
WWE 205 Live Results for 7/30/19 Drew Maverick vs Mike Kanellis in a Non Sanctioned Match

The general manager of 205 Live makes his in-ring debut tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown! Live!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown! Live and are ready for 205 Live featuring a non-sanctioned match between the general manager of 205, Drake Maverick and Mike Kanellis!

-We open the show with a video package for Drake Maverick and Mike Kanellis ahead of their non-sanctioned match in tonight’s main event.

Akira Tozawa & The Brian Kendrick vs The Singh Brothers

Samir and Akira start the match with Samir stomping Akira before dancing and Akira drops him with chops before tagging Brian in. Akira and Brian double up on Samir for a quick two count before Sunile trips Akira from ringside and the Singhs take control while dancing until Akira finally gets the tag to Brian. Brian clotheslines both of the Singhs and dropkicks Sunile for a quick two count before Samir distracts Brian and Sunile accidentally hits Samir with a trophy. Brian then hits the Sliced Bread #2 and Akira a diving high angle senton for the pin and the win.

Winner: Akira Tozawa and The Brian Kendrick defeat the Singh Brothers via pinfall when Akira pins Sunile with a high angle diving senton.

-We get an extended video package for Humberto Carrillo where he talks about wanting to become the Cruiserweight champion.

-Lucha House Party are interviewed backstage where they talk about Lucha Libre and their match with Humberto Carrillo and Raul Mendoza last week ahead of Lince’s match against Ariya Daivari up next.

Ariya Daivari vs Lince Dorado

They exchange wrist locks and sweep each other before Ariya rolls out of the ring when Lince teases a Lethal combination. Ariya starts to leave before Lince drags him back and hits a moonsault off of the apron before hitting a springboard splash once they’re back in the ring for a near fall. Lince dropkicks Ariya before he goes up top and Ariya pushes him down onto the floor before he tosses him back into the ring for a near fall before setting Lince up on the top turnbuckle. Lince hits a diving cross body for a near fall before Ariya hits a tornado DDT for another near fall before Lince hits a springboard cross BODY. Ariya superkicks Lince for a near fall before they counter each other until Ariya hits a uranage for a near fall and Lince wins with a bridging pin.

Winner: Lince Dorado defeats Ariya Daivari via pinfall.

Drake Maverick vs Mike Kanellis

Mike attacks Drake when he’s coming out to the ring before sending him into the LED board on the stage and into the barricade before Drake struggles to get into the ring. The referee rings the bell to start the match before Mike beats Drake down and tosses him back out of the ring as Maria looks on from the locker room. Mike sends Drake into the barricade and superkicks him. Mike smashes Drake’s face into the announce table before setting him in an office chair and superkicking him out of it before tossing Drake into the ring and into the corner before knocking him out with a right hand. Mike hits a lariat and whips Drake with his own belt before Drake fights out of a sleeper and Mike goes into the ring post. Drake sends Mike out of the ring and Mike swings him into the barricade before stuffing his mouth with flyers before Drake comes back with a flurry of strikes and stomps in the corner. Drake whips Mike before hitting a suicide dive and hitting a DDT onto the announce table before he misses a diving elbow drop off of the barricade and onto the table. Mike then tossed Drake back into the ring and Drake counters a top rope powerbomb into a frankensteiner and a springboard bulldog for the pin and the win.

Winner: Drake Maverick defeats Mike Kanellis via pinfall with a springboard bulldog.

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