
WWE 205 Live Results for 8/13/19 WWE Cruiserweight Championship Rematch

The brawler from Boston gets one more crack at the Cruiserweight Championship tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown! Live!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown! Live and are ready for tonight’s edition of 205 Live headlined by a rematch for the Cruiserweight Championship from Summerslam this past Sunday night!

Jack Gallagher vs Akira Tozawa

They grapple to start the match, Akira taking Jack down before he locks in several submissions and drops Akira with a shoulder block before Akira locks in an octopus stretch. Jack gets free and Akira drops him with a jab before Jack sends him face first into the ring post and out of the ring, Akira getting back into the ring at the count of nine. Jack covers Akira for a quick two count and drops Akira with a headbutt to the stomach before Akira hits a huricanrrana into a shining wizard. Jack locks in a Gory special before Akira sends him out of the ring and hits a suicide dive before he tosses him back into the ring and hits a missile dropkick for a two count. Akira hits an F5 into a single leg basement dropkick for a near fall before Jack dropkicks him and sets Akira on the top turnbuckle before Akira slams him down.

Akira then hits a high angle senton for the pin and the win.

Winner: Akira Tozawa defeats Jack Gallagher via pinfall with a high angle senton.

-We get a promo by Oney Lorcan ahead of his championship rematch against Drew Gulak in tonight’s main event before we see that Gran Metalik was attacked by a mystery assailant earlier today.

Humberto Carrillo & Lucha House Party (Lince Dorado & Kalisto) vs Ariya Daivari & Singh Brothers

Ariya goes right after Humberto with right hands before the Mexican sensation flips and dropkicks Ariya before hitting a hip toss into a straight armbar. Humberto hits a hip toss and a straight armbar to Samir before Kalisto and Lince double team Samir and Lince hits a springboard cross body for a quick two count. LHP cut Samir off and double up before Kalisto knocks Sunile off of the apron and Ariya hits a backbreaker to Kalisto for a quick two count before Ariya figure fours his legs and Samir comes in. The Singhs double team Kalisto before he comes back and tries to tag Lince, but he’s pulled off of the apron by Sunile and Humberto gets the tag. Humberto hits a standing moonsault for a near fall that Ariya breaks up before LHP & Humberto clear the ring before hitting topes to the outside. Ariya then decides to leave before Humberto hits a high angle missile dropkick into an Arabian press, Lince tagging himself in before hitting a shooting star press for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lucha House Party & Humberto Carrillo defeat the Singh Brothers & Ariya Daivari via pinfall when Lince pins Sunile with a shooting star press.

WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match

Drew Gulak (c) vs Oney Lorcan

Oney rushes Drew and beats him around the ring before Drew rolls out of the ring and takes his time getting back into the ring before Oney hits a half and half suplex and Drew immediately rolls right back out of the ring. Oney hits a blockbuster off of the top and tosses Drew back into the ring for a two count before he sets Drew on the top turnbuckle and Drew sends him from the top turnbuckle and down onto the floor. Drew sends Oney throat first into the announce table before sending him into the apron and getting back into the ring, Drew not carrying if he retains by a count out. Oney gets back into the count of nine and Drew immediately stomps him before whipping him across the ring and hitting a clothesline into a float over suplex for a two count. Drew traps Oney in the ropes and hits a neckbreaker for a two count before choking Oney and sending his throat first into the edge of the apron for another two count. Drew hits a diving clothesline off of the second rope for a two count and locks in a headlock before Oney fights his way to his feet and elbowing his way free before hitting a running uppercut for a near fall.

Oney hits a running blockbuster and a clothesline for a series of near falls before Oney hits a running back elbow in the corner and Drew slams him for a near fall. They counter each other before Drew hits a lariat they turns Oney inside out for a near fall and Oney hits an avalanche half and half suplex for a near fall, Drew getting his foot on the bottom rope at the last second. Drew rolls out of the ring before Oney sends him into the barricade and the announce table and the steps before tossing Drew back into the ring, Drew getting a near all off of an inside cradle. Oney then gets a near fall off of a flurry of strikes before Drew counters a half and half suplex into the Gulock for the referee stoppage and the win.

Winner: Drew Gulak retains his Cruiserweight Championship by defeating Oney Lorcan via referee stoppage with the Gulock.

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