
WWE 205 Live Results 6/5 Mustafa Ali & Buddy Murphy in a Match with Championship Implications, The Brian Kendrick vs Lince Dorado

Tonight at 10pm after Smackdown! Live goes off the Cruiserweight division shines tonight on 205 Live exclusively on the WWE Network.

Cedric Alexander has retained his WWE Cruiserweight Championship and the door for a new number one contender is wide open and tonight Mustafa Ali and Buddy Murphy look to jump to the front of the line when they square off in what is being billed as a blockbuster main event. The Brian Kendrick and Jack Gallagher defeated Lince Dorado and Kalisto last week, but not without the assistance of Drew Gulak and tonight Lince looks to get a measure of retribution when he goes one on one with The Brian Kendrick. 

The Brian Kendrick vs Lince Dorado

Brian attacks Lince as soon as the bell to start the match rings as we see that Drew Gulak is joining on commentary. Lince attacks Brian and backs him into the corner once he's to his feet before the referee makes him back off, then Brian gets out of the ring as Kalisto and Metalik try to distract him. Lince goes out after Brian and hits a huricanrrana before Brian sends him into the barricade and back into the ring, Brian mocking them before hitting a backbreaker for a quick two count. Brian puts Lince in a variation of an abdominal stretch that he fights out of only for Kendrick to hit a side slam for a quick two count. Brian hits a butterfly suplex for a quick two count before whipping him across the ring and into the corner repeatedly. Lince comes back with a wheel kick into a huricanrrana before hitting a diving cross body for a quick two count, then Brian rolls out of the ring before Lince hits a spear through the ropes and sends Brian into the announce table. Drew then distracts Lince before Brian sends him into the announce table and into Metalik at ringside before Lince hits the Golden Rewind for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lince Dorado defeats The Brian Kendrick via pinfall with the Golden Rewind.

TJP vs Brian Keith

TJP goes to shake hands with Brian before dropping him, then starts talking on the mic to the crowd while stomping on him before putting him in a submission and smashing his face into the mat. TJP then talks about how he would like to go to any other brand, whether it be RAW, Smackdown! Live or even NXT before putting Brian in a Boston crab for the tap and the win.

Winner: TJP defeats Brian Keith via submission with a Boston crab.

Mustafa Ali vs Buddy Murphy

Buddy backs Ali into the corner and hits a series of shoulder blocks before tossing Ali into the corner. Ali chops Buddy, but Buddy shoves him away before they counter each other until Ali hits a dropkick that sends Buddy out of the ring. Ali hits a corkscrew senton over the top rope before tossing Buddy back into the ring and hits a diving cross body for a quick two count, then Buddy catches him up top and drops him onto the top turnbuckle for a quick two count. Buddy hits a kitchen sink when Ali runs the ropes, Ali getting a near fall of a crucifix pin out of nowhere before Buddy hits a backbreaker into a gutbuster for a near fall of his own. Buddy starts focusing on the midsection of Ali, Ali sending him into the corner before hitting an inverted huricanrrana, Ali hitting a superkick before Buddy sends Ali out onto the apron with a back elbow.

Ali hits a springboard splash when Buddy is draped across the ropes for a near fall before they get back to their feet and exchange strikes until Ali hits a spinning heel kick. Buddy backs Ali into the corner with a boot before Ali hits an enzuigiri from the apron and goes for what the commentary team refer to as the x factor, but Buddy counters into a jumping knee for a near fall. Ali hits the x factor on the apron before rolling Buddy back into the ring for a near fall, then Buddy sends Ali into the middle turnbuckle and hits Murphy's Law for a very close near fall. They then go to the outside before Ali hits a tornado DDT onto the floor, then goes for the 054, but Hideo Itami shows up and knocks him off of the top and back into the ring as the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Mustafa Ali defeats Buddy Murphy via disqualification when Hideo Itami interferes and attacks Ali.

-After the match Hideo hits a running dropkick in the corner to Buddy and his variation of the Riott Kick as we go off the air with him standing over both of them.

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