
WWE 205 Live Results for 9/17/19 Oney Lorcan vs Tony Nese

The Boston Brawler and The Premiere Athlete go one on one tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown! Live!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for 205 Live featuring a grudge match between Oney Lorcan and Tony Nese!

Lince Dorado vs Ariya Daivari

Lince goes right after Ariya and takes his frustration out on him over his trying to turn him against the Lucha House Party, hitting a springboard cross body huricanrrana at ringside before Ariya capitalizes when Lince injures his knee when Ariya sends him over the top rope and down onto the floor. Ariya whips Lince into the corner sternum first for a one count before Lince comes back with chops and a wheel kick into a dropkick before hitting a variation of a Pele kick. Lince hits a diving cross body for a two count before Ariya hits the ropes and catches Lince up top before slamming him down onto the mat for a near fall. Ariya misses a running splash before Lince hits two moonsaults and gets caught with a rock bottom for a near fall before Lince counters a hammer lock lariat and Ariya hits a powerbomb.

Lince then knocks Ariya off of the top turnbuckle before hitting a shooting star press for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lince Dorado defeats Ariya Daivari via pinfall with a shooting star press.

-After the match we get a video recapping the reason behind tonight’s main event between Tony Nese and Oney Lorcan before they each cut a promo on the other.

Jack Gallagher vs The Brian Kendrick w/Akira Tozawa

Brian takes Jack down and the two grapple on the mat until Jack dropkicks Brian out onto the apron and hits a back body drop before Jack knocks Brian from the apron with a forearm. Jack sends Brian into the barricade and Brian sends Jack into Akira before Jack tells Akira to leave ringside before Brian hits Jack with a kendo stick for the disqualification.

Winner: Jack Gallagher defeats The Brian Kendrick via disqualification when Brian hits Jack with a kendo stick.

-After the match Brian lays the stick out on Jack before Akira tries to get him to stop and Brian hits Akira with the stick before he tosses the kendo stick down and leaves, Akira in shock.

-Humberto Carrillo is interviewed backstage about his failed attempt to win the Cruiserweight Championship and that he’ll earn another shot before saying that he’ll get another title shot.

Oney Lorcan vs Tony Nese

Tony does his best to avoid the enraged Oney early before Oney drops him with a clothesline from behind before slamming him down and chopping Tony before hitting numbered mounted punches on the corner. Oney clotheslines Tony over the top rope and down onto the floor before he gets out and screams at Tony before Tony sends him spine first into the ring post and into the barricade several times. Tony sends Oney over and through the announce table before Oney gets back into the ring at the count of nine and Tony immediately stomps him before slamming him to the mat and locking in a rear chin lock. Tony drops Oney with a spinning kick for a two count before whipping Oney into the corner for another two count before hitting a one arm delayed suplex for yet another two count. Tony applies a body scissors before Oney gets to his feet and they chop each other before Tony chops Oney in the throat and sends him throat first into the top rope before missing a springboard moonsault.

Oney chops Tony and drops Tony with an uppercut before hitting a running back elbow and a running blockbuster before Tony rolls out of the ring and Oney sends him into the barricade while playing to the crowd, sending him over the barricade and into the front row the second time. Oney turns Tony inside out with a lariat once they’re back in the ring for a near fall before they exchange strikes and counter each others finishers until Tony hits a jumping stomp for a near fall. Oney then hits a running dropkick when Tony goes for the Running Nese and sends him out of the ring before Oney gets distracted by Drew Gulak and Tony rolls him up with the tights for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese defeats Oney Lorcan via pinfall with a roll up.

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