
WWE 205 Live Results for 7/17/20 Nese vs Parker, Miles vs Mansoor

The Premiere Athlete goes one on one with one half of Ever-Rise tonight at 10pm EST!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed tonight’s edition of Smackdown on FOX and are ready for tonight’s edition of 205 Live!

Tehuti Miles vs Mansoor

Tehuti whips Mansoor into the corner before Mansoor comes back with right hands and is immediately beaten down and stomped and choked in the corner. Mansoor comes back with a suplex and locks in a straight armbar with a chin bar before scrapping his forearm across the face of Miles. Miles gets to his feet and sends Mansoor out of the ring before Tehuti dropkicks Mansoor when he goes for a springboard and sends Mansoor into the steps and the plexiglass at ringside. Mansoor gets back inside right before he’s counted out and Tehuti is all over him, hitting him with forearms to the back and choking him in the ropes before hitting a neckbreaker for two. Mansoor dodges a dropkick from the apron and hits a slingshot neckbreaker into the ring before rocking Tehuti with strikes and dropping him with clotheslines.

Mansoor then dropkicks Tehuti and whips him across the ring before hitting an inverted atomic drop into a spinebuster and an electric chair driver for the win.

Winner: Mansoor defeats Tehuti Miles via pinfall.

– We get the same Legado Del Fantasma video that he got this past week on NXT where they celebrate and talk about breaking down and rebuilding the cruiserweight division.

– We get a recap of Tony Nese versus Isaiah Scott from three weeks ago as well as Isaiah’s match and their tag match against Ever-Rise last week ahead of Tony’s match against Chase Parker up next.

Tony Nese vs Chase Parker w/Matt Martel

Tony takes Chase down and flexes before they grapple on the mat and Tony locks in a body scissors that he turns into a sunset flip pinning predicament for two. Tony hits a deep arm drag before Chase backs him into the corner and Tony shoves him backwards and onto the mat. Matt grabs Tony’s foot, but Chase can’t capitalize on it before Tony gets two and wrings the arm of Chase before snapping his neck across the top rope. Matt distracts Tony and allows Chase to hit a wrecking ball dropkick before tossing Tony back into the ring and wrenching the arm of Tony before Tony backs him into the corner and Chase hits a bulldog out of the corner for two. Chase focuses on the arm of Tony before Tony tosses him away when he goes for another bulldog and hitting a knee left and several kicks into a wheel kick before sweeping Chase and hitting a triangle moonsault for a near fall. 

Tony then goes for a reverse piledriver before Matt gets on the apron and Tony sends Chase into Matt before he goes for it again and Tony counters into the reverse piledriver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese defeats Chase Parker via pinfall.

– Ever-Rise attack Tony after the match before they’re ran off by Isaiah Scott who comes to Tony’s rescue as we go off the air.

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