
WWE 205 Live Results for 11/20/20 Ashante Thee Adonis vs Tony Nese

Thee Adonis takes on The Premiere Athlete at 10pm EST after Smackdown on FOX!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

Bollywood Boyz vs Ever-Rise

Sunile starts things off with Matt before Matt drags Sunile to the corner and ER double up on Sunile for two. ER isolate Samir and keep him away from Samir until Sunile locks in a straight arm bar and BB hit diving ax handles before Samir gets slapped by Chase.  Samir pursues Chase around the ring before Matt attacks him from behind and hits a backbreaker for two. Chase and Samir run the ropes until Chase counters a crucifix bomb into a back suplex for two. ER hit Samir with several double team moves for two before Samir clears the ring and gets the hot tag to Sunile.

Sunile hits a diving ax handle into an atomic drop and a spinning heel kick. Sunile chops Matt and hits another spinning heel kick before the Bollywood Boyz hit the Bollywood Blast for a near fall that Chase breaks up. ER hit Sunile with a double team move behind the referee’s back before the referee makes Matt get out of the ring.  Samir then hits Chase with a camera behind the referee’s back for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Bollywood Boyz defeat Ever-Rise via pinfall.

– Ariya Daivari comes out when the brothers are celebrating and scolds them for losing him money last week as we go to commercial.

– We get a taped promo by the number one contender for Santos Escobar’s Cruiserweight Championship, Curt Stallion. Curt talks about how he doesn’t know if Santos is playing mind games, but they both have no idea when they’ll have that match and to smarten up.

Tony Nese vs Ashante Thee Adonis

They lock up before Tony slides out of the ring and joins Ariya on commentary briefly before Ashante slaps Tony before Ariya distracts him. Tony capitalizes on the distraction by Ariya and hits a spin kick into a triangle moonsault for two before Ariya gets off of commentary and grabs his chain. Ariya nearly hits Tony with the chain by accident before Ashante dropkicks Tony and hits Ariya with a spine buster when he gets into the ring. Ashante then hits Tony with The Long Kiss Goodnight for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ashante Thee Adonis defeats Tony Nese via pinfall.

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