
WWE Clash Of Champions ‘20 Results: 8 Title Matches, Plus An Ambulance Match & Ladder Match

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Clash Of Champions ‘20. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

WWE Championship
Ambulance Match

Drew McIntyre (c) def. Randy Orton to retain the title

WWE Universal Championship
Roman Reigns (c) def. Jey Uso to retain the title

WWE Intercontinental Championship
Ladder Match

Sami Zayn def. Jeff Hardy (c) & AJ Styles to win the title

SmackDown Tag Team Championships
Cesaro & Shinsuke Nakamura (c) def. Lucha House Party to retain the titles

Raw Tag Team Championships
The Street Profits (c) def. Andrade & Angel Garza to retain the titles

WWE United States Championship
Bobby Lashley (c) def. Apollo Crews to retain the title

Raw Women’s Championship
Asuka (c) def. Zelina Vega to retain the title

Smackdown Women’s Championship
Asuka def. Bayley (c) by DQ

– Charly Caruso, Booker T, JBL & Peter Rosenberg are on the kickoff show panel.

– The panel reveals that the Smackdown Women’s Title Match and WWE Women’s Tag Team Title matches won’t be happening tonight.

– A video package airs highlighting the rivalry between Roman Reigns and Jey Uso, followed by analysis from the panel.

– Kayla Braxton interviews Shinsuke Nakamura & Cesaro, Cesaro says victory is guaranteed tonight because The Lucha House Party cannot co-exist together. Braxton angers the tag champions and Nakamura kicks her out of the Champion’s Lounge.

– Appollo Crews appearance on Raw Talk is shown, followed by analysis from the panel about tonight’s WWE United States Title Match.

– The panel interviews MVP, who says he is feeling outstanding tonight and business is booming for The Hurt Business. MVP predicts that Apollo Crews will lose to Bobby Lashley tonight, MVP talks about what Cedric Alexander brings to The Hurt Business. MVP says The Hurt Business is only worried about gold and money, MVP says Retribution won’t be a distraction tonight.

– R-Truth invades the panel dressed as a miner and he is looking for gold since tonight’s event is a “gold rush.”

– Angel Garza & Andrade are interviewed, Garza calls Zelina Vega baggage and he says Vega was the one causing problems for their team. Andrade says Vega is in the past now and nobody can measure up to them as a tag team, both predict they’ll win the Raw Tag Team Titles tonight.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between AJ Styles, Sami Zayn & Jeff Hardy, followed by analysis from the panel. Sami Zayn interrupts the panel and he questions why Jeff Hardy is being referred to as the WWE Intercontinental Champion, Zayn says he should be referred to as the WWE Intercontinental Champion. Zayn says it will be Booker T’s fault if he loses the ladder match tonight.

SmackDown Tag Team Championships
Cesaro & Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Lucha House Party (Kalisto & Lince Dorado) w/Gran Metalik

The match begins with Cesaro nailing Dorado with a slam followed by some stomps, Cesaro picks Dorado up while landing some strikes. Cesaro then nails Dorado with a standing STO, Dorado fights back to nail Cesaro with a drop kick and knee strike. Kalisto tags in and he nails Cesaro with a splash for a near fall, Cesaro gets to his knees and Kalisto nails him with more strikes. Kalisto jumps on the back of Cesaro and he gets him in a sleeper hold, Cesaro gets free and Kalisto nails him with a middle rope huracanrana. Dorado tags in and he nails Cesaro with a missile drop kick, Nakamura tags in and he nails Dorado with a few strikes. Dorado climbs the ropes and Nakamura knocks him to the arena floor after landing a head kick, Nakamura gets Dorado on the ring apron before landing a knee strike. Cesaro tags in and he corners Dorado while kicking away at him, Cesaro then nails Dorado with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Nakamura tags in and he attacks Dorado with some kicks for a near fall, Nakamura corners Dorado while choking him.

