
WWE 205 Live Results for 11/13/20 Cruiserweight Title #1 Contender Match

A new number one contender for the Cruiserweight Title will be determined at 10pm EST!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed tonight’s edition of Smackdown and are ready for 205 Live!

– We open tonight’s show with a special video package for the entire 205 Live roster for the 205th episode of 205 Live.

WWE Cruiserweight Championship Fatal Five Way Number One Contender Match

Tony Nese vs Ariya Daivari vs Ashante Thee Adonis vs Curt Stallion vs August Grey

Ashante immediately rolls out of the ring before Nese and Daivari and Stallion and Grey pair off. Grey rolls Stallion up for two before they’re attacked from behind by Nese and Daivari and Ashante comes in and evens the odds for the new blood.  Ashante hits a spine buster for two onto Ariya before Ashante is doubled up on by Nese and Daivari. Tony and Ariya lock up before August hits a diving cross body that takes out Tony and Ariya before Curt comes in. August and Curt go at it before August sends Curt out of the ring and Ashante comes in and dropkicks August before hitting a running dropkick with August against the ropes.

Ashante whips August into the corner before Curt and Ashante exchange strikes and Curt drops Ashante for a two count that Tony and Ariya break up. Ariya and Tony whip Curt into the corner before dropping him with a double back elbow and hitting a delayed double suplex. August comes in and takes out both Nese and Daivari before Tony snaps his neck across the top rope and follows up with an attempted triangle moonsault, but comes up empty. Ariya and Tony drop August across the announce table before Tony drops August with a running back elbow for two. Ariya and Tony maintain control, doubling up on August and Ashante before Ashante locks in a sleeper on Tony before Tony gets free and is sent out of the ring.

Ariya sends Ashante out of the ring before Curt comes in and suplexes Ariya before hitting a running clothesline in the corner into a DDT for a near fall that Tony breaks up. Curt hits a reverse neckbreaker for two before Ashante hits August with a twisting slam for two and Ariya hits Ashante with a uranage. Grey drags Ariya out of the ring before Ariya sends him into the steps and hits a frog slash onto August for a near fall before Curt comes out of nowhere with a splash of his own for a near fall. Tony hits a 450 onto Curt for a third consecutive near fall before Tony drags Curt to the corner and gets superkicked by August before he can hit the Running Nese. The Bollywood Boyz show up and break up the pin attempt by August before Bollywood are taken out only for Ever-Rise to attack Ashante, Curt and August.

Curt, Ashante and August take out Ever-Rise and Bollywood before Ariya knocks Ashante out with a chain for a near fall that August breaks up. Tony then sends August out of the ring with a kick before meeting Curt on the top and Curt hits a Spanish fly for the pin and the win.

Winner: Curt Stallion defeats Tony Nese, Ariya Daivari, Ashante Thee Adonis and August Grey via pinfall to earn an opportunity to face Santos Escobar.

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