
WWE 205 Live Results for 8/6/21 KUSHIDA Debuts, Ruff vs Waller

The NXT Cruiserweight champion makes his 205 Live debut at 10pm EST after Smackdown on Peacock!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

Leon Ruff vs Grayson Waller

Leon and Grayson lock up before Grayson sends Leon across the ring and mocks Leon before Leon rocks him with a kick and a stiff forearm before Grayson picks Leon up and Leon counters for two. Grayson suplexes Leon for two before Grayson stomps Leon and chops him in the corner before sending him out of the ring and hitting a DDT onto the floor. They get back inside before Grayson sends Leon off of the top and applies an Argentine backbreaker into a diving elbow for two. Leon hits a tornado DDT before following up with a springboard cutter for a near fall before missing a splash and counters Grayson with a crucifix for the pin and the win.

Winner: Leon Ruff defeats Grayson Waller via pinfall.

KUSHIDA vs Ari Sterling

They run the ropes before Ari runs into KUSHIDA who doesn’t budge before taking control with a wrist lock before Ari misses an asai and KUSHIDA dropkicks him. KUSHIDA misses a diving knee before Ari hits a flipping leg drop for two before Ari locks in a body scissors before KUSHIDA gets to his feet and boots Ari. KUSHIDA hits Ari with a back elbow before Ari counters a handspring elbow and hits KUSHIDA with an enzuigiri before hitting a hurricanrana. KUSHIDA then counters Ari’s shooting star press double knee into the Hoverboard Lock for the tap and the win.

Winner: KUSHIDA defeats Ari Sterling via submission.

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