
WWE 205 Live Results for 7/24/20 Burch, Lorcan, Mansoor vs Ever-Rise & Miles

Lorcan, Burch and Mansoor team up to take on Ever-Rise and Miles tonight at 10pm EST!

Good evening Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

Drake Maverick vs Leon Ruff

Drake grounds his opponent before he comes back with a back elbow and Drake drops him with clotheslines before hitting a single leg dropkick and bulldog into a running senton. Drake hits a sunset flip powerbomb into the corner before climbing to the top and finishing with a diving elbow drop for the pin and the win.

Winner: Drake Maverick defeats Leon Ruff via pinfall.

– We get the video package from NXT where Isaiah Scott talked about his music and wrestling careers before we get a graphic for his match against Tony Nese on next week’s show.

Six-Man Tag Team Match

Mansoor and Miles start the match before Miles immediately tags in Chase and he and Mansoor exchange hammer locks and Mansoor hits a drop toe hold into a side headlock. Matt gets the blind tag, but Mansoor is ready and hits a deep arm drag before backing into the corner where Oney tags in and wrings the arm of Matt before Danny gets the tag and they double up on Matt. Danny takes Matt down and stomps his arm before Oney comes back in and uppercuts Matt before Mansoor comes in and hits an inverted atomic drop into a dropkick for two. Mansoor puts Matt in a headlock before Matt knees him in the midsection and tags in Tehuti before Mansoor tackles Tehuti and lays into him with right hands. Tehuti knocks Ever-Rise off of the apron before all six men square off and Oney comes back in with Tehuti, the two locking up before Oney goes behind and goes for a standing switch, but Tehuti elbows him.

Tehuti dropkicks Oney and he and Ever-Rise isolate Oney and cut the ring in half until he comes back with boot and tags in Danny who takes out Ever-Rise with a double missile dropkick. Danny hits Tehuti with suplex before clotheslining him and Mansoor comes in and Tehuti rolls him up for a near fall before Mansoor hits a springboard corkscrew neckbreaker. Tehuti rolls out of the ring to avoid the pin and Mansoor hits a corkscrew cross body to the outside before Ever-Rise take out Danny and Oney hits a double running blockbuster. Tehuti and Mansoor then counter each other and exchange pins until Mansoor pins Tehuti for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mansoor, Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch defeat Tehuti Miles and Ever-Rise via pinfall.

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