
WWE 205 Live Results 5/2 Rich Swann VS Noam Dar, TJ Perkins VS Austin Aries & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE 205 Live! Tonight Rich Swann finally gets his hands on Noam Dar after feuding for weeks! Austin Aries looks to get back on track when he faces TJ Perkins and much more so be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST!

-We open the show with what just happened to Chris Jericho on Smackdown! Live, then a recap of the Cruiserweight action at Payback and RAW this past Sunday and Monday. 

TJ Perkins vs Lince Dorado

They start off fast, each trying to take the other down before TJ mocks Lince and starts focusing on his wrist. Lince counters with a hip toss, then mocks TJ before telling him to bring it only for them to start flipping, then Lince hits a huricanrrana that sends TJ out of the ring. TJ is in control once they're back in the ring, then hits a moonsault when TJ tries to rip his mask off. Lince hits a backbreaker, then an enzuigiri before hitting a diving cross body for a near fall before TJ comes back with a running knee and a superkick. TJ then locks in a kneebar and Lince is forced to tap for the pin and the win.

Winner: TJ Perkins via pinfall

-We then get an interview with The Brian Kendrick where he talks about his time in 205 Live and WWE and talks about Akira Tozawa. Next Tozawa sits down and does his yelling chant as we go to commercial.

Mustafa Ali vs Drew Gulak

Drew takes Ali down immediately, then knocks him down when he tries to get back up before stomping on him and whipping him across the ring. Gulak renders the high flying of Ali obsolete, avoiding Ali whenever he goes to the top rope, turning him inside out with a lariat and locking in a camel clutch after he gets off of it. Ali comes back with a rolling neckbreaker, then goes for the inverted 450, but Gulak grabs his foot to stop him. Ali gets on the top rope and goes for a frog splash, but Gulak gets his knees up and rolls Ali up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Drew Gulak via pinfall

Rich Swann vs Noam Dar

Swann keeps Dar grounded with a side headlock until Dar comes back and they do a lot of flips before Swann dropkicks him for a quick two count. Swann puts Dar in another headlock, but he dumps him on the top rope and drops him with a flying forearm and sending him to the floor. Dar is in control once they're back in the ring, kicking Swann repeatedly and smashing his face into multiple turnbuckles before choking him until the referee breaks them up. Dar starts focusing on the leg of Swann, slamming it into the mat and kicking it repeatedly for a series of quick two counts. Dar misses a shining wizard when Swann ducks, then Swann drops him repeatedly with clotheslines before hitting him with a series of right hands in the corner.

Dar sends Swann out of the ring and kicks his legs out from under him and to the floor before they brawl at ringside. They get back in the ring, then Swann sends him back out of the other side of the ring before hitting a flipping senton over the top rope. Swann drapes Dar over the barricade, then hits a leg drop before he rolls him back into the ring and hits a 450 splash for a near fall. Dar locks in a double wrist lock in the ropes before the referee breaks it up, then Swann superkicks him for a near fall. Dar catches Swann coming off of the top rope and locks in an armbar, but Swann is quick to get to the ropes.

Swann superkicks Dar, then Dar puts him in the tree of woe when he goes for another 450 splash. Dar keeps attacking the arm of Swann, then Dar hits a shining wizard for the pin and the win.

Winner: Noam Dar via pinfall

-Alicia Fox and Dar reunite as we go off the air.

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