
WWE 205 Live Results for 7/2/19 Six-Man Tag Team Double Main Event

It’s a team affair tonight on 205 Live as we have two six man tag team matches in a double main event at 10pm EST after Smackdown! Live!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown! Live and are ready for tag team action with tonight’s edition of 205 Live!

Tornado Tag Team Match

Lucha House Party vs The Singh Brothers

LHP clear the ring and chop the Singhs at ringside before Metalik chops Sunile before hitting a springboard arm drag, Lince hitting a missile dropkick for a quick two count. Lince hits a jumping splash for a two count before the Singhs double up on Lince and Lince takes out both Singhs by himself, hitting an Asai moonsault for a two count. LHP double up on Samir and Metalik hits an enzuigiri before Sunile catches Metalik up top and sends him crashing down. Sunile sends Lince out of the ring with a wheel kick before he and Samir stomp Metalik and play to the crowd by dancing. The Singhs get a near fall that’s broken up by Lince before Metalik hits a sling blade and Lince hits a huricanrrana into a dropkick. Lince hits a diving cross body for a near fall that Sunile breaks up before Lince hits the Golden Rewind. LHP hit dueling topes to the outside before going for springboard moves, the Singhs superkicking them in midair for a near fall. Lince then hits several superkicks before Metalik hits a falcon arrow and LHP hit dueling diving splashes for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lucha House Party defeat the Singh Brothers via pinfall.

-Mike Kanellis is interviewed backstage by himself before saying that Maria won’t be at ringside after Maria announced that she was pregnant last night.

Jack Gallagher, Oney Lorcan & Tony Nese vs Drew Gulak, Ariya Daivari & Mike Kanellis

Tony and Drew start the match before Drew tags Mike in and Tony tags Jack in as Maria looks on from backstage. Mike and Jack exchange wrist locks and waist locks before Mike drops Jack with a shoulder tackle and Jack flips him for a quick two count. Oney comes in and rocks Mike with an uppercut before chopping him in the corner, the two exchanging strikes until Mike clotheslines Oney for a quick one count. Ariya comes in and beats on Oney before playing to the crowd and tagging Drew in before they hit a double suplex for a quick two count. Drew headbutts Oney and Mike stomps him in the corner before hitting a running dropkick to the small of the back for a two count.

Tony gets the tag and takes out everyone on the other team before he sweeps the legs of Ariya for a quick two count. Tony hits an enzuigiri before Drew shoves him off of the top turnbuckle and crashing onto everyone at ringside. Drew gets the tag and rolls Tony back into the ring for a two count before locking in a straight armbar, Tony hitting a running cross body before Drew drops him with a lariat for a two count. Ariya comes in and hits a running clothesline in the corner before stomping Tony and mocking Oney and Jack on the apron. Ariya whips Tony into his corner and Mike stomps Tony before choking him, Tony getting a two count off of an inside cradle before Drew hits an elbow drop for a two count.

Drew, Ariya and Mike triple team Tony for a near fall that Jack breaks up before everyone brawls and the referee is quick to break everyone up. Drew applies a spinning toe hole to Tony who kicks him away before Drew stomps him and locks in a straight armbar before kicking him in the face several times. Tony hits a pump handle falcon arrow and tags Oney in as Ariya gets the tag on the opposite side before Oney clears the ring and hits several running back elbows. Oney hits a running blockbuster for a near fall before Jack comes in and he and Oney hit Ariya with a flurry of moves for a near fall. Jack sets Ariya on the top turnbuckle before everyone takes turns hitting a tope before Jack hits a Mary Poppins dive and a high angle elbow drop for a near fall that Drew breaks up.

Oney and Ariya brawl to the back before Jack headbutts Drew, Tony missing a 450 before the legal Mike Kanellis gets a near fall and Tony hits a sunset driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese, Jack Gallagher & Oney Lorcan defeat Mike Kanellis, Ariya Daivari and Drew Gulak via pinfall when Tony pins Mike with a sunset driver.

-Everyone then brawls at ringside as we go off the air.

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