
WWE 205 Live Results 7/25 Neville vs Ariya Daivari, Tag Team Action & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE 205 Live. Tonight after attacking the self-proclaimed King of the Cruiserweights last night on RAW Ariya Daivari has a huge opportunity when he takes on Neville in a non-title match. We also have tag team action when  TJP teams up with Tony Nese to take on Cedric Alexander and Rich Swann. Be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST after Smackdown! Live for an hour showcasing the WWE Cruiserweight division!

We open the show with Neville being interviewed about what happened to him last night on RAW to set up his match with Ariya Daivari tonight.

Ariya Daivari vs Neville

Ariya starts the match off with mind games, leaving the ring, then getting back in when Neville goes out after him before sending Neville into the barricade and the ring post. Ariya rolls Neville back into the ring before hitting a frog splash off of the top rope for a near fall. Neville hits a superkick when he counters Ariya's hammerlock lariat, then hits a missile dropkick that sends Daivari across and out of the ring. Neville goes out after him before squaring off with Akira Tozawa who's on commentary. Ariya then shoves Neville into Tozawa before getting back in the ring and getting a count out for the win.

Winner: Ariya Daivari via count out

-After the match Tozawa has to be held back by officials before being led to the back as we go to commercial.

-The Brian Kendrick comes out to the ring and says that he tries to teach the fans, but he's always attacked on social media and in the ring. Kendrick says that he doesn't know if they're ignoring him or are ignorant and that he's done wasting his breath before putting Jack on the screen. Kendrick then goes on to make fun of Jack and edit his picture on the screen before making him look like an actual clown before Jack interrupts and comes out to the ramp. Jack walks down the ramp to ringside, saying that he will take the high road and not insult him back before rushing into the ring. Kendrick quickly rolls out of the ring and jumps over the barricade, leaving through the crowd as we go to commercial.

TJP & Tony Nese vs Rich Swann & Cedric Alexander

Nese and Rich start the match off, the two posing and trying to knock each other over before Rich does a flip into a dropkick for a quick two count. Cedric tags in and slams Nese to the mat before he and Rich start tagging in and out and double teaming Nese. TJP tags in and gets sent out of the ring before Cedric and Rich hit a synchronized dive to the outside. They get back in the ring and Cedric is in control of TJP before TJP sends him out of the ring, then Cedric is dropped to the floor off of a distraction by Nese. Nese tags in and puts Cedric in the tree of woe before hitting him with knees and kicks until the referee makes him back off. 

Need then plays to the crowd before Cedric rolls him up for a near fall. Nese stomps on Cedric before tagging TJP in, then TJP puts Cedric in a headlock before he fights out of it and drops TJP with a back elbow before tagging in Swann. Swann takes out TJP before he drops Nese when he gets the tag before they exchange kicks until Swann drops him. Nese tags TJP back in as Cedric gets the tag, then Cedric hits a Spanish fly for a near fall that Nese breaks up. Nese then pulls Swann out of the ring and smashes him onto the announce table before Cedric hits a springboard roundhouse kick for a near fall. 

TJP then rolls Cedric up when TJP feigns an injury for the roll up and the win.

Winner: TJP & Tony Nese via pinfall

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