
WWE 205 Live Results for 8/27/19 Kalisto vs Ariya Daivari

The former Cruiserweight champion tales on The Persian Prince tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown! Live!

Hey there Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown! Live and are ready for tonight’s edition of 205 Live!

-We open the show with a recap of the elimination tag team match from last week’s main event in which Oney Lorcan’s team defeated Drew Gulak’s team.

-205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick talks to Oney and Humberto Carrillo backstage before saying that they’ll face each other in a number one contender match for Drew Gulak’s Cruiserweight Championship at Clash of Champions.

Kalisto vs Ariya Daivari

Ariya tries to avoid Kalisto, but he stays in him and chases him across the ring when he goes for a dive and Ariya sends him off of the apron and down onto the floor before Ariya hits a dropkick that launches Kalisto off of the apron and into the barricade before sending him into the steps for a two count. Kalisto sends comes back and hits a spiking huricanrrana and one off of the apron before they get back in the ring and Kalisto hits a 450 for a near fall, Kalisto pinning Ariya with his feet on the ropes for a near fall. Kalisto then goes for the Salida del sol and Ariya rips at his mask before Ariya hits the wrist lock lariat for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ariya Daivari defeats Kalisto via pinfall with a wrist lock lariat.

WWE Cruiserweight Championship Number One Contender Match

Oney Lorcan vs Humberto Carrillo

They start the match off by shaking hands before Oney backs Humberto into the corner for a clean break and teases the half and half suplex, but Humberto is ready. They exchange one counts before exchanging wrist locks and standing switches until Oney hits a kitchen sink for a quick two count and hits a front suplex for a quick two count. Oney hangs Humberto over the top rope after hitting him with a forearm to the small of the back and locking in a body scissors before transitioning into a sleeper. Humberto gets to his feet, but Oney immediately drops him with a knee to the midsection before Humberto counters the half and half suplex and hits a clothesline into a snapmare into a basement dropkick and a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Humberto sends Oney out of the ring and hits a corkscrew senton before Oney comes back with a sliding uppercut and Humberto hits a springboard roundhouse kick for a near fall.

Humberto hits a hand spring arm drag and goes for a moonsault, but Oney gets his feet up and hits a running back elbow and they exchange on the apron until Humberto hits a missile dropkick that sends Oney off of the apron and down onto the floor. Humberto hits a suicide dive and rolls Oney back into the ring before Oney hits him with an uppercut when he’s upside down in the corner. Humberto comes back with a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall and Oney hits a half and half suplex onto the floor before Oney hits a cannonball off of the top and onto Humberto at ringside. Oney hits another cannonball off of the top once they’re back in the ring for yet another near fall before Humberto counters a super half and half suplex and a superplex. Humberto then hits the Arabian press for the pin and the win after he hits a front suplex that sends Oney down onto the mat.

Winner: Humberto Carrillo defeats Oney Lorcan via pinfall with an Arabian press to become the new number one contender for Drew Gulak’s Cruiserweight Championship.

-Drew Gulak appears on the big screen and congratulates Humberto for defeating Oney and saying that he is not the same person who taught Humberto and that he is the law of 205 Live as we go off the air.

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