
WWE 205 Live Results for 5/29/20 Tony Nese vs Tyler Breeze, Miles vs Burch

The Premiere Athlete goes head to head with the Super Model and Danny Burch takes on Tehuti Miles!

Good evening Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of 205 Live!

Tyler Breeze vs Tony Nese

Tyler backs Tony into the corner before Tyler hits a snap mare into a rear headlock and Tony counters a roll up into a spin kick to the head before laying into Tyler with punches in mount before hitting a scoop slam for two. Tony misses a triangle moonsault in the corner before landing it on the second attempt for two. Tyler comes back and climbs to the top before Tony knocks him off with a jumping uppercut and Tyler rolls out of the ring when Tony goes for The Running Knese and sends Tony’s ankle into the post before locking in a single leg Boston crab. Tyler then hits a clothesline off of the apron before getting back into the ring and Tyler hits a spinebuster into a uranage for a near fall before Tony comes back with a running back elbow in the corner into The Running Knese for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese defeats Tyler Breeze via pinfall.

– We come back to a video recapping this past week’s NXT and the finals of the Interim Cruiserweight Championship Tournament.

Tehuti Miles vs Danny Burch

They lock up several times to a stalemate before Danny rushes Miles who rolls out of the ring, Burch inviting him back into the ring before Miles takes Danny down and walks over top of him before Danny rocks him with an uppercut. Danny hits a side headlock takeover before picking his leg when he jumps in mid-air and flap jacks Tehuti before hitting him with clubbing blows across the back and dropping him with an uppercut. Danny sends Tehuti face first into the top turnbuckle before Tehuti sends Danny out of the ring and dropkicks him off of the apron when he tries to get back into the ring before he gets back into the ring and stomps Danny in the corner. Tehuti hits a pair of neckbreakers for two before a near fall before Danny comes back with a missile dropkick into a running clothesline in the corner and an enzuigiri into a German suplex. Danny then hits a lariat before Tehuti rolls out of the ring and falls onto the floor before Danny tosses him back in and Tehuti rolls him up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tehuti Miles defeats Danny Burch via pinfall.

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