
WWE 205 Live Results for 6/26/20 Isaiah Scott vs Tony Nese

Swerve goes head to head with The Premiere Athlete tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown on FOX!

Hey there Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown on FOX and are ready for tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

Isaiah Scott vs Tony Nese

They lock up for a clean break before Tony flexes and backs up when Scott rushes in, the two locking up again before Tony takes Scott down to the mat. They grapple on the mat before Tony backs into the ropes for the break and Nese takes Scott down with a leg pick before they get back to their feet and Scott takes Nese back down several times. Tony finally gets back to his feet after several minutes on the mat before hitting a back elbow and kicking Isaiah in the midsection. Scott leaps over a sweep by Nese and takes him back down with a deep arm drag into a straight armbar before the action spills out of the ring and Scott sends Nese into the apron and barricade. Nese drops Scott back first across the edge of the apron before rolling back into the ring before Nese runs him over when he crawls back in for two.

Tony beats Isaiah down and whips him into the corner sternum first for two before sweeping Isaiah and hitting a triangle moonsault for a near fall. Tony follows up with a pair of back suplexes for another near fall before they counter each other until Isaiah suplexes Tony. Isaiah climbs up top before Tony rocks him with a jumping uppercut and Isaiah knocks Tony down momentarily before he hops back up several times. Isaiah hits a diving sunset flip that Tony turns into a kick to the side of the head for two before putting Isaiah in a body scissors that he struggles to get out of. Isaiah punches his way free and shoves Tony away before Tony slaps him across the face and mocks him before Isaiah drives Tony into the corner and rocks him with a stiff right hand before laying into him with punches in the midsection.

Isaiah hits a snap mare into a diving elbow to the back of the neck before hitting a PK from the apron and a rolling flat liner for two. Isaiah counters a missile dropkick into a German suplex for a near fall before Tony dodges The House Call and locks in a Boston crab before Scott gets free and Tony hits a pump handle slam for a near fall. Isaiah counters The Running Nese before Tony rocks him with a forearm and sends him into the steps like he has for several weeks on NXT. Tony hits a 450 once they’re back in the ring for a near fall, Isaiah grabbing the bottom rope at the last second before Tony starts to bring a chair into the ring. Tony throws the chair down before Scott sweeps his legs and superkicks him before trapping him in the ropes and hitting a slingshot stomp onto the floor.

Back in the ring Isaiah then hits a diving stomp for the pin and the win.

Winner: Isaiah Scott defeats Tony Nese via pinfall.

– After the match it’s announced that Legado Del Fantasma are coming to 205 Live next week as we go off the air with Isaiah celebrating.

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