Nakamura drops Dorado before landing a knee drop for a near fall, Cesaro tags in and he gets a near fall on a downed Dorado. Cesaro keeps Dorado down while holding him in a chin lock, Dorado gets free and he nails Cesaro with a code red for a near fall. Cesaro recovers and he nails Dorado with a kick for a near fall, Nakamura tags back in and he gets Dorado on the top rope before missing a running knee strike. Dorado then nails Nakamura with a top rope cross body block, Cesaro tags back in and he knocks Kalisto off the ring apron. Cesaro gets Dorado on the top rope before tagging Nakamura in, Nakamura nails Dorado with a knee strike. Nakamura and Cesaro double team Dorado for a near fall, Nakamura keeps Dorado down while landing knee strikes. Cesaro tags in and he nails a cornered Dorado with some strikes, Dorado fights back and he finally tags Kalisto in. Kalisto quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Kalisto nails Cesaro with a DDT for a near fall. Dorado hits the ring to nail an interfering Nakamura with a back stabber, Kalisto knocks Cesaro to the arena floor before landing an assisted tornado DDT.

Kalisto gets Cesaro back in the ring before landing a middle rope moonsault, Dorado tags in and he nails Cesaro with a middle rope moonsault. Kalisto tags in and he nails Cesaro with a top rope moonsault for a near fall, Nakamura returns and he attacks Dorado before tossing him over the barricade. Kalisto catches Cesaro in a roll up for a near fall, Nakamura makes a blind tag and he nails a swinging Kalisto with a knee strike for a three count.

Winners: Cesaro & Shinsuke Nakamura, still the Smackdown Tag Team Champions

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton, followed by analysis from the panel.

– Jeff Hardy is shown walking backstage.

WWE Intercontinental Championship
Ladder Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. AJ Styles vs. Sami Zayn

The match begins with Styles attacking Zayn before getting jumped by Hardy, Hardy sends Zayn into a cornered Styles. Hardy nails Styles with a bulldog while also landing a clothesline on Zayn, Hardy leaves the ring and he tries bringing a ladder into it before Styles drop kicks it into him. Styles grabs the ladder and Zayn attacks him with a split legged moonsault, Zayn grabs a ladder and he attacks Hardy and Styles with it. Zayn gets a ladder into the ring and he sets up it up the middle, Hardy attacks Zayn to knock the ladder over. Hardy then hits Zayn with a back body drop onto the ladder, Hardy sets up the ladder upside down against the ropes. Styles attacks Hardy and Styles sends Hardy into the set up ladder after he leaps off the top rope, Styles gets the ladder in the corner before attacking Zayn by throwing him into the ladder. Styles leaves the ring and he gets another ladder into it, Styles goes back to attacking a downed Hardy. Styles sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring, Styles climbs the ladder and Zayn gets him down before eating a pele kick.

Styles climbs the ladder again and Hardy climbs the other side, Hardy and Styles exchange strikes until Styles knocks Hardy off the ladder. Hardy returns and he stops Styles from climbing up the ladder, Hardy gets Styles off the ladder before landing a leg drop and basement drop kick on him. Zayn knocks Hardy out of the ring before climbing the ladder, Styles gets Zayn off the ladder and Zayn suplexes him onto another ladder. Zayn climbs the ladder and Hardy attacks him to get him off of it, Hardy then knocks Zayn out of the ring. Zayn gets Hardy out of the ring before throwing him into the barricade, Styles returns and he attacks Zayn. Styles sends Zayn into a ladder that was set up on the arena floor, Hardy avoids a leaping Styles and Styles crashes into the barricade. Hardy nails Styles with Poetry In Motion on the arena floor, Zayn returns and he knocks Hardy over the barricade with a Helluva Kick. Zayn gets back in the ring and he climbs the ladder, Styles knocks Zayn off the ladder by throwing a smaller ladder at him. Styles starts climbing the ladder and Hardy climbs up the opposite end, Styles and Hardy exchange strikes on the top off the ladder until the ladder tips over and both fall to the arena floor.

