
WWE 205 Live Results for 8/6/19 Cruiserweight Championship Number One Contender Six Pack Challenge

A new number one contender for the Cruiserweight Championship will be crowned tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown! Live!

Hey there Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown! Live and are ready for tonight’s edition of 205 Live!

Humberto Carrillo vs Lince Dorado

Humberto backs Lince into the corner before he cartwheels away and they exchange standing switches and flips before Lince hits a huricanrrana. Humberto hits a springboard arm drag and they mirror a dropkick before catching each other’s kicks and play to the crowd before running the ropes until Humberto hits a springboard back elbow. Lince catches Humberto when he goes for a suicide dive before sending him out of the opposite side of the ring before hitting a wrecking ball dropkick through the ropes and a springboard cross body onto Humberto on the outside. Back in the ring Lince hits a splash for a quick two count before locking in a rear chin lock and a stock submission before Humberto gets to his feet and gets a near fall off of a sunset flip. Lince gets a near fall before they exchange strikes and basement dropkicks before Humberto hits a running clothesline in the corner onto a basement dropkick and a slightly off target standing moonsault for a one count.

Lince his a diving cross body for a near fall before Humberto counters the Golden Rewind and Lince hits a bloody cross into a diving leg drop before he misses a diving splash. Humberto hits a missile dropkick that sends Lince out of the ring before hitting a moonsault to the outside. Humberto then gets onto the apron at the count of nine before Lince pulls him down and they’re both counted out.

Winner: No winner due to double count out.

-We get a promo by Tony Nese where he talks about wanting to be Cruiserweight champion again and he’ll get the title shot tonight when he wins the six pack challenge in tonight’s main event and that he’s walking out of Summerslam as champion.

-Ariya Daivari talks to Lince Dorado and tries to convince him to leave the Lucha House Party, but he doesn’t bite before Ariya mentions that Kalisto is in the number one contender match and that he might give him a title shot when he wins the belt before Gran Metalik shows up and Ariya leaves.

Cruiserweight Championship Number One Contender Six Pack Challenge Match

Tony Nese vs Akira Tozawa vs Jack Gallagher vs Oney Lorcan vs Ariya Daivari vs Kalisto

Ariya immediately rolls out of the ring before Akira hits a suicide dive and tosses him back in before everyone else hits Hon with a move until he manages to fight them all off and misses a diving cross body before he’s shoved out of the ring unceremoniously underneath the bottom rope with Jack’s foot. Tony and Kalisto show off their athleticism before Tony tosses Kalisto onto Akira and sends Ariya through the ropes when he rushes him. Oney and Tony exchange strikes before Oney hits a tope and Tony follows suit before Jack hits a Mary Poppins senton. Kalisto goes for a tope before he’s caught and everyone else team up to launch him over the announce table. Back in the ring Oney hits Ariya with a running blockbuster for a near fall that Jack breaks up before a triple submission is locked in until Ariya breaks up the holds and plays to the crowd. Kalisto takes out everyone with kicks before hitting Ariya with a basement huricanrrana for a near fall and Tony hits a reverse powerbomb to Oney before powerbombing Akira on top of him.

Jack breaks up the pin attempt for a near fall before he nearly knocks Tony out with a headbutt for a near fall and sets Tony backwards on the top turnbuckle before Tony hits a double superplex to Jack and Kalisto before Ariya hits a diving splash to Akira for a near fall. Oney and Ariya chop each other before Ariya nearly turns Oney inside out twice with a wrist lock lariat and everyone hits their finisher until Tony hits a release German suplex in the corner and the Running Nese to Jack before Oney hits a half and half suplex for the pin and the win on Tony.

Winner: Oney Lorcan defeats Tony Nese, Akira Tozawa, Jack Gallagher, Ariya Daivari and Kalisto when he pins Tony via pinfall with a half and half suplex to gain a shot at Drew Gulak’s Cruiserweight Championship at Summerslam.

-We end the show with Drew coming out and holding his title up from the ramp while he stares at Oney in the ring as we go off the air.

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