
WWE 205 Live Results for 9/26/18 Mustafa Ali vs Hideo Itami, Lio Rush vs Noam Dar

Hideo Itami and Mustafa Ali clash, and Lio Rush takes on Noam Dar on tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

Hello Fightful faithful, we hope you enjoy the next three hours of WWE coverage as we start off with 205 Live, move on to NXT and close the night out with the Mae Young Classic!

Noam Dar vs Lio Rush

Rush cheap shots Dar before the match starts, then they run the ropes until Dar kicks the leg out from under Rush. Dar gets a quick two count off of a crucifix before they end up at ringside and Lio hits an Asai moonsault onto Dar onto the floor. Lio tosses Dar back into the ring for a quick two count before hitting a scoop slam for another quick two count. Rush drops Dar with a kick to the quad before Dar comes back with a forearm and ducks when Lio goes for a running cross body. Dar gets a near fall before Lio counters an ankle lock and Dar suplexes him into the corner for a near fall. Dar beats Lio down in the corner until the referee pulls him off and Lio drops him with a roundhouse kick before hitting The Final Hour for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lio Rush defeats Noam Dar via pinfall with The Final Hour.

The Brian Kendrick vs Local Talent

Kendrick immediately drops his opponent with a boot before locking in the Captain’s Hook for the tap and the win.

Winner: The Brian Kendrick defeats a local performer via submission with the Captain’s Hook.

Hideo Itami vs Mustafa Ali

Hideo starts the match off by playing mind games with Ali until Ali chops him across the chest and counters a kitchen sink. Hideo sends Ali head first into the ring post before Ali gets a quick two count off of a back slide. They exchange strikes until Hideo hits a snap DDT for a near fall and locks in a Boston crab that Ali gets out of by getting to the bottom rope for the break. Hideo boots Ali out of the ring before tossing him into the barricade and hitting a snap suplex onto the floor. Ali hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall before hitting a flipping senton over the top rope and onto Hideo onto the floor.

Ali rolls Hideo back into the ring before Hideo catches Ali in midair with a boot for a near fall, Hideo missing a running dropkick in the corner before Ali hits a tornado DDT for a near fall of his own. Hideo catches Ali up on the top rope before hitting an avalanche Michinoku driver for a very close near fall. Ali then hits a 450 splash onto Hideo onto the apron before the referee counts them out.

Winner: No Winner Due to Double Count out.

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