
WWE 205 Live Results for 11/6/20 Mansoor vs Ashante Thee Adonis

Mansoor takes on Thee Adonis and Stallion teams up with Grey at 10pm EST after Smackdown on FOX!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown and are ready for some Cruiserweight action with 205 Live!

Ashante Thee Adonis vs Mansoor

An aggressive Mansoor takes control early before Adonis hits a hip toss and locks in a front face lock that takes Mansoor down to the mat. They run the ropes before Ashante misses a dropkick and hits a flap jack before hitting a diving cross body. Mansoor knocks Ashante down and sends him face first into the top turnbuckle before he crashes down onto the floor. Back in the ring Mansoor hits several fist drops for two before locking in a front face lock and turning it into a submission. Ashante comes back with several clotheslines into a dropkick before hitting a diving cross body for two.

Ashante then gets a near fall off of an inside cradle before Mansoor hits an electric chair driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mansoor defeats Ashante Thee Adonis via pinfall.

– They shake hands after the match before we see Curt Stallion and August Grey backstage earlier tonight.

– We get a video package promo by NXT Cruiserweight champion Santos Escobar and a graphic for a fatal five way number one contender match on next week’s show.

Curt Stallion & August Grey vs Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese

Tony and Grey start things off with Tony immediately driving Grey into the corner before Ariya comes in and Curt gets the blind tag. Curt clotheslines Ariya before Curt and Grey chain together tags and slow, methodical offense. Ariya comes back with a sunset flip before Curt hits a stomp for two and fights out of the corner before Ariya drops Curt from behind. Tony comes in and slams Curt to the mat before Ariya hits a neckbreaker and Tony drops Curt with a back elbow for two. Grey gets the hot tag and takes out both Ariya and Tony before Ariya distracts Grey and Tony snaps his neck across the top rope.

Tony hits a triangle moonsault for two before Ariya dumps Grey out of the ring and slams him into the announce table. Back in the ring Ariya gets two before suplexing Grey for two and whipping him into the corner. Tony slaps Grey before Grey slaps him back and Tony drops him with kicks to the chest. Tony locks in a rear chin lock before Grey fights his way to his feet and is taken right back down. Grey fights off Ariya before Tony locks in a body scissors and gets the hot tag to Curt who suplexes Ariya.

Curt hits a running dropkick in the corner before hitting a DDT for two and Tony superkicks Curt out of the ring. Curt takes Ariya out with a suicide dive before Tony gets a near fall that Curt breaks up. Ariya sends Curt into the steps before Tony kicks out of a roll up by Grey and Ariya hits Grey with a foreign object in his hand. Tony then pins August for the win.

Winner: Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari defeat August Grey and Curt Stallion via pinfall.

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