
WWE 205 Live Results 5/23 Akira Tozawa VS The Brian Kendrick In A Street Fight & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE 205 Live! Week after week, lesson after lesson, it has all come to this as in our main event Akira Tozawa will face The Brian Kendrick in a street fight! TJ Perkins wasn't able to defeat Austin Aries last night on WWE Monday Night RAW much to the dismay of Neville and tonight he looks to deliver a recompense for his failure. Be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST right after Smackdown! Live for an exciting hour showcasing the Cruiserweight Division!

Rich Swann vs Ariya Daivari

Swann is in control early, dropping Daivari repeatedly before he dives over the top rope, but Ariya gets out of the way and sends Swann into the apron before focusing on his left arm once they're back in the ring. Ariya puts a shoulder lock on Swann before he powers out of it, but Ariya drops him with a jumping knee for a quick two count. Daivari whips Swann into the corner before stomping on his injured arm. Daivari drives both knees into the arm of Swann before putting him in a modified cobra clutch, then Swann hits a stunner to get out of it. Swann hits a drop toe hold into the ropes before he comes back with a series of clotheslines into an axe kick. Swann then hits a reverse spin kick for a near fall before hitting the phoenix splash the pin and the win.

Winner: Rich Swann via pinfall

-Noam Dar then attacks Swann after the match, laying him out at ringside as we go to commercial.

-We then get an interview via satellite between Neville and Austin Aries where they talk about their rivalry and their title match at WWE Extreme Rules in two weeks. 

Cedric Alexander vs Enhancement Talent

Cedric catches a kick before dropping him with a back elbow that sends him out of the ring, then slaps him at ringside before tossing him back in the ring. Cedric then hits a springboard clothesline into a Lumbar Check for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cedric Alexander via pinfall

-We get a Drew Gulak promo where he talks about the No Fly Zone after we see what he did to Mustafa Ali last week as we go to commercial.

Akira Tozawa VS The Brian Kendrick Street Fight Match

Kendrick gets out of the ring to grab a weapon, but Akira does a tope to the outside before Kendrick sends him into the announce table face first. Kendrick comes at Tozawa, but he side steps him before hip tossing him over the announce table. They get back in the ring and Kendrick pulls the top rope down after Tozawa gets a quick two count, then Tozawa hits a PK and a high angle senton for another quick two count once they're back in the ring. Tozawa sends Kendrick out of the ring, then goes for another tope, but Kendrick throws his jacket in his face before suplexing him to the floor. Kendrick tosses Tozawa back in the ring and gets out a roll of tape before he proceeds to tie his arms up, then tapes his mouth shut before locking in the Captain's Hook.

Tozawa sends Kendrick out of the ring when he goes for a Sliced Bread #2, then hits a Yakuza kick to Kendrick on the ramp. Kendrick side steps Tozawa and he runs into the screen on the stage before Kendrick drags him back down the ramp and down to ringside. Kendrick ties the arms of Tozawa around the ring post and whips him with his belt repeatedly before Kendrick sets up a table at ringside. Tozawa frees himself before hitting Kendrick with his own belt, then Kendrick locks the Captain's Hook in again, but Tozawa gets to the ropes before he and Kendrick fall out of the ring and to the floor. They get back in the ring and Tozawa hits a senton off of the top rope for a near fall, then Kendrick rolls out of the ring to regroup.

Kendrick tried to suplex Tozawa from the steps, but counters with a Saito suplex, then sends Kendrick face first into the steps before setting Kendrick up on the table at ringside. Tozawa then hits a senton off of the top rope and onto Kendrick and through the table before rolling him back into the ring for the pin and the win.

Winner: Akira Tozawa via pinfall

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