
WWE 205 Live Results for 1/10/20 Tyler Breeze Debuts, Swerve vs Rush

Prince Pretty makes his 205 Live debut tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown on FOX!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown and are ready for tonight’s edition of 205 Live headlined by a match between Isaiah Scott and Lio Rush!

-We open the show with a video recapping the return of The Brian Kendrick last week.

Isaiah Scott vs Lio Rush

They lock up and run the ropes before dodging each other until they exchange wrist locks and flips before Scott takes Lio down to the mat. They both flip out of the ring once Lio gets to his feet and square off before getting back into the ring at the same time before they’re interrupted by the Singh Brothers. Lio and Scott then attack the Singhs and toss them into the ring before they roll back out and Lio challenges them to a tag match.

Winner: No contest due to match becoming a tag team match.

Lio Rush & Isaiah Scott vs The Singh Brothers

Scott goes after the brothers who try to leave before taking Sunile down once they’re in the ring and he and Lio drop Sunile with a back elbow. Lio hits an assisted splash and Sunile slaps him before he runs out of the ring and Lio gives chase before he’s distracted by Samir and Sunile capitalizes. Back in the ring The Singhs isolate Lio in their half of the ring before Samir locks in a rear chin lock and drops Lio with a back elbow for two. Lio fights his way out of the corner and gets the tag to Scott who drops Samir with a right hand and hits Sunile with a diving elbow drop to the spine. Isaiah then kicks both Singhs against the ropes before Lio hits a rebound stunner and Isaiah his jumping side kick to the head he calls the House Call for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lio Rush and Isaiah Scott defeat The Singh Brothers via pinfall.

Ariya Daivari vs Local Talent

Ariya muscles his opponent to the mat when they lock up before slapping him across the face. Jeff comes back with right hands before Ariya sends him halfway across the ring and hits a jumping uranage into the hammer lock lariat for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ariya Daivari defeats a local performer via pinfall with a hammer lock lariat.

-After the match Ariya attacks his opponent with a second lariat before leaving as we go to commercial.

Tyler Breeze vs Tony Nese

Tyler hits a slingshot for a quick two count before hitting a thrust kick to the midsection before clotheslining him over the top rope and down onto the floor. Tyler sends Tony into the steps before Tony comes back and sends Tyler into the apron and announce table before rolling him back into the ring for two. Tony stomps Tyler in the corner and plays to the crowd before Tyler rolls him up out of nowhere for two with a back spin kick. Tony drops Tyler for two before locking in a body scissors and Tyler gets back to his feet before hitting a jawbreaker and a running dropkick. They counter each other before Tyler sends Tony out of the ring with an enzuigiri before Tyler goes out after him and Tony turns him inside out with a lariat.

Tony tosses Tyler back into the ring for two before he misses an Asai moonsault and Tyler hits a back stabber for two. Tony sets Tyler on the top turnbuckle and Tyler slides out of the back and hits a cheeky nandos kick for two before Tony counters the Unprettier. Tony hangs Tyler across the top rope throat first before Tony hits a moonsault for a near fall and yells at Tyler in the corner before Tony gets a near fall off of a roll up when he sends Tyler into the referee and Tyler stops himself. Tony drops Tyler and goes for the Running Nese, but Tyler catches him with a superkick before missing a diving cross body. Tyler then counters a roll up and holds Tony down for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tyler Breeze defeats Tony Nese via pinfall.

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