
WWE 205 Live Coverage & Discussion 2/21 Akira Tozawa VS The Brian Kendrick & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE 205 Live! Tonight Akira Tozawa looks to put an end to the annoyance that is The Brian Kendrick who has harassed him week after week and attacked him before their match last night on RAW when they go one on one in our main event. Jack Gallagher will face Neville at WWE Fastlane, but first he'll have to get through the Premier Athlete Tony Nese tonight; don't be surprised if Neville makes his presence known however.

Be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST for another great episode of 205 Live!

Akira Tozawa vs The Brian Kendrick

Tozawa dominates Kendrick from the start, dropping and mounting him, hitting him with a series of strikes before Kendrick tries to crawl out of the ring. Tozawa hits Kendrick with a series of chops in the corner then stomps on him, Kendrick coming back with a high knee then Tozawa sends Kendrick out of the ring. Kendrick smashes the side of the head of Tozawa into the ring post when he's caught in the ropes for a quick 2 count. Kendrick mocks and stands over Tozawa before hitting a Saito suplex for another quick 2 count. Kendrick locks in the Captain's Hook, but Tozawa counters and hits a huricanrrana, sending Kendrick out of the ring. Tozawa dives through the ropes onto Kendrick then Kendrick sends him face first into the apron. Kendrick then ties Tozawa up underneath the ring for the count out and the win.

Winner: The Brian Kendrick via count out

Noam Dar vs Mustafa Ali

Ali starts off in control, putting a wrist lock on Dar before he goes to the outside. Dar gets back in the ring, but Ali immediately dropkicks him back out of it before hitting a huricanrrana and a roundhouse kick. Dar rolls back to the outside then Ali dives over the top rope and takes him out, diving over the referee as well. They get back in the ring then Ali hits a diving cross body for a near fall before Dar sends him to the outside. Ali gets back in the ring then makes his comeback, dropping Dar repeatedly before hitting him with a rolling neckbreaker for a near fall. Ali then hits a tornado DDT then Dar sends Ali face first into the top rope, following up with a shining wizard for the pin and the win.

Winner: Noam Dar via pinfall

-We then get a video package for Austin Aries as we go to commercial.

Jack Gallagher vs Tony Nese

Nese is in control early, but Jack drops and ties Nese up with various twisting submissions. Nese drops Jack with a roundhouse kick then they exchange strikes before Nese sends Jack over the top rope. Nese leaves the ring then hits a cartwheel on the apron into a superkick. They get back in the ring then Nese gets a series of quick 2 counts before whipping Jack into the corner for another quick 2 count. They each get a series of quick 2 counts then Jack headbutts Nese repeatedly before they both fall down. Nese catches Jack on the top rope then gets caught in the tree of woe before hitting Jack with a spider suplex. Jack meets Nese on the top rope and hits a back superplex before Jack hits a running dropkick in the corner for the pin and the win.

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