Zayn sets up the ladder and he starts climbing it until Hardy grabs him, Zayn kicks Hardy away before climbing again. Hardy knocks Zayn off the ladder before hitting a leaping Styles with the ladder, Zayn climbs the ladder again and Hardy gets him off before landing a Twist Of Fate. Hardy climbs the ladder and Styles goes after him before kicking him away, Zayn tries tipping the ladder and he winds up sending Hardy and the ladder out of the ring. Styles gets Zayn out of the ring before sending him into the announce table, Styles goes for a ladder and Zayn knocks him into the ring post. Zayn bridges a ladder between the ring and the announce table, Styles climbs the announce table while attacking Zayn. Styles leaps off the announce table before landing a reverse DDT on Zayn on the arena floor, Styles slams Zayn on the announce table before setting up the bridging ladder again. Styles gets Zayn on the bridging ladder before eating a ladder shot from Hardy, Hardy climbs up a huge ladder and he lands a swanton bomb to put Zayn through the ladder. Hardy gets up and he attacks Styles with another ladder, Hardy tries getting another ladder in the ring before Styles attacks him.

Styles gets another ladder in the ring and he sets it up in the middle of the ring, Styles climbs the ladder and Hardy knocks him off the ladder. Hardy winds up falling out of the ring a short time later, Zayn returns and he sends Hardy into the barricade a few times. Zayn goes to his ring jacket and he pulls handcuffs out of the pockets, Zayn grabs a ladder and he hits Hardy with it. Zayn handcuffs Hardy by his ear lobe to a ladder, Zayn returns to the ring after getting another ladder in it. Zayn sets up a ladder in the middle of the ring before eating strikes from Styles, Styles then drops Zayn with a suplex. Zayn winds up handcuffing himself to Styles, Styles gets angry and he attacks a downed Zayn with a ton of strikes. Styles picks Zayn up and he climbs the ladder while holding him on his shoulders, Hardy gets back in the ring with the ladder and he attacks Styles with it. Zayn unlocks his end of the handcuff before handcuffing Styles to a ladder, Zayn climbs the ladder and he grabs the belts to win the match.

Winner: Sami Zayn, your new WWE Intercontinental Champion

After the match, Kayla Braxton interviews Sami Zayn, who says he was the WWE Intercontinental Champion all along.

– WWE 24/7 Champion R-Truth is shown walking around backstage when he bumps into a few referees, R-Truth leaves and a ref follows him. Drew Gulak rolls R-Truth up from behind and he gets a three count to win the title.

Raw Women’s Championship
Asuka (c) vs. Zelina Vega

The match begins with Asuka knocking Vega to the mat, Asuka avoids some kicks from Vega before Vega finally lands one to her knee. Asuka drops Vega again before getting a few near falls on a few pin attempts, Vega fights back and she snaps the arm of Asuka. Asuka recovers and she does damage to the arm of Vega, Asuka transitions to a headlock against Vega. Vega gets free and Asuka nails her with a shoulder tackle, Vega looks for an arm drag and Asuka counters with an arm bar. Vega eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Asuka corners Vega before landing a few strikes. Asuka gets Vega on the top rope and she follows her up there, Vega knocks Asuka off the ropes and Vega gets off the ropes before eating a kick. Asuka uses a hip attack to knock Vega to the arena floor, Asuka leaves the ring and Vega sends her arm first into the ring steps. Vega gets Asuka back into the ring before attacking her with a plethora of strikes, Vega then sends Asuka shoulder first into the corner. Asuka fights back and Vega downs her before wrenching away on her arm, Vega releases the hold to get a near fall on a downed Asuka. Asuka looks for the Asuka Lock and Vega gets free before getting her in an arm bar, Asuka gets free and she nails Vega with a side kick.

Vega gets to the ring apron and Asuka misses a hip attack, Vega then gets Asuka in a rope assisted crucifix for a short time. Vega follows up by landing a middle rope huracanrana and double knee strike on Asuka for a near fall, Vega goes for a back stabber and Asuka avoids it. Vega trips up Asuka before landing a rolling head kick for a near fall, Asuka goes for the Asuka Lock again and Vega rolls her up for a few near falls. Asuka catches Vega in the Asuka Lock from out of nowhere to force a tap out.

Winner: Asuka, still the Raw Women’s Champion

After the match, Charly Caruso interviews Asuka and she calls Zelina Vega dangerous, but not ready for her. Asuka offers a handshake to Vega and Vega attacks her a short time later.

