
WWE 205 Live Results for 7/3/20 Legado Del Fantasma Comes to 205 Live

Santos Escobar brings Legado Del Fantasma to 205 Live tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown and are ready for tonight’s edition of 205 Live featuring the debut of Legado Del Fantasma on the brand!

Isaiah Scott vs Matt Martel w/Chase Parker

Matt hits an arm drag before locking in a standing side headlock and dropping Isaiah with a shoulder block before he hops right back up and arm drags Matt. Isaiah takes Matt down and hits a head scissors before chopping Matt in the corner and Matt comes back with uppercuts and right hands. Isaiah lays into Matt with punches and hits a snap mare into an uppercut before Chase grabs Isaiah and pulls him off of the top rope for the disqualification.

Winner: Isaiah Scott defeats Matt Martel via disqualification.

– After the match Isaiah is surprisingly saved by Tony Nese who he’s been feuding with the past several weeks before the referee makes a tag match between Scott and Nese and Ever-Rise.

Isaiah Scott & Tony Nese vs Ever-Rise

Chase attacks Isaiah from behind before Tony gets the blind tag and tags himself in, Tony taking Chase down before dropping him with a back elbow for two. Tony tries to tag in Isaiah who reluctantly receives the tag before they hit a double suplex to Chase for two and Chase gets the tag to Matt. ER isolate Isaiah and double up on him for several minutes for a two count before Isaiah gets the hot tag to Tony who hits a triangle moonsault before Chase hits a Gory bomb. Matt and Isaiah end up brawling at ringside while Tony and Chase are left in the ring and Tony rocks Chase with a spin kick before finishing him with The Running Nese. Isaiah then hits a diving stomp for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese and Isaiah Scott defeat Ever-Rise via pinfall.

Legado Del Fantasma vs Leon Ruff & Liam Gray

Legado Del Fantasma (Joaquin WIlde & Raul Mendoza) w/Santos Escobar vs Leon Ruff vs Liam Gray

Joaquin starts things off with Leon, applying a wrist lock and thrusting his shoulder into the chest of Ruff before taking him down and hitting a moonsault. LDF double up on Ruff, Mendoza hitting an assisted hand spring moonsault before beating Ruff down and dropping him with a stiff chop. Raul suplexes Ruff and mocks Liam who gets the tag and gets turned inside out for his troubles almost immediately. Santos looks on at ringside as Raul hits a twisting neckbreaker and looks to Santos for approval before LDF hit their finisher, a dropkick into a side Russian leg sweep for the pin and the win.

Winner: Legado Del Fantasma defeat Leon Ruff and Liam Gray via pinfall.



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