
WWE 205 Live Results 11/21 Akira Tozawa vs Drew Gulak in a Street Fight & More!

Fightful.com live coverage for WWE 205 Live.

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight’s episode of WWE 205 Live. Tonight we have a great show as in our main event Akira Tozawa faces Drew Gulak in a street fight. Who will come out the victor? Will anyone debut tonight for 205 Live? Is Hideo Itami destined for 205 Live? These questions and more will be answered tonight so be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST for an hour showcasing the WWE Cruiserweight division!

Akira Tozawa vs Drew Gulak Street Fight

Gulak chops Akira before Akira hits a PK into a high angle senton, then drops him with a right in the corner. Akira sends Gulak out of the ring, but he sees him coming and catches him when he goes for a tope to the outside, suplexing him on the ramp for his troubles. Drew tosses Akira back into the ring and attacks him with his “No chants” sign for a quick two count. Drew starts tossing chairs into the ring and sets one up in the center of the ring before sitting Akira on it and slapping him across the face. Akira falls backwards out of the chair, Drew getting another quick two count before playing to the crowd.

Akira hits a Saito suplex in the corner before rolling out of the ring and grabbing a table and sliding it back into the ring. Drew comes back and suplexes Akira into the corner before setting the table in the corner. Akira hits a running cannonball across the announce table before tossing Drew back into the ring and getting kendo sticks and a trash can out from under the ring. Akira puts the trash can on Drew and hits him repeatedly with the stick before putting him on the table and hitting a high angle senton off of the top turnbuckle for the pin and the win.

Winner: Akira Tozawa via pinfall

-We get a video package for Hideo Itami who will debuting soon.

Mustafa Ali vs Tony Nese

They lock up to start the match for a clean break before exchanging wrist locks until Nese takes the high flying Ali down. Ali dropkicks Nese and send him out of the ring before hitting flipping senton off of the top turnbuckle and to the floor. Nese cheap shots Ali before crotching him on the barricade when he goes for a moonsault, then drops him face first into the announce table and back into the ring for a quick two count. Ali fights out of a rear naked choke before hitting a rolling neckbreaker for a near fall. Ali hits a DDT for another near fall before Nese sends him into the ring post for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese via pinfall

Rich Swann & Cedric Alexander vs Ariya Daivari & Noam Dar

Swann and Dar start the match Swann rolling Dar up before Cedric gets the blind tag and hits a clothesline off of the top. Dar kicks Cedric in the midsection when he’s upside down before dragging him to the corner and tagging in and out with Ariya and beating on Cedric. Dar puts a straight armbar on Cedric before letting go of it and sending Swann off of the apron. Ariya keeps Cedric from tagging Swann in, then Cedric finally tags Rich in. Rich drops Ariya repeatedly before hitting frankensteiner off of the top turnbuckle for a near fall.

Enzo attacks Swann when the referee is distracted before Ariya hits a splash off of the top for a near fall. Swann then hits a roundhouse kick into the phoenix splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rich Swann via pinfall

-After the match the Zotrain take out both Swann and Alexander as we go off the air.

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