WWE United States Championship
Bobby Lashley (c) w/The Hurt Business vs. Apollo Crews w/Ricochet

The match begins with Lashley scoring a takedown on Crews before going for a pin attempt, Lashley starts working over the arm of Crews. Crews fights back and he nails Lashley with a few strikes, Lashley recovers and he hits Crews with a shoulder tackle. Lashley goes back to damaging the arm of Crews, Lashley trips up Crews and Crews lands a few strikes afterwards. Crews uses a clothesline to knock Lashley out of the ring, Crews then lands a moonsault from the ring apron onto Lashley. Crews follows up by sending Lashley into the barricade before getting him in the ring, Lashley attacks Crews and Crews kicks him in the face. Crews goes to the top rope and he lands a cross body block on Lashley for a near fall, Lashley recovers to send Crews into the corner and land a flat liner afterwards for a near fall. Lashley follows up by choking Crews on the middle rope, Lashley traps Crews in the corner while landing some strikes. Lashley decides to choke Crews on the top rope while MVP does some trash talking, Lashley then hits Crews with a suplex for a near fall. Crews leaves the ring and Lashley follows him out there, Lashley picks up Crews and Crews gets free before sending him into the ring post.

Crews gets back into the ring before Lashley and he drops Lashley a few times with axe handle smashes, Crews then nails Lashley with an avalanche. Lashley fights back and Crews knocks him back out of the ring, Crews dives off the ring apron and onto Lashley before getting him back in the ring. Crews goes to the top rope and Lashley causes him to leap off, Crews still hits Lashley with an enziguri followed by a standing moonsault for a near fall. Crews goes back to the top rope and Lashley meets him up there after landing a few strikes, Lashley gets Crews off the ropes with a superplex for a near fall. Lashley goes for the Dominator and Crews avoids it before landing a standing shooting star press, Crews then hits Lashley with a frog splash for a near fall. Lashley recovers and he nails Crews with a spine buster, Lashley gets Crews in the Hurt Lock and a tap out follows.

Winner: Bobby Lashley w/The Hurt Business, still the WWE United States Champion

Raw Tag Team Championships
The Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins) (c) vs. Andrade & Angel Garza

The match begins with Dawkins working over the arm of Andrade, Andrade gets free and he does the same to Dawkins. Andrade nails Dawkins with a few strikes before tagging Garza in, Garza gets Dawkins down while wrenching away on his arm. Andrade tags in and he gets Dawkins in a headlock, Dawkins gets free and he drops a charging Andrade with a shoulder block. Dawkins follows up by nailing Andrade with a drop kick, Ford tags in and he nails both opponents with drop kicks. Andrade attacks Ford from behind and then Garza helps Andrade avoid a drop kick from Ford, Garza tags in and he double teams Ford alongside Andrade. Garza holds Ford down while wrenching away on his arm, Andrade tags in and he nails the hurt arm of Ford with a missile drop kick. Andrade sends Ford out of the ring before tagging Garza in, Andrade gets Ford on the ring apron before Garza lands a knee strike for a near fall. Garza keeps Ford down while working over his injured arm, Ford gets free and he nails Garza with a back suplex. Dawkins and Andrade are tagged in by their respective partners, Dawkins quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team.

Dawkins then nails Andrade with a spinning avalanche before eating a drop kick from him, Andrade goes for a double knee strike and Dawkins gets out of the way. Garza makes a blind tag as Dawkins lands a spine buster on Andrade, Garza knocks Dawkins into Ford after Ford tagged in. Garza meets Ford on the top rope to land a one man Spanish fly for a near fall, Ford fights back and he drops Garza with a right. Ford looks for a tag and Andrade knocks Dawkins off the ring apron, Ford and Garza battle until Garza lands a knee strike. Andrade tags in and he attacks Dawkins before nailing Ford with a double knee strike for a near fall, Andrade goes for the Hammerlock DDT and Ford counters with an enziguri. Dawkins tags in and he nails Andrade with The Anointment for a three count.

