
WWE 205 Live Results 12/5 The WWE Cruiserweight Title Tournament Continues & More!

Weekly live coverage for WWE 205 Live.

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE 205 Live. Tonight Enzo Amore is gone and has left Drew Gulak in charge of the Zotrain after winning the right to face Rich In a number one contenders match for the WWE Cruiserweight title. Be sure to come back here at 10PM EST after Smackdown! Live for an hour showcasing the WWE Cruiserweight division!

Cedric Alexander vs Noam Dar

They kick up to start the match for a clean break before exchanging headlocks until Cedric hits a huricanrrana info a dropkick. Cedric misses a tope to the outside and Dar kicks him in the midsection before acknowledging Drew at ring side. They then get back in Dar starts focusing on the leg of Cedric before he gets into a fight with Drew and Cedric capitalizes with the Lumbar Check for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cedric Alexander via pinfall

The Brian Kendrick vs Gran Metalik

They start the match by running the ropes until Metalik hits a springboard arm drag that sends Kendrick out of the ring. He gets back in the ring only for Metalik to send him back out of it and hits a tope to the outside and to the floor. They get back in the ring and Kendrick hits a baseball slide that sends Metalik back out of the ring once more. They get back in the ring once more and Metalik rolls Kendrick up for a near fall before Kendrick drops him with a European uppercut. Kendrick then tosses Metalik into the ring post before locking in the Captain's Hook for the tap and the win.

Winner: The Brian Kendrick via submission

-We get a video package for Hideo Itami who will be debuting soon.

Rich Swann vs Tony Nese

Tony drops Swann with a right hand before chopping him in several corners. Swann comes back and drops Nese repeatedly before Nese sweeps his legs out from him and sends him to the floor from the apron. They get back in the ring and Nese kicks Swann in the head for a near fall, then puts him in a body scissor that he's quick to fight out of. Nese drops Swann with a back elbow for a near fall before putting him in the tree of woe and kicking him repeatedly. Swann comes back with a series of right hands and clotheslines before hitting a frankensteiner for a quick two count. Tony hits a gut wrench sit out powerbomb for a near fall before the two exchange forearms and kicks.

Swann then hits a roundhouse kick before finishing with the phoenix splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rich Swann via pinfall

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