
WWE 205 Live Live Coverage Rich Swann VS THE Brian Kendrick For The WWE Cruiserweight Championship & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for the premiere of WWE 205 Live and we are starting off with a bang as The Brian Kendrick defends his WWE Cruiserweight Championship versus the energetic Rich Swann and there's sure to be much more action as the WWE RAW cruiserweights get to show off their talent in their own hour long show so be sure to come back here at 10PM EST for all of tonight's action!

-Austin Aries is on commentary as we start off the show, apparently joining us for the entire show. We then get the entire roster on the apron, all being introduced one by one, starting with Rich Swann, TJ Perkins, Jack Gallagher, Ho Ho Lun, the Bollywood Boyz, Noam Dar, Tony Nese, Drew Gulak, Ariya Daivari, Cedric Alexander, Lince Dorado, Akira Tozawa, Mustafa Ali, Gran Metalik and the WWE Cruiserweight Champion; The Brian Kendrick.

-We then get a video package for the Bollywood Boyz, Gurv Sihra and Harv Sihra. They talk about their grandfather wanting to see them, but he had gone blind before they could debut. 

The Bollywood Boyz vs Tony Nese and Drew Gulak

They adhere to the code of honor or WWE's version of it, Nese and Gurv starting it off then Harv comes in, the two tagging each other in frequently, keeping Nese away from his corner, hitting a series of double team moves for a quick 2 count. Gulak gets in and drops Gurv, following it up with a rebound scoop slam for a quick 2 count. Gulak puts a chin lock on Gurv then tags in Nese who drops Harv with a back elbow for a quick 2 count, putting a leg scissors on Harv then backs him into their corner, Gulak coming back in and focusing on the legs of Harv, mounting him and hitting him with a series of forearms, tagging Nese back in. Nese puts a side headlock on Harv then Harv hits a neckbreaker, getting to his corner and tagging in Gurv who drops Gulak then chops him repeatedly, Gulak tagging Nese in then Gurv sends Nese into Gulak, rolling up Nese for a quick 2 count. Nese puts Gurv on the top rope, but he pushes him away then hits a cross body for a quick 2 count, Gulak breaking it up then Harv hits a springboard cross body that takes out Gulak. Gurv starts to dive, but Nese runs in and drops him for a series of quick 2 counts. Nese tags Gulak back in then Gulak runs into Nese by accident, Gurv hitting a DDT and tags in Harv, the two hitting a double superkick on Gulak for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Bollywood Boyz

-Next we get a video package for Noam Dar. Dar talks about his time in the CWC, saying even though he's 22, he's been in the business 9 years. We then have The Brian Kendrick backstage, talking about his title defense tonight. Kendrick says that Swann will crash and burn and he'll capitalize on it. TJ Perkins shows up and says that The Brian Kendrick owes him a rematch and wishes him good luck because otherwise he may fall out of title contention. We then get a video package for Gran Metalik who's coming soon as we go to commercial.

Ariya Daivari vs Jack Gallagher

They shake hands then lock up, Ariya putting a wrist lock on Jack who quickly reverses it and sends Daivari to the mat, Jack locking his arm behind his back then fixes his moustache. Jack puts on a Zack Saber Jr like submission then Daivari puts a side headlock on him once he gets out. Jack gets out of the headlock with a hand stand then Daivari whips him into the corner, Jack standing on his head then drops Daivari for a quick 1 count. Jack focuses on his arm then wraps his arms and legs up and puts him in a Windsor knot, Jack then follows up with a PK. Ariya sends Jack to the outside then hits a knee when he comes back in for a quick 2 count, following up with a neckbreaker for another quick 2 count. Daivari drives a knee into the back of the neck of Jack for another quick 2 count the puts a side headlock on Jack who quickly powers out then hits a series of dropkicks into a flying cross body for a quick 2 count. Ariya hits a discus elbow then Jack hits a headbutt, following up with a running dropkick in the corner for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jack Gallagher via pinfall

-We then get a video package for Lince Dorado who talks about how he got his name, saying he's a hybrid luchador and that he's like a cat. He says that his finisher is a shooting star press and that he's doing this for the people of Puerto Rico.

-We get a video package for Rich Swann, talking about growing up without a father or mother and that wrestling was his redemption. Rich says he's there to be fun and entertaining and that he has more charisma than anyone else. 

The Brian Kendrick vs Rich Swann WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match

They shake hands then lock up, Kendrick putting a wrist lock on Swann, but he quickly reverses it and Kendrick reverses right back. Swann puts a side headlock on Kendrick who powers out then Swann drops him with a dropkick for a quick 2 count, getting right back on him with another headlock. Kendrick hits a reverse suplex then a big boot, following up with a running forearm then a series of them in the corner. Swann chops Kendrick repeatedly then Kendrick hits him with a series of forearms, Swann hitting a pump handle powerbomb. Kendrick misses Sliced Bread #2 then Swann rolls him up for a quick 2 count, Kendrick rolling to the outside. Kendrick regroups on the outside then as he goes to get back in the ring, Swann hits a dropkick, following up with a somersault on the barricade. Swann rolls him back into the ring for a quick 2 count, the two exchanging strikes then Kendrick hits a reverse suplex for a quick 2 count, going for The Captain's Hook, but Swann gets to the ropes. Kendrick goes for a dragon suplex, but Swann counters into a high-angle belly to back suplex. Kendrick and Swann go out onto the apron then Swann goes for a superplex to the floor, but Kendrick counters and hits a neckbreaker on the top turnbuckle, Swann falling to the floor. Swann gets back in at the count of 9 then Kendrick hits a snap suplex for a close 2 count. Kendrick hits a bridged dragon suplex for a quick 2 count, Kendrick goes for The Captain's Hook, but Swann counters it then Kendrick puts a straight jacket body scissor on Swann who powers out then hits a Blue Thunder Driver for a very close 2 count. Swann hits a superkick on Kendrick then Swann goes for a standing 450 splash, but Kendrick gets his knees up and puts on The Captain's Hook, but Swann gets to the ropes. Swann sends Kendrick onto the apron then Kendrick hits a Super Sliced Bread #2 from the top rope for a very close 2 count. Swann hits a series of spinning heel kicks for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rich Swann via pinfall

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