Winners: The Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins), still the Raw Tag Team Champions

– Kayla Braxton interviews WWE 24/7 Champion Drew Gulak, who says his first rule is always be alert and that is how he won the title. R-Truth appears behind him and he attacks Gulak with a pan, R-Truth gets the three count on Gulak to win the title.

– Smackdown Women’s Champion Bayley makes her way to the ring with a steel chair in hand, Bayley sets her title belt up on the steel chair before saying its sad that Nikki Cross cannot compete tonight. Bayley talks about being the most dominant champion in the WWE right now, Bayley says she is issuing an open challenge to every WWE superstar tonight for a title shot. Bayley gets ready to celebrate and Raw Women’s Champion Asuka answers the challenge.

Smackdown Women’s Championship
Bayley (c) vs. Asuka

The match begins with Asuka bailing Bayley with a hip attack and release German suplex, Bayley leaves the ring and Asuka gets her back in before landing a basement drop kick and hip attack for a near fall. Asuka goes for an arm bar and Bayley tries rolling through, Asuka goes for the Asuka Lock and Bayley gets to the ropes. Bayley fights back and she attacks Asuka’s injured arm, Bayley keeps Asuka down while attacking the injured arm. Bayley nails Asuka with a back suplex for a near fall, Bayley traps Asuka’s injured arm in the ropes while wrenching away on it. Bayley then hits Asuka with a divorce court before going to the middle rope, Bayley leaps off and Asuka nails her with a double knee strike. Bayley leaves the ring and she trips up Asuka after avoiding a penalty kick from the ring apron, Asuka avoids a sliding Bayley before landing a head kick. Asuka then hits Bayley with a release German suplex on the arena floor, Bayley grabs a steel chair and she attacks Asuka with it.

Winner: Asuka, by DQ

After the match, Sasha Banks attacks Bayley from behind with a steel chair, Bayley tries running away and Banks attacks her with more strikes. Bayley kicks Banks away and that injures Banks already hurt neck, Bayley gets Banks in the ring before bring a steel chair and kendo stick into it. Banks fights back and she grabs the kendo stick before attacking Bayley with it, Bayley escapes as Banks swings the chair at her.

WWE Championship
Ambulance Match
Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Randy Orton

The match begins with McIntyre attacking Orton with a bunch of strikes, McIntyre traps Orton in the corner while landing more strikes. McIntyre traps Orton in the ropes while landing more shots, Orton looks for an RKO and McIntyre avoids it. McIntyre gets trapped in the ropes and Orton nails him with a low blow, Orton then hits McIntyre with an elevated DDT. Orton sets up for the punt when Big Show interferes to prevent it, Show drags Orton out of the ring before choke slamming him through the announce table. McIntyre leaves the ring and he picks up Orton before dropping him on top of the barricade, McIntyre picks Orton up before attacking him with more strikes. McIntyre follows up by sending Orton into the ring steps, McIntyre stomps away on the hand of a downed Orton. McIntyre then throws Orton right into the barricade, McIntyre picks up Orton and he throws him face first into the back doors of the ambulance. McIntyre grabs some weapons from the side of the ambulance, McIntyre grabs a steel chair and he attacks Orton with it. Orton fights back and he attacks McIntyre with a crutch, Orton then tries crushing McIntyre’s injured jaw with a steel chair.

Orton opens up the ambulance doors and he tries getting McIntyre in it, McIntyre gets himself and Orton in the ambulance while landing some strikes. Orton fights back and both of them battle out of the ambulance, Orton then sends McIntyre face first into the side of the ambulance. Orton opens the drivers side door of the ambulance and he tries crushing McIntyre’s head with it, McIntyre fights back and he nails Orton with a Glasgow Kiss. McIntyre goes for a Claymore Kick and Orton avoids it while McIntyre kicks the door off the ambulance, Orton waits for McIntyre to get up before attacking him with more strikes. McIntyre recovers and he sends Orton face first into the hood of the ambulance, McIntyre and Orton battle to the backstage area. McIntyre traps Orton on an office chair while attacking him with more strikes, McIntyre picks Orton up and he nails him with more strikes. Orton recovers and he launches McIntyre into a brick wall, Christian attacks Orton from out of nowhere and he sends him into a catering table while landing a bunch of strikes. McIntyre gets back up and he attacks Orton with more strikes as they battle back towards the ambulance, McIntyre gets Orton on the hood of the ambulance.

