nail Miz with a spin kick followed by a snap German suplex, Nakamura then hits Miz with a falcon arrow. Nakamura misses a knee strike and Miz attacks the injured knee with a stunner, Miz the gets Nakamura in a figure four leg lock. Nakamura gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Miz gets up and he nails Nakamura with a few kicks. Zayn distracts Miz and Nakamura nails him with a knee strike for a near fall, Nakamura goes for another knee strike and Miz avoids it to land a Skull Crushing Finale. Zayn distracts the ref so Miz cannot make a pin attempt, Miz gets angry and he chases Miz around until Nakamura knocks him into the ring post. Nakamura gets Miz in the ring to land another knee strike for a three count.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura, still the WWE Intercontinental Champion

Raw Women’s Championship
Becky Lynch (c) vs. Sasha Banks

The match begins with Lynch slapping Banks in the face before smashing her face into the mat below, Banks tries fighting back and Lynch nails her with a dragon screw leg whip. Banks fights back and Lynch fights back as well to look for a Disarmer, Banks escapes and rolls out of the ring. Lynch then nails Banks with a baseball slide drop kick, Lynch goes out of the ring and she leaps off the ring steps onto Banks. Lynch gets Banks back in the ring before nailing her with a few kicks, Lynch goes to the top rope and Banks knocks her off before kicking away at her. Banks nails Lynch with a snap mare before kicking her in the back, Banks then chokes Lynch on the middle rope before landing a knee strike. Banks then applies a modified stump puller on Lynch, Banks releases the hold before nailing Lynch with a meteora for a near fall. Banks follows that up by attacking the downed Lynch with more knee strikes, Lynch fights back and Banks drops her with a kick for a near fall. Banks looks for a slam and Lynch escapes to land a leaping head kick, Banks fights back and she applies a top rope stump puller to Lynch.

Banks then goes for a middle rope meteora and Lynch counters with a drop kick, Lynch and Banks have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Lynch ends the exchange after nailing Banks with multiple clotheslines, Lynch then hits Banks with an exploder suplex. Lynch picks up Banks before attacking her with knee strikes, Banks avoids a leaping Lynch and she gets her in the Banks Statement. Lynch gets free and she nails Banks with another exploder suplex, Lynch then hits Banks with a guillotine leg drop for a near fall. Lynch grabs Banks and she gets her on the top rope before following her up there, Banks knocks Lynch off the ropes before landing a meteora for a near fall. Banks then nails a cornered Lynch with multiple double running knee strikes, Banks goes for a Bank Statement and Lynch escapes to go for a Disarmer. Banks gets free and Lynch quickly reapplies the Disarmer until banks gets to the ropes, Lynch then nails Banks with a basement drop kick. Lynch goes to the top rope and she nails Banks with a missile drop kick for a near fall, Lynch traps Banks in the corner while stomping away on her.

Banks avoids a springboard head kick to nail Lynch with multiple back stabbers, Banks gets Lynch in the Bank Statement and Lynch eventually forces Banks into the ropes to break the hold. Banks exits the ring and she brings a chair back into it, Banks hits Lynch with another chair as the ref got rid of the first one. Banks then hits Lynch with a knee strike for another near fall, Banks leaves the ring again and she brings a chair back into it. The referee takes the chair from her, Lynch grabs the chair and she accidentally hits the referee with it. Lynch then attacks banks with multiple chair shots while the referee is down, Lynch and Banks take their battle into the crowd. Banks and Lynch battle up the steps while exchanging strikes, Lynch smashes Banks face first onto the steps. Lynch traps Banks in the railing while applying a Disarmer, Banks gets free and they battle up the stairs. Lynch and Banks brawl into the concourse, Lynch grabs some food and she dumps it on Banks. Lynch and Banks take their brawl back into the arena, Lynch drags Banks back down the stairs towards the ringside area. Lynch and Banks finally make it back to ringside after more brawling, Banks grabs Lynch and knocks her back first into the barricade.

Banks gets Lynch back in the ring and she brings a chair back into it, Lynch kicks Banks and gets the chair from her. Lynch attacks Banks with a plethora of chair shots, Lynch also smashes the face of Banks into the chair. Lynch then gets Banks in a chair assisted Disarmer, multiple WWE officials hit the ring to break everything up.

