
WWE 205 Live Results for 9/25/20 Isaiah Scott vs Ariya Daivari, Mansoor vs Ashante Adonis

Swerve takes on Ariya Daivari and Mansoor faces off against Adonis at 10pm after Smackdown on FOX!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

Mansoor vs Ashante Adonis

Mansoor starts focusing on the arm of Ashante before hitting a reverse DDT for two. Mansoor backs Ashante into the ropes before Ashante slingshots him over the top rope and onto the apron. Ashante snaps the throat of Mansoor across the rope and sends him into the barricade. Back in the ring Ashante hits a neck breaker for two before Mansoor hits a chin breaker to get out of a rear chin lock. Ashante locks in a rear chin lock before Mansoor hits a stunner and a splash off of the top.

Mansoor hits a spine buster and a diving bulldog for two before Ashante locks in a Captain’s Hook out of nowhere. Mansoor then pins Ashante with his finisher for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mansoor defeats Ashante Adonis via pinfall.

Isaiah Scott vs Ariya Daivari

They exchange wrist locks before Isaiah tries to focus on joint manipulation of the fingers and Ariya comes back with chops. Isaiah hits a basement dropkick for two before locking in a short arm scissors and Ariya scrambles to the ropes for the break. Ariya kicks Isaiah in the midsection when he goes out after him before getting back into the ring and hitting a draping DDT. Ariya hits a neck breaker for two and follows up with a straight armbar with a chin bar. Isaiah clotheslines Ariya before hitting a diving elbow drop to the back of the neck of Daivari.

Isaiah then hits a jumping flat liner for two before Ariya hits a diving elbow and the House Call for the pin and the win.

Winner: Isaiah Scott defeats Ariya Daivari via pinfall.


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