McIntyre climbs up to the hood of the ambulance and Orton rakes his eyes, Orton then sends McIntyre back first through the windshield of the ambulance. McIntyre climbs towards the top of the ambulance as Orton attacks him with more strikes, Orton and McIntyre make their way to the roof of the ambulance. McIntyre tries fighting back and Orton nails him with a knee strike, McIntyre climbs down and Orton knocks him down after landing more strikes. Shawn Michaels appears from out of nowhere to knock Orton off the ambulance and through some staging after landing Sweet Chin Music, McIntyre picks Orton up and he carries him near the ambulance. Orton fights back and he nails McIntyre with an RKO on the arena floor, Orton gets McIntyre in the ambulance and he closes one of the doors. McIntyre prevents the second door from being closed before raking Orton’s eyes, McIntyre gets out of the ambulance and he nails him with a Claymore Kick. McIntyre gets Orton in the ambulance and he leaves his head hanging outside of it, McIntyre nails Orton with a punt before getting him fully in the ambulance and closing both doors.

Winner: Drew McIntyre, still your WWE Champion

After the match, Ric Flair is revealed to be the ambulance driver.

WWE Universal Championship
Roman Reigns (c) w/Paul Heyman vs. Jey Uso

The match begins with Reigns backing Uso into the corner before a staredown takes place, Reigns sends Uso into the corner and Uso avoids his charge. Reigns tries getting Uso into the corner before sending him out of the ring, Uso gets back in the ring and he nails Reigns with some strikes. Reigns recovers and he nails Uso with a leaping clothesline for a near fall, Reigns then chokes Uso on the middle rope. Reigns sends Uso into the corner before landing more strikes, Uso goes to the ring apron and Reigns chokes him on the top rope before knocking him to the arena floor. Reigns and uso exchange a few strikes while on the arena floor until Uso goes down, Reigns then sends Uso face first into the announce table. Reigns gets Uso back into the ring before getting a near fall on a pin attempt, Reigns keeps Uso down while applying a chin lock to him. Uso gets free and Reigns nails him with a headbutt, Uso fights back and he cracks Reigns with a few strikes. Uso then nails Reigns with a Samoan drop for a near fall, Reigns recovers and he cracks Uso with a superman punch. Uso rolls out of the ring and Reigns follows him out there, Uso fights back and Reigns exchanges strikes with him until Uso goes down.

Reigns gets Uso back into the ring before getting another near fall on a pin attempt, Reigns traps Uso in the corner while landing more strikes. Uso tries fighting back and Reigns drops him with a right, Reigns follows up by nailing Uso with a corner clothesline. Uso fights back and he cracks Reigns with some strikes before sending him shoulder first into the ring post, Uso uses a clothesline to knock Reigns out of the ring. Uso then hits Reigns with a suicide dive before getting him back in the ring, Uso knocks Reigns back out of the ring before landing a suicide dive again. Uso gets Reigns back in the ring before landing a top rope cross body block for a near fall, Uso then hits Reigns with a thrust kick for another near fall. Uso goes to the top rope and Reigns makes him leap off before landing a leg drop driver for a near fall, Reigns sets up for a spear and Uso avoids it with a roll up. Uso then nails Reigns with a super kick and top rope splash for a near fall, Reigns nails Uso with a low blow during the kick out. Reigns then nails Uso with a spear after both get back up, Reigns picks Uso up and he nails him with a second spear. Reigns mounts a downed Uso and he attacks him with a bunch of strikes, Reigns mounts Uso again and he nails him with a ton of more strikes.

Reigns nails Uso with a bunch of elbow strikes to the back of the head, Jimmy Uso comes out with a towel and Jey tells him not to throw the towel in. Reigns continuously wants Jey to tell him that he is the tribal chief, Reigns attacks Uso with a bunch more strikes until Jimmy throws the towel in to end the match.

Winner: Roman Reigns w/Paul Heyman, still the WWE Universal Champion

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