Winner: Sasha Banks by DQ, Becky Lynch retains the title

WWE Championship
Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Randy Orton

The match begins with Orton backing Kingston into the corner before getting separated, Orton then drops Kingston with a shoulder tackle. Kingston and Orton exchange some go behinds until Orton lands an elbow strike, Orton takes Kingston down with a headlock. Kingston gets free and Orton drops him with another shoulder tackle, Kingston recovers and he nails Orton with a leaping back elbow strike. Kingston then hits Orton with multiple forearm smashes until Orton exits the ring, Orton gets back in the ring and Kingston nails him with a few strikes. Orton stops Kingston’s momentum by poking him in the eye, Orton follows Kingston around the ring while landing his own strikes. Orton knocks Kingston to the ring apron before using a shoulder tackle to knock him off into the barricade, Orton leaves the ring and he smashes the face of Kingston into the announce tables. Orton then drops Kingston midsection first onto the barricade, Orton follows up by nailing Kingston with a suplex on the arena floor. Orton then drops Kingston back first on the announce table multiple times, Orton gets Kingston back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt.

Kingston recovers and he nails Orton with a drop kick to the shoulder, Orton recovers and he throws Kingston shoulder first into the ring post. Orton drags Kingston to the arena floor and Kingston attacks him with strikes, Orton fights back and he smashes Kingston face first into the ring steps. Orton gets Kingston back in the ring to get a near fall on another pin attempt, Kingston fights back and he drops Orton. Kingston then nails Orton with a springboard clothesline, Kingston gets up and he nails Orton with a bunch of chops followed by a drop kick. Kingston then drops Orton again with a leaping clothesline before landing a Boom Drop, Kingston sets up for Trouble In Paradise and Orton counters with a back breaker for a near fall. Kingston rolls to the ring apron and Orton drags him back into the ring, Kingston uses a back body drop to knock Orton out of the ring. Kingston then takes out Orton with a suicide dive, Kingston gets Orton back into the ring before going to the top rope. Kingston goes for a top rope high cross body and Orton rolls through for a near fall, Kingston goes for SOS and Orton counters with a drop kick for a near fall.

Orton picks up Kingston and Kingston nails him with a combination, Orton slows down Kingston after poking him in the eyes. Kingston recovers and he nails Orton with an SOS for a near fall, Kingston goes to the top rope and Orton crotches him. Orton follows Kingston to the top rope and Kingston nails him with some strikes to knock him off the ropes, Orton fights back and he nails Kingston with strikes of his own. Orton goes back up to the ropes and Kingston gets free before tripping him up, Orton recovers and he nails a charging Kingston with a power slam for a near fall. Orton traps Kingston in the ropes before landing a rope assisted DDT, Orton goes for an RKO and Kingston rolls him up for a near fall. Kingston then hits Orton with a rope assisted head kick, Orton nails Kingston with an RKO for a near fall. Orton goes for a punt and Kingston avoids it to land Trouble In Paradise for a three count.

Winner: Kofi Kingston, still the WWE Champion

– The Street Profits are backstage and they recap what we have seen on tonight’s event and tomorrow nights Raw. King Booker arrives and he starts to give a royal proclamation before getting interrupts by Angelo Dawkins, who wants to be knighted by Booker. Booker gets angry and he tells The Street Profits to get their minds right.

No DQ Match
Roman Reigns vs. Erick Rowan

The match begins with Reigns and Rowan brawling on the arena floor, they battle back into the ring as Reigns nails Rowan with more strikes. Rowan quickly drops a charging Reigns with a back elbow strike, Rowman knocks Reigns out of the ring before following him out there to land more strikes. Rowan then throws Reigns into the barricade and announce table, Rowan lifts up Reigns and he propels him face first into the announce table. Rowan grabs Reigns and smashes him face first into the ring steps, Rowan charges at Reigns and he crashes into the ring steps. Reigns grabs a kendo stick and Rowan hits him with the ring steps, Reigns is knocked into the crowd before Rowan attacks him with a kendo stick. Rowan nails Reigns with more strikes while also attacking him with garbage can shots, Reigns and Rowan exchange more strikes while brawling in the crowd. Reigns knocks Rowan to the ringside area before landing a Drive By, Reigns clears the announce table before eating a running cross body block from Rowan.

