
WWE 205 Live Results for 6/19/20 Oney Lorcan vs Chase Parker, Jake Atlas Debuts

NXT Superstar Jake Atlas makes his 205 Live debut tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown on FOX!

Hey there Fight Fans! Welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live! We hope you enjoy the show, have a great weekend and come back to Fightful Monday for RAW and join me Tuesday night for IMPACT!

Oney Lorcan vs Chase Parker

Oney locks in a standing side headlock for several minutes before dropping him with a shoulder block and sends him into the turnbuckle before Chase sends Oney face first into the top turnbuckle. Oney chops Chase and sends him shoulder first into the corner before Chase comes back with a slingshot elbow drop and chokes Oney in the ropes. Chase dropkicks Oney for two and takes him down before locking in a hammer lock and kneeing Oney in the ribs before he gets to his feet and backs Chase into the corner. Oney then hits several atomic drops into a running back elbow before hitting a running uppercut and a running blockbuster for the pin and the win.

Winner: Oney Lorcan defeats Chase Parker via pinfall.

– After the match Ever-Rise attack Lorcan and Burch before Indus Sher and Malcolm Bivens come out and lay out Lorcan and Burch as we go to commercial. 

– We come back to a video package for Legado Del Fantasma and their destruction of Drake Maverick from this past Wednesday’s NXT. 

Jake Atlas vs Jack Gallagher

Jake takes Jack down to the mat before Jack counters and kicks him in the ribs before they dodge each other and Jack slaps Jake when he mocks him. Jake hits an arm drag and drops Jack with a shoulder block before Jack counters a reverse DDT and hangs Jake across the top rope. Jack lays into Jake with punches and kicks until he collapses in the corner and Jack hits a snap mare and kicks him in the spine before stretching him and hitting a basement dropkick to the back of his neck for two. Jack headbutts Jake in the midsection before beating on Jake in mount and locking in an armbar before locking in an abdominal stretch. Jake comes back with a back suplex and clotheslines into a jumping neckbreaker for two and Jack locks in a guillotine before Jake rolls to the ropes for the break.

Jack then beats Jake down on the apron before Jake hits a snap German suplex and the Rainbow DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jake Atlas defeats Jack Gallagher via pinfall.

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