
WWE 205 Live Results for 12/25/20 Mansoor vs Mendoza, Parker vs Samir

Mansoor takes on 1/3rd of Legado del Fantasma tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown on FOX!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope your Christmas is going well and are ready for tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

Samir Singh w/Sunile Singh vs Chase Parker w/Matt Martell

Sunile distracts Chase at ringside before Samir attacks him and sends Chase out of the ring before Matt clotheslines Sunile at ringside. Back in the ring Chase takes control and punches Samir in the corner before Samir snaps his neck across the top rope and suplexes him onto the floor. Chase rolls back in and Samir hits a float over suplex for two before hitting a diving back elbow for another two count. Samir hits Chase with a backbreaker before coming off of the second rope and Chase gets his boot up before Samir locks in a sleeper hold. Chase drives Samir into the corner to get free before sending Samir into the corner sternum first and a springboard elbow drop.

Samir then takes out Sunile before Chase hits a snake eyes for the pin and the win.

Winner: Chase Parker defeats Samir Singh via pinfall.

– We get a taped promo by Curt Stallion where he talks about how he’ll be ready to take the Cruiserweight Championship from Santos Escobar when they meet in the ring.

Raul Mendoza vs Mansoor

The two exchange wrist locks and arm wringers before Mansoor takes Raul down to the mat and transitions between submissions attempts. Mansoor takes Raul back down before going for his leg and Raul gets to the ropes for the break before Raul takes Mansoor down and mocks him. Mansoor hits several arm drags before they run the ropes until Mansoor hits more arm drags and Raul scrambles out of the ring to regroup. Raul ducks Mansoor when he goes for a baseball slide before sending him into the barricade and apron before rolling him back inside and hitting a slingshot senton. Raul whips Mansoor into the corner before locking in a rear chin lock and Mansoor gets to his feet before hitting a dragon screw into a running clothesline in the corner.

Raul rips Mansoor down from the top turnbuckle and stomps and knees his back before hitting a float over suplex for two. Raul stomps and kicks Mansoor before choking him in the top rope and with his shirt for two before dropkicking Mansoor. Raul locks in a cobra clutch before Mansoor fights his way out of the hold and sends Raul shoulder first into the post before dropping him repeatedly and hitting an inverted atomic drop. Mansoor hits a diving bulldog before Raul rolls out of the ring and Mansoor hits a suicide dive before tossing Raul back inside for two. Raul counters an electric chair into a standing moonsault for a near fall before Mansoor hits a reverse DDT for a near fall of his own.

Mansoor locks in a half crab before Raul gets to the ropes for the break before hitting a twisting neckbreaker and lands on his feet when he misses a dive. Mansoor then hits a slingshot neckbreaker for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mansoor defeats Raul Mendoza via pinfall.

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