Rowan gets Reigns in the ring before landing some more strikes, Rowan traps Reigns in the corner before trying to crush his head. Rowan nails Reigns with a slam before landing a splash afterwards, Rowan goes to the middle rope before landing a back elbow strike for a near fall. Rowan continues attacking the downed Reigns with some more strikes, Reigns fights back and Rowan nails him with a side effect for a near fall. Rowan picks Reigns up to nail him with some more strikes, Reigns fights back and he clotheslines Rowan out of the ring. Rowan drags Reigns out of the ring before throwing him into the ring post, Rowan drops Reigns face first onto the top of the LED screen. Rowan gets Reigns back in the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt, Rowan goes out of the ring and he throws the ring steps back into it. Reigns avoids the steps before nailing Rowan with a Samoan drop for a near fall, Reigns avoids a charging Rowan before attacking him with the ring steps. Reigns then nails Rowan with a superman punch for a near fall, Rowan rolls out of the ring and Reigns follows him out there. Rowan catches a leaping Reigns and he power bombs him through the announce table, Rowan gets Reigns in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt.

Rowan gets Reigns up and he throws him out of the ring, Rowan follows him out there before tossing Reigns into the time keepers area. Rowan grabs a ring bell and he attacks Reigns with it, Rowan battles Reigns into the crowd as he attacks him with more strikes. Reigns grabs a microphone stand and he attacks Rowan with it, Rowan then nails Reigns with the Iron Claw Chokeslam through a table. Rowan picks up Reigns and he brings him to the stage, Rowan grabs the camera and Reigns attacks him with a steel pole. Reigns grabs the camera rig and he shoves it into Rowan a few times, Reigns then knocks Rowan down the entrance ramp after landing a superman punch. Reigns goes for a spear and Luke Harper appears out of nowhere to kick him in the face, Harper and Rowan then double team Reigns in the ring. Rowan then hits Reigns with the Iron Claw for a three count.

Winner: Erick Rowan

– Charly Caruso interviews Seth Rollins, who says he doesn’t care about what Braun Strowman said earlier tonight and he must focus on defending the WWE Universal Title tonight.

WWE Universal Championship
Seth Rollins (c) vs. Braun Strowman

The match begins with Strowman immediately attacking Rollins with shoulder tackles and avalanches, Strowman goes for a power slam and Rollins escapes to land a chop block. Rollins then attacks Strowman with leg kicks and multiple super kicks, Rollins goes to the top rope and he nails Strowman with a frog splash. Strowman catches a leaping Rollins and he slams him on the mat below, Strowman grabs Rollins and he tosses him across the ring a few times. Strowman follows that up by nailing Rollins with a headbutt, Strowman corners Rollins before attacking him with strikes. Strowman goes for an avalanche and Rollins gets out of the way to send him crashing into the ring post, Rollins then hits Strowman with multiple springboard knee strikes. Rollins goes to the top rope and Strowman catches him before dropping him with a right, Rollins rolls out of the ring and Strowman nails him with a shoulder tackle before getting him back in the ring. Rollins rolls back out of the ring and Strowman nails him with another shoulder tackle, Strowman then tosses Rollins into the barricade before getting him back in the ring.

Rollins rolls out of the ring again and he sends a charging Strowman over the announce table, Rollins follows that up by nailing Strowman with multiple suicide dives. Strowman catches a leaping Rollins and Rollins gets free to shove him into the ring steps, Rollins then knocks Strowman onto another announce table after landing a super kick. Rollins goes to the top rope and Strowman shoves him off, Strowman climbs the ropes and Rollins meets him up there until Strowman knocks him off again. Strowman goes to the top rope and he lands a splash for a near fall, Strowman gets Rollins up for a power slam and Rollins escapes before applying a sleeper hold. Strowman eventually gets free and Rollins nails him with a curb stomp for a one count, Rollins nails Strowman with another curb stomp for a near fall. Rollins nails Strowman with a third curb stomp for another near fall, Rollins goes for another curb stomp and Strowman blocks it. Rollins gets free to hit Strowman with a pedigree and another curb stomp for a three count.

Winner: Seth Rollins, still the WWE Universal Champion

After the match, The Fiend appears and he nails him with Sister Abigail on the stage, The Fiend then attacks Rollins with a mandible claw. 

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