
WWE 205 Live Results for 5/14/19 Tony Nese vs Ligero, 205 Live vs NXT UK in a Fatal Four Way Match

The Cruiserweight champion is in action and 205 Live and NXT UK clash in a Fatal Four way match tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown! Live!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown! Live and are ready to see the Cruiserweight champion Tony Nese in action against NXT UK’s Ligero!

Jack Gallagher vs Humberto Carrillo vs Mark Andrews vs James Drake

James rolls out of the ring as soon as the match starts before Humberto flips and everyone hits a move before James gets a quick two count off of a roll up. Mark hits an enzuigiri that sends James out of the ring before Humberto clears the ring and James drops him with a wheel kick for a two count. James stomps Humberto in the corner and knocks Jack off of the apron before hitting a float over suplex for a two count. Humberto sends James out of the ring with an enzuigiri and hits a senton to the outside before Mark hits a huricanrrana off of the steps. Mark hits a DDT onto the floor to James and Jack hits a senton off of the top for a near fall, Jack hitting a delayed suplex and Mark hits a reverse frankensteiner. Jack then hits a diving headbutt before Humberto hits a corkscrew senton for a near fall, Humberto winning the match with a roll up.

Winner: Humberto Carrillo defeats Mark Andrews, James Drake and Jack Gallagher via pinfall.

-Jack Gallagher and Humberto shake hands after the match before Jack leaves as we go to commercial.

Tony Nese vs Ligero

They shake hands and lock up before Tony locks in a straight armbar and backs Ligero into the corner for a clean break before they exchange a series of one counts until Tony gets a two count. Everyone including the referee shake hands before they lock up again and Tony drops Ligero with a shoulder block before he gets a two count off of a Gedo clutch and Ligero hits a huricanrrana. Tony sweeps Ligero and gets rocked with a superkick before Ligero hits a huricanrrana and Tony drops him with a back elbow. Tony locks in a body scissor and Ligero elbows his way free before Tony locks in a body lock and drops Ligero with a right hand before reapplying the body scissor. Ligero gets a two count and comes back with a flurry of kicks before he hits a burning hammer for a near fall. Tony hits a wheel kick for a two count before hitting a running back elbow into an enzuigiri and counters C4, but misses a springboard moonsault. Ligero hits a springboard splash for a near fall before he sends Tony out of the ring and hits a tope before they get back into the ring and Tony hits a frankensteiner for a near fall. Ligero catches Tony up on the top turnbuckle before Tony knocks him down and hits a 450 for another near fall. Tony then hits the Running Nese for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese defeats Ligero via pinfall with the Running Nese.

-Ariya Daivari attacks Ligero and Tony before laying Tony out in the center of the ring and holding up the Cruiserweight Championship as we go off the air.

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