
WWE 205 Live Results for 5/7/19 Akira Tozawa vs Mike Kanellis in a No Disqualification Match

The Stamina Monster takes on The Opportunist tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown! Live exclusively on the WWE Network!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown! Live and are ready for an hour of 205 Live headlined by a No Disqualification Match between Akira Tozawa and Mike Kanellis!

-We open the show with a promo by Mike and Maria Kanellis and Akira Tozawa and The Brian Kendrick before their no disqualification match.

Ariya Daivari vs Noam Dar

They lock up for a clean break before Ariya beats him down in the corner and Dar trips him before getting a quick two count off of a back slide. Dar dropkicks Ariya out of the ring where he’s distracted by the Cruiserweight champion Tony Nese at ringside, Ariya tossing Dar back into the ring and choking him in the corner. Ariya whips Dar into the corner and locks in a cobra clutch. Ariya shows off in front of Tony at ringside before Dar drops him with a European uppercut and a running clothesline in the corner for a near fall. Ariya rolls Dar up for a near fall before Dar locks in an ankle lock, Ariya kicking him away before he reapplies it and Ariya superkicks him.

Ariya then hits a diving splash and a wrist lock lariat for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ariya Daivari defeats Noam Dar via pinfall with a wrist lock lariat.

The Singh Brothers vs Local Talent

The Singhs double up on David before hit a backbreaker diving elbow drop in just a few minutes, David’s partner never even getting into the match.

Winner: The Singh Brothers defeat two local performers via pinfall.

No Disqualification Match

Akira Tozawa vs Mike Kanellis

Akira rushes Mike and beats him down before clotheslining him over the top rope and down onto the floor before they end up on the stage and Akira drags Mike back down to the ramp. Akira locks in an octopus stretch at ringside before Mike turns it into a side slam onto the ramp and tosses chairs into the ring. Mike drags a table around ringside and sets it up before they end up back in the ring and Akira hits a huricanrrana that sends Mike back out of the ring. Mike catches Akira with a knee when he goes for a suicide dive and rolls him back into the ring before setting up chairs in the center of the ring and they try to suplex each other onto them. Akira suplexes Mike onto the chairs and tosses Mike over the announce table before he grabs a trash can and puts it over top Mike before hitting a suicide dive into it. Back in the ring Akira hits a missile dropkick for a near fall and goes to suplex Mike onto the trash can, but Mike hits a Michinoku driver onto the trash can instead for a near fall. They exchange chops and Akira rocks Mike with a right hand before they exchange kicks until Akira hits a snap German suplex for a near fall. Mike catches Akira up top before they exchange strikes on the apron until Akira hits a dead lift German suplex onto the apron. Akira puts Mike on a table that he rolls off of before Mike superkicks him and lies Akira on a table, Mike going up top before Akira meets him and Akira counters a DVD into a huricanrrana through a table. Akira puts Mike back into the ring and lies chairs on top of him before he hits a high angle senton onto the chairs and Mike for the pin and the win.

Winner: Akira Tozawa defeats Mike Kanellis via pinfall with a high angle senton.

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