
WWE 205 Live Results 8/1 Akira Tozawa vs Ariya Daivari Number One Contender Match & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for WWE 205 Live. Tonight we have a great show as the Japanese Superstar Akira Tozawa takes on Ariya Daivari to determine who will challenge Neville for his WWE Cruiserweight Championship at Summerslam and much more so be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST for an hour showcasing the WWE Cruiserweight division!

The Brian Kendrick vs Jack Gallagher

Jack goes right after Kendrick to start the match, dropping him with a forearm and a clothesline in the corner before headbutting him. Jack then beats on Kendrick after he crawls out onto the apron until the referee calls for the bell for the disqualification.

Winner: The Brian Kendrick via disqualification

-After the match Jack beats on Kendrick and tosses him into the barricade repeatedly before dumping him into the crowd before the officials make him leave as we go to commercial.

Gran Metalik vs Tony Nese

Nese poses and plays mind games to start the match before Metalik does a bunch of flips into an arm drag before he poses and mocks Nese. Metalik then dropkicks Nese out of the ring before Nese runs back in and hits him when he goes goes for a tope to the outside. Metalik gets out of the way when Nese slides underneath him before hitting an Asai moonsault onto Nese on the floor. They get back in the ring and Nese takes control, focusing on the leg of Metalik and keeping the high flyer grounded. Nese plays to the crowd before locking in a leg scissor that Metalik tries to elbow his way out of, but cannot.

Metalik then gets drug into the corner and slammed into the turnbuckles before Nese sets him on the top rope. Metalik shoves him off before hitting a huge diving cross body for a near fall, then hits a missile dropkick before following up with a springboard diving elbow for another near fall. They counter each other until Nese hits a running knee in the corner when he sends Metalik into the turnbuckle in a heap for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese via pinfall

Akira Tozawa vs Ariya Daivari Number One Contender Match

They lock up to start the match before Akira shoves Daivari back into the corner, showing that even with an injured shoulder he's still very strong. Akira drops Daivari with a series of chops before hitting a PK and a high angle senton. Akira then goes for a move off of the top rope, but Daivari rolls out of the ring, Daivari hitting a running cross body when Akira goes to run the ropes to hit a tope to the outside. They exchange strikes before Akira drops him with  a right hand, Daivari going back out of the ring to regroup before shoving Akira into the ring post. Daivari then tosses Akira into the barricade and onto the ramp, Daivari seemingly fine with a count out victory.

Akira gets back in the ring at eight, but Daivari is all over him, beating him down before whipping him hard across the ring and choking him with a knee until the referee stops him. Daivari starts focusing on the taped up shoulder of Akira, hitting a series of shoulder blocks before hitting a shoulder breaker for a near fall. Akira rolls out of the way of a diving splash before he comes back with a series of strikes and a Saito suplex for a near fall. Akira then goes to the top rope, but Daivari meets him and knocks him off of it before hitting the splash he missed earlier for a near fall of his own. Akira counters Daivari's variation of the RAINMAKER before sending him out of the ring.

Akira then hits a tope to the outside and a high angle senton once he rolls him back into the ring for the pin and the win.

Winner: Akira Tozawa